Yao Yuan really looks like he has completely withdrawn from the domestic market.

Others were in Kazakhstan, and the rest of the executives flew to various parts of the world to be in charge of several domestic giants, represented by Xiao Jiabing, who took a special plane back to China and began to implement the plan.

First of all, the production base of Baojun Automobile, which is about to be put into production at the end of construction, suddenly shut down!

Then, all projects on East Coast Industrial Island and Xiangang Lingang Industrial Park were shut down, all projects at the Nuss Refining and Chemical Base were shut down, and the domestic section of the Buck Oil Pipeline was shut down.

The most shocking news is that Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences has suddenly suspended all cooperation projects with domestic enterprises and research institutions!

What Yao Yuan put on was a gesture of a complete break!

The first thing that went crazy was the provincial government of Guangdong Province. Vice Governor Zhang rushed to Nangang as soon as possible. The three tens of billions of super projects on the East Bank Industrial Island, Baojun Automobile Production Base, and Fangxiang Lingang Industrial Park are all in Nangang. The headquarters of Chunfeng Group In Nangang, Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences is in Nangang.

Then it was the Corps Command and Xinjian Group that went crazy. Deputy Commander Ye Shuling took the management of Xinjian Group to the site of the Nus Refining and Chemical Base as soon as possible. The party with the most profit from the chemical base!

In the end, it was the army that suffered an indiscriminate disaster...

Chunfeng Academy of Sciences has a large number of cooperation projects with military scientific research institutions and manufacturing plants, all of which are high-tech projects, such as large-scale military transport aircraft projects!

Moreover, Chunfeng Academy of Sciences is the only institution with five-axis linkage CNC machine tools!

Where is Yao Yuan?

Everyone is asking where Yao Yuan is!

They are all looking for Yao Yuan!

So everyone was told that Yao Yuan was in Kazakhstan to personally direct the implementation of Kazakhstan's affairs, and the most terrible thing was that Yao Yuan would not answer anyone's phone calls!

He was really working on the layout in Kazakhstan like a normal person.

Kazakhstan, Almaty, and Bull Town all of a sudden became the focus of attention of all the bigwigs across the country. When they were nervously discussing countermeasures, Panshi Mining announced its establishment in Almaty.

Panshi Mining, registered in Hong Kong, has a registered capital of HK$15 billion.

Nazaryev hopes to start the construction of the new capital as soon as possible, so the government of Kazakhstan is very efficient. Some minor details, or rights that are not currently important, have been signed to various entities under the Chunfeng Group.

At the end of January, an undisclosed centralized signing ceremony was held at the Apple Building.

Two of these are the most important and massive.

The first is that Dongfang Petroleum obtained the exclusive foreign investment concession agreement for oil and gas resources in Kazakhstan, and the second is that Panshi Mining obtained the exclusive foreign investment concession for all mineral deposits in Kazakhstan except oil and gas.

Both contracts have a term of 50 years.

After the signing, the government of Kazakhstan, Dongfang Petroleum, and Panshi Mining simultaneously issued a draft announcement to the world on February 2st, which caused a stir!

The oil industry was the most shocked. Everyone thought that the Shidan Oilfield was the highlight moment of Dongfang Petroleum. Unexpectedly, in this country in the heart of Central Asia, Dongfang Petroleum once again obtained a territory of 270 million square meters in a way that the world could not understand. All the oil and gas resources operating concessions in the country of kilometers, the term is half a century!

The price paid is about 210 billion US dollars to help Kazakhstan build a new capital.

Before everyone digested it, the Kazakhstan branch of Dongfang Petroleum suddenly announced on the day it was established in Almaty that it would seek a partner to jointly develop the Makshay Oilfield.

Makshay Oilfield is currently the largest oilfield in Kazakhstan.

Frank from Dutch Shell and Jackson from Halliburton are close to the water, rushing to Bull Town to see Yao Yuan ahead of other companies!

Some companies that haven't figured out the situation will go to Su Jianmin, but with Yao Yuan around, Su Jianmin has nothing to say.

In fact, Su Jianmin and Yao Yuan are together, and they are waiting for the western oil crocodiles to come to their door so that they can get their wool!

After meeting Yao Yuan, Jackson said straight to the point, "Mr. Yao, first of all, I would like to congratulate Dongfang Petroleum for obtaining the oil and gas resources operation franchise in Kazakhstan. The exclusive operation franchise and the super-long contract period are beyond imagination. I admire you very much. Regarding the development of the Makshay Oilfield, Halliburton is willing to cooperate with Dongfang Petroleum with consistent sincerity.”

Frank was more straightforward. He said, "Mr. Yao, you must need funds. Dutch Shell can advance US$2 million for the development of the Maxie Oilfield. Our cooperation will be very pleasant and we will definitely make more money."

Full of sincerity.

Yao Yuan said with a smile, "Shell wants to participate in the continued development of the Markshay oil field, but only 2 million US dollars is not enough. A few minutes ago, ExxonMobil called me and they are willing to provide 5 million US dollars of funds, the condition is only 30.00% of the shares are required."

This statement is half true, but Frank at least knows that the $2 million is sincere, but the sincerity is not enough.Of course he is prepared and authorized by the board of directors.

"Mr. Yao, how about 2 million US dollars plus cross-shareholding?" Frank offered a condition that would definitely attract Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan was really taken aback, and said with a smile, "Tell me, how to cross shareholding method?"

"The shares are exchanged according to the ratio. Dongfang Petroleum takes over the shares of our company, and our company takes over the shares of Dongfang Petroleum." Frank said.

Yao Yuan shook his head slightly, "I don't think this is a good idea, but I can find an investment company to hold shares in Shell Oil, and you can get shares in Maxie Oilfield."

Shell Petroleum is a listed company, the parent company of Dutch Shell Holdings, and the two are two entities.

Frank thought for a while, and there was a gap between their demands and expectations. They wanted to hold shares in Dongfang Petroleum, not Maxie Oilfield.

"How about exchanging the shares of Dongfang Petroleum Kazakhstan Branch?" Frank took a step back.

Yao Yuan shook his head, "Impossible, it can only be the shares of Maxie Oilfield Co., Ltd."

He intends to find an oil company and an oilfield service company to develop the Makshay oil field, because he knows that the oil field is not the focus. The future super oil field is in Kashagan, on the coast of the Caspian Sea and in the shallow sea. It will be discovered in this century. The last century-level super large oil field.

By redeveloping the existing oil wells in the Maxie Oilfield and developing the undeveloped areas, Yao Yuan estimates that the annual output will be 3000 million tons, which is also not small.

But compared with Kashagan Field, it is nothing.

In the original backup plan, if the negotiation did not go well, Yao Yuan would give up the Maxie Oilfield and instead concentrate on winning the exploration and production rights in the Kashagan area. This is the essence.

Unexpectedly, Nazaryev's vision for the new capital was much deeper than his. The negotiations went surprisingly smoothly, and almost all rights were obtained.

Therefore, before the Kashagan Field has been explored, take out the Maxie Oilfield and find a partner who is willing to pay a high price, give some shares, and exchange for a sum of funds that can support the exploration and production costs of the Kashagan Field, killing two birds with one stone .

Shell Petroleum is the world's largest oil company, and it is also a very good investment to hold some shares of their listed companies.

Suddenly Exxon Mobil's asking price of US$5 million was not good.

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