Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 757 Even My Dad Sees Through It

Yao Yuan did all sorts of incomprehensible operations in Almaty. As soon as he got the franchise, he started to sell it like crazy.

After dismantling the Maxie oil field and selling it for billions of dollars, he moved on to other deposits, such as iron ore.

Kazakhstan's iron ore is a rich ore with an iron content of 65%, and its proven reserves during the Soviet Union were as high as 50 billion tons.Several mines in Kazakhstan were an important source of industrial raw materials during the Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, lack of capital and technology, the output of these mines fell to the lowest point in history.

Panshi Mining Co., Ltd., which owns the operating franchise of Kazakhstan's mineral deposits except oil and natural gas, which integrates all mineral exploration rights, mining rights, and management rights, signed a contract with South Korea's Posco Iron and Steel in a very short period of time.

The three mines with the largest proven reserves were all sold to Pohang Iron and Steel for a price of 28 billion US dollars.

Many people couldn't understand this kind of operation. It seemed that Yao Yuan was being angry. Even Nazaryev couldn't help calling Yao Yuan over to question him carefully.

The bigwigs in the country are aware of the fact that Yao Yuan is a person who cares about the country and the people, is very patriotic, and is very confident in the future development of China's economy. Many mineral deposits, including oil and gas, are It is an important raw material for domestic industrial development and economic development, and Huaxia will soon fully import the main minerals.

Iron ore is no less important than oil.

After Yao Yuan got foreign iron ore resources, he would definitely ship them back to China. He took a step back and said that even if he wanted to sell them for cash, he would not sell them to the Koreans or Japanese, because everyone knew that he was very serious about the Koreans. , The Japanese are extremely disgusted.

But now, Yao Yuan sold so many western mining groups to Koreans instead of choosing them.

Or to put it more precisely, the behavior of some people in China has made him discouraged. He no longer ships everything to China as before, and sells cash to move to Europe or the United States to live.

These actions made people from both factions in the country extremely anxious. Only at this time did they realize that Yao Yuan's influence was so profound and far-reaching.

When the bosses learned that Yao Yuan's fiancée Lin Shuting, parents and sister flew to Almaty by special plane, they couldn't sit still anymore.

In fact, people from the economic reformers and institutional conservatives, including the centrists, have been trying to contact Yao Yuan since the companies under the Chunfeng Group announced the suspension of projects, but at most they were turned away when they came to He Xueli.

They frequently met and talked with a group of senior executives represented by Xiao Jiabing, but they couldn't solve practical problems, because they had to talk to Yao Yuan about principled issues.

Yao Yuan avoided seeing them, and did not give these people in the country a chance to talk.

Under such a situation, the army was the first to respond. The Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences suspended all cooperation. Military industrial enterprises and military scientific research institutions were very uncomfortable. The economic reformers took this opportunity to fight back.

Yao Yuan doesn't care about domestic struggles.

Almaty is a beautiful city in Central Asia. In terms of life alone, it is very comfortable here. The people here are similar to us Uighurs.If you can speak Chinese, you can find a job in a Chinese-funded enterprise with better pay than a government employee. Almaty has quietly set off an upsurge of learning Chinese.

Yao Yuan put down his work, and Lin Shuting accompanied his parents and sister to play in Almaty.

Originally, I also invited my parents-in-law to come, but my uncle's business is booming now, and my parents-in-law have to help take care of it.In their view, in the final analysis, the son is important.

Looking at the elder sister who was chatting arm in arm with Lin Shuting, Yao Yuan couldn't help shaking his head.

The old lady is 27 years old this year. In the 90s, it meant that she was an old aunt who couldn't get married!

Obviously, it's not that Yao Li can't get married, but it's getting harder and harder to find a suitable partner.I had talked with a colleague in the library for a while, and after the training at Yao Li Party School, I was transferred to work in the Municipal Finance Bureau, and the gap was immediately widened.

The man was frightened immediately, and Yao Li didn't care, but she didn't like the cowardly look of the man, so she just bragged about it.

After arriving at the Municipal Finance Bureau, there were naturally more single young men who took the initiative to ask someone to introduce them. It was normal at first, but then the news that Yao Yuan was the big boss spread for some reason, and more people pursued Yao Li. , the purpose is not pure.

After meeting Yao Li a few times, she was completely annoyed, so she dragged on until she was 27 years old.

Yao Yuan is very helpless, because he has no way to change the profit-seeking characteristics of people in real life, and can only let the old sister silently bear all the side effects brought about by his prosperity.

At noon, we had dinner at a local specialty restaurant. Lin Shuting and Yao Li accompanied their mother to order food. Yao Zhenhua signaled Yao Yuan, who was looking left and right, to sit down.

The people in the concierge department went too far and even booked out the restaurant. The other customers were all played by the staff of the group chairman's office and the concierge department.

Yao Yuan put all these behind him, sat down beside his father, poured him a cup of tea, and said, "What instructions does Comrade Zhenhua have?"

"You kid is talking bureaucratically with me, I'm your father!" Yao Zhenhua said with a stare.

Yao Yuan sighed intentionally, "I don't know if I can continue to be a cadre when I go back this time. They will destroy my job."

"I probably understand the matter." Yao Zhenhua said in a deep voice.

Yao Yuan was surprised, "Dad, who told you?"

"Wang Jianguo," Yao Zhenhua said, "he is now the county magistrate, and he talked to me all afternoon before leaving the country. A Yuan, you are not wrong about this matter. If you are not a cadre, you are not a cadre. Concentrate on your business."

Yao Yuan was even more surprised, "Dad, are you kidding me?"

In the beginning, Yao Yuan had the motivation to become a politician in order to satisfy his parents’ expectations for his son. Later, he simply regarded it as another kind of life, and tried to put his ambition into practice on the road of politics. The result was not good. Tired, with little to do.

Now that the old man offered to let him give up his status as a cadre, he was of course surprised.

"I also talked with your grandfather. He said that the times are different now. Those who can do business and make money are the same as many cadres. They focus on economic construction. No matter what, the principle of national economic policy will not change. It is a must. We will move forward, and the immediate difficulties are only temporary." Yao Zhenhua said.

Yao Yuan gave a thumbs up and said in admiration, "Dad, after working with the county leaders for a while, the level of political theory has improved."

He just couldn't figure it out, even the father who was a worker could see it clearly, why couldn't the small group of people understand it?

In the final analysis, the interests of a small group of people are placed above the interests of the people.

"Your father and I have joined the party. As a veteran party member, the level of political theory is always high." Yao Zhenhua said proudly.

After a pause, he said, "Ah Yuan, it's all one family, and it's just a small group of people who make trouble. You see, all of these people will have to step down in a short time. I don't understand political struggle, but One thing has remained unchanged since ancient times, any official who does not consider the interests of the people must step down!"

Yao Yuan said, "Dad, did Uncle Jianguo intercede with you?"

"Well, I'm very anxious that you can't be contacted in the city or the province. He is the head of a county and once the director of a sugar factory. His superiors asked him to find you no matter what." Yao Zhenhua said.

This is to be expected.

Du Zhiguo, Wang Lincheng and his gang are anxious to kill Yao Yuan, but the most anxious one is Guangdong Province, Nangang. Hair loss!

Yao Zhenhua took out the small notebook he carried with him, dipped in his saliva, turned to the latest page, handed it to Yao Yuan, and said, "Magistrate Wang asked you to call this number, said it was a satellite phone number, and said you knew how to call it. Come down and talk to them, the province and the city are all for you, with the support of the provincial leaders, you don’t have to worry so much.”

Yao Yuan did not remember the phone call, and said, "Dad, I know what you are worried about. Huaxia is my motherland. I will not immigrate and leave just because of a small number of people who want to turn back the wheel of history. This is not my style. Why is it? I’m leaving? Don’t worry, I’ll call back soon and sweep this small group of people into the dustbin of history. There’s no need for a phone number, they call every day.”

Hearing this, Yao Zhenhua breathed a sigh of relief, put away his notebook and stopped talking about it.

What Dad is most worried about is that Yao Yuan will move abroad. In the eyes of their generation, this is a matter of discrediting their ancestors!It's not that some people regard going abroad as an honor!

And it's definitely not the father who objected alone, Mr. Yao probably could kill Yao Yuan!

Next, Yao Yuan accompanied his family to visit the capitals of the four countries including Tashkent, Bishkek, Dushanbe, and Ashgabat, and had a good taste of the city scenery within the former territory of the Chinese people.

When I returned to Bur Town in Almaty, it was already February 2, which happened to be the new year, and the Spring Festival of 11 would be a week later.

In the evening, everyone had a dinner at Xiaonian. At the end, He Xueli walked up to Yao Yuan and whispered in her ear, "Vice Governor Zhang and Zhong Weiguo have been waiting in the reception room for a long time, and they haven't eaten yet."

Yao Yuan asked, "When did they come here?"

"The day you left Almaty for Tashkent, they arrived on the back foot and waited until today, knowing that you were having a New Year's meal. They have waited until now after they arrived in Bur Town." He Xueli whispered.

Yao Yuan shook his head helplessly, "They are playing tricks on me, I can't do it if I don't eat."

Wiping his mouth, Yao Yuan said to Yao Zhenhua, "Dad, Vice Governor Zhang is here, do you want to go over and say hello?"

"I'm not going, you go and have a good talk with him." Yao Zhenhua said immediately, he knew the situation clearly.

Yao Yuan smiled and said to Lin Wei's parents, "Uncle, Aunt, eat slowly."

"Okay, okay, go and do your work." Lin Wei's parents said in unison.

Yao Yuan took his family over for a trip, how could Lin Wei lag behind, and also took his parents over.

Lin Wei wiped his mouth and got up, and said, "Dad, Mom, don't just eat meat, eat more vegetables, vegetables are good."

"You child, vegetables are not as good as meat." Lin Wei's mother retorted.

Yao Yuan chuckled, "Yes, of course it's better to eat meat!"

He walked inside, and Lin Wei, Lin Xiaohu, He Xueli, and Yelena followed.

At the door, Yao Yuan stopped and said, "Invite them to the study."

He walked to the study, this time only Lin Wei and Lin Xiaohu followed, He Xueli and Ye Linna went to invite someone.

At the door of the study, He Xueli asked Vice Governor Zhang and Zhong Weiguo to go in. After closing the door, He Xueli and Ye Linna went to the next room to wait for orders.

Yao Yuan didn't let them into the study, so only Lin Wei and Lin Xiaohu could go in.

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