Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 739 Plan ahead

After Lin Wei reported, he took Yelena away. The situation Lin Xiaohu wanted to report was not suitable for Yelena.

Yao Yuan ordered three glasses of yellow beer, and drank slowly with Lin Xiaohu and Xiao Yun.

Lin Xiaohu said, "At present, I don't know Nazaryev's tendency. This person is very cautious, and he hardly expresses his position in public, except for the move of the capital. A few days ago, the Petrochemical Corporation sent a diplomatic package to the Kazakh government You have submitted a plan to participate in the development of oil and gas fields, A Yuan, you may have to call Zhang Huaide yourself to find out."

Zhang Huaide is the general manager of the Petrochemical Corporation and Liu Zhiyuan's immediate boss. Moreover, the Petrochemical Corporation will replace the Petroleum Corporation to develop foreign oil and gas fields this time. Zhang Huaide must know the specific situation.The competent department has a clear division of the business of the three barrels of oil, but only domestically. In theory, the three barrels can participate in the development of foreign oil and gas fields, and they are encouraged to do so.

The Petrochemical Corporation has been trying to reduce the dependence of the Petroleum Corporation, they have the opportunity to obtain foreign oil fields, they are very active.

Because of the East Coast Industrial Island petrochemical base project, Nanfang Industrial and Petrochemical Corporation have a close relationship. The former is the controlling shareholder and the latter is the second largest shareholder. At that time, Zhang Huaide was stationed in Nangang for a long time for the East Coast petrochemical base, and he attached great importance to it. .

Yao Yuan said, "Of course I can call Zhang Huaide, but it should be meaningless."

Xiao Yun couldn't help but said, "We are the largest shareholder of the East Coast Petrochemical Base, and you are the big boss. How can he not listen to the big boss?"

In his thinking, the small boss has to listen to the big boss, because the big boss invests a lot of money, which is fine, but things are not that simple.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "Think about it, Liu Zhiyuan, the deputy general manager of the Petrochemical Corporation, has already arrived in Kazakhstan and has submitted a proposal to the Kazakh government. Tell me, as the general manager and leader, Zhang Huaide knows about this ?”

"He must know!" Xiao Yun said.

Yao Yuan spread his hands, "So here comes the problem. Not only did he know, but he was the one who signed and approved it, but he didn't greet me in advance, why?"

Xiao Yun was stunned, and came back to his senses, "Yes, why?"

"You mean he concealed it on purpose?" Lin Xiaohu said.

Yao Yuan nodded slightly, "It's hard to say what happened."

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Xia Honghua and Wen Tiejun lost contact."

Lin Xiaohu was taken aback, "Lost contact!"

Xiao Yun didn't know these two people, but he could tell from Lin Xiaohu's expression that the matter was serious, because Lin Xiaohu rarely showed such a shocked expression.

Nodding slowly, Yao Yuan said, "The two lost contact. This business inspection was organized by the Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and actually undertaken by the Petrochemical Corporation. The department-level cadres. The situation is very wrong."

Lin Xiaohu knows what Xia Honghua and Wen Tiejun represent. They support the faction of the private economy. Get on it.

Chunfeng Group is the largest private capital group in China.

The viewpoints of Xia Honghua and Wen Tiejun have touched many traditional interests. Naturally, the conservatives will not sit idly by, they will definitely fight.

Although Lin Xiaohu didn't know the composition of the inspection team, he guessed what was going on based on what Yao Yuan said.

To put it bluntly, this investigation is a big move by the conservatives to counterattack in an all-round way.

"In the past two days, I have been thinking about the petrochemical company and the roommate company competing for Kazakhstan's oil and gas field resources. What should they do to achieve the goal of attacking the private economy? Chunfeng Group is the largest private capital group in China. If they want to do something, it will be very difficult It is possible to take the knife on us first."

Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "They want to do something, and the targets must be the East Coast Petrochemical Base and Karamay's Nusi Refining Base. Xiaohu, you should contact Lao Xiao immediately and ask him to secretly investigate the specific implementation of these two projects. , especially pay attention to the reactions of local governments and other shareholders.”

"Okay." Lin Xiaohu still had doubts, and he reminded, "The Nusi refinery base is a joint venture project with Petroleum Corporation, Xinjian Group, and the autonomous region government."

What he meant was that this project had nothing to do with Petrochemical Corporation.

Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter now, but it's not difficult for them to have a relationship. Do you remember Wen Tiejun saying that the state-owned assets management department tends to hand over the Karamay Oilfield to the Petrochemical Corporation? "

Lin Xiaohu recalled it carefully, "The last time we inspected and determined the location of the refining and chemical base in Karamay, Mr. Wen did mention it."

"The three major oil companies want to develop comprehensively. In the future, they will no longer designate upstream, midstream and downstream companies. That is to say, the three major oil companies can get involved in any business in the entire industrial chain. When the three major oil companies set up joint-stock companies to seek listing, they have already This proves that this is a trend." Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "The Karamay Oilfield now belongs to the Petroleum Corporation, but it is a matter of a document to transfer it to the Petrochemical Corporation."

After a pause, he said, "In other words, the transfer of the shares of the Nusi Refining and Chemical Base held by the Petroleum Corporation to the Petrochemical Corporation is also a document. It is difficult for us to refuse such a change."

There are four major shareholders in Nusi Refining and Chemical Base. The largest shareholder is Nanfang Industrial, which holds 45% of the shares and is also the operator. The second largest shareholder is Petroleum Corporation, which holds 30% of the shares. The Xinjian Group of the Corps holds 8% of the shares, all in cash, and the autonomous region government gets the remaining 7%, which is also all in cash.

"Nuss Refining and Chemical Base" is a general term for a comprehensive project. The main project is the refining and chemical base, and there are a large number of supporting projects, such as oil storage bases, ethylene plants, airports, railway stations, roads, power plants, water plants, etc.

In the master plan, the construction period exceeds 10 years, and the investment to be completed is likely to exceed 200 billion Huaxia coins.

In fact, Yao Yuan’s long-term plan for the East Coast Petrochemical Base is to complete an investment of 100 billion U.S. dollars. In comparison, the Nusi Petrochemical Base, which is no smaller than the East Coast Petrochemical Base, has a final investment of only 200 billion Huaxia coins. In fact, it is a very conservative figure.

However, looking at the whole country, the Nusi Refining and Chemical Base is the second largest investment project in the country, and the largest is the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River ([-] billion level), which will soon start construction.

If the opponent wants to fight back, they will definitely not be addicted to looking at the fat of the Nus refining base, and will definitely try to grab it in their hands.

After thinking about it, Yao Yuan still felt that the safety talisman was not strong enough, and explained, "Let He Xueli draw up a document and distribute it to all the domestic companies she belongs to, with only one content, so as to speed up the recruitment and transcription of personnel. The standard remains the same, but the cycle can be shortened. Now it’s an annual recruiting and transcription, instead of a quarterly one.”

Lin Xiaohu understood, and took out his notebook to write it down. His memory is not as strong as Lin Wei's, so writing it down in the notebook is sure to be safe.

Xiao Yun didn't understand, and asked, "Brother Yuan, this is going to be a war. The more funds the better, why spend more money to recruit people instead?"

All enterprises under Chunfeng Group have four types of employees.

The first category is staffed at the headquarters group, that is, Chunfeng Group. There are very few people in this group. Before entering the concierge department, Xiao Yun's staffing was at Nanfang Industrial.The number of establishments is mainly given to units directly under the Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences.

The second category is staffed in secondary enterprises, that is, group companies such as Nanfang Industrial and Yuanda Group. The number of employees in this category accounts for less than half.

The third category has the largest number of employees recruited by the third-tier and fourth-tier companies. The salaries and promotions of these employees are owned by the third-tier and fourth-tier companies. That is to say, the personnel rights are at the third and fourth levels in the hands of the enterprise.

The fourth category is the so-called temporary workers, including hired part-time technicians, experts and professors, etc. Of course, the largest number is the category of people whose ability level has not yet reached the standard but the gap is not big. One-time labor contracts are signed, and wages are paid at 80% of the wages of the third category of employees, but there are no other benefits.This category of employees can be regarded as the reserve team of the third category of employees.

This step-by-step staffing and management method is based on the later management of civil servants and absorbs the management experience of the central enterprise's workforce, thus summarizing a model suitable for Chunfeng Group's own situation.

Xiao Yun has studied the staffing system, and if he follows Yao Yuan's instructions, the staffing cost of Chunfeng Group will increase significantly, because each category will absorb more people from the next category of workforce, which is transcription.

As a result, it is necessary to supplement the large-scale recruiting personnel from the society.

With the size of Chunfeng Group, changing from one recruitment per year to four recruitments per year, it is not as simple as adding a few thousand people, it is an increase of tens of thousands of people!

Increase the expenditure of tens of thousands of people. According to the salary system standard of Chunfeng Group, the increased labor cost is in units of 10 billion, and the salary can only go up and not down, and it will snowball over time!

Why do state-owned enterprises prefer to give employees 10,000+ year-end bonuses instead of raising hundreds of dollars in wages, because the salary level is the standard for all benefits, such as pensions after retirement, standards for hospitalization when sick, etc., etc., all It is based on the salary of the last month of work as the standard.

Raising wages is a mobilization of the whole body.

Yao Yuan said with a smile, "After the number of employees reaches a certain scale, whoever wants to punish us has to weigh the possible social impact. Thousands of people will lose their jobs at the same time, and tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs at the same time. That is completely different."

Lin Xiaohu smiled slightly. This is Yao Yuan's style of doing things.

Xiao Yun blinked his eyes and digested it for a while before he figured out the joints inside, and couldn't help but excitedly said, "Recruit, recruit him 100 million people!"

"It's not impossible."

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