Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 780 2000 Tons of Gold

The atmosphere in the laboratory was very strange, and there was an almost irrepressible impulse in the dullness, as if a volcano that had been suppressed for hundreds of years was about to erupt.

The expressions of the three of them were also very strange, amidst doubts, they were extremely excited and tried their best to restrain themselves, and there was also a contradiction between belief and disbelief.

After a long time, Qin Zhenjun whispered, "Guang Wu, you should know what this result means."

"1200 million tons of gold concentrate, according to your analysis, can extract at least 170 grams of pure gold per ton, which is 2000 tons of gold." Zhao Lin calmly calculated.

He paused, frowned and said, "The gold reserves of the former Soviet Union's central bank are only more than 3000 tons."

Li Guangwu was very excited and said firmly, "I believe in the results of the geological analysis model. All the data are correct, and there is no reason why the results are wrong. When I discovered the underground river, I felt strange. In the geological exploration data of the former Soviet Union There is no information about the underground river."

"This is not normal. How could such a large underground river not be discovered? There is only one possibility. They not only discovered the underground river, but also discovered a huge gold concentrate separated by the underground river above and below the underground river!"

Li Guangwu swallowed hard, and said, "These information and materials must be classified as absolutely sealed and stored, maybe for safety reasons, maybe because the mining conditions were not available at the time, or the Soviet authorities wanted to treat this place as a As for strategic reserves, in a word, the news was blocked. What they did at the beginning should be preliminary exploration, and they may not know the specific reserves or quality. After 40 to [-] years, those people are gone, and the Soviet Union suddenly disintegrated. By accident, the news of this huge gold mine was drowned out."

He said excitedly, "Boss Qin, Zhao Suo, I have a hunch that this is a huge fortune left by God to our Chinese people, and it is a gift from nature."

Whether it was the exploration results or the historical analysis made by Li Guangwu with his science and engineering mind, Qin Zhenjun believed it.

Basically, it is certain that the well in the No. [-] operation area was drilled not on the g-point of the oil layer, but on the g-point of a huge gold concentrate, because an underground river was accidentally discovered This great treasure.

Qin Zhenjun made a decisive decision and said, "Strictly block the news. Without my approval, apart from the three of us and the three next to us, we must absolutely not let anyone know the news."

Both Li Guangwu and Zhao Lin understand the seriousness of the matter. It is not an exaggeration to say that if this news gets out, the Kazakh government will definitely make everyone in the No. [-] operation area disappear due to some accident, and even risk a complete breach of contract. The risk of driving Dongfang Petroleum and Panshi Mining away.

This is too big a deal.

After Qin Zhenjun returned to the office, he did two things. First, he controlled all external communications, including communications. Second, he asked the guards to strengthen the control of the work area, and found a reason to suspend all external communications, including logistics. The supply of materials, third, report to Yao Yuan.

After Yao Yuan learned about the situation, the first thing he did was not to rush to the No. [-] operation area immediately, because the focus of the matter was no longer in the No. [-] operation area.

He asked Lin Xiaohu to rush back to the No. [-] operation area, and transferred a team of concierge staff from China. First, he had to block the news, control the personnel, and make sure that no suspicion was aroused. Secondly, he gave Lin Xiaohu Wei called and asked him to put down everything he was doing and rush to work area No. [-] to direct the follow-up work.

When it came to the critical moment, he didn't trust any foreigners, so he found some reasons to transfer all the foreigners in the No. [-] operation area.

After completing these tasks, Yao Yuan has to think about how to communicate with the government of Kazakhstan, whether to communicate or not to communicate, this is a very, very important issue.

There is no problem in mining. Panshi Mining has the right to exploit and operate all mineral deposits except oil and natural gas.

According to the agreement, Panshi Mining and the Kazakh government will share [-]-[-].

But things are not that simple.

If it is only a few tens of tons of gold, it will come as stipulated in the agreement, but it is only a billion dollars, and each party will share hundreds of millions of dollars. Compared with the new capital and future benefits, the Kazakh government will not turn its face because of this money .

But this is 2000 tons of gold!

Worth nearly $500 billion!

The total GDP of Kazakhstan last year was about 200 billion U.S. dollars, and this batch of gold was equivalent to the gross national product of Kazakhstan for two and a half years!

If it is compared with Kazakhstan's government revenue, it will be more than ten times!

With such a huge amount of wealth, the government of Kazakhstan can do anything, and Nazaryev can do anything, so it is not hesitant to resort to force for this!

The so-called agreement, at that point, is just a piece of waste paper.

Is it feasible to secretly mine and smuggle back to China?

It has to be said that it is a plan, but after all, paper cannot contain fire. It will not take a year or two to complete the mining of such a huge reserve. Even if the mining is carried out at the fastest speed under the current technical conditions, at least It will take five years to dig out the 1200 million tons of gold concentrate, refine it, and build such a large mining farm and refinery...

It is almost impossible to be absolutely secret.

Yao Yuan, who is more than 100 kilometers away from the Beamte Oilfield, sat on a rock and watched the brothers of the drilling team clean up the abandoned oil well. golden.

Oil, gold, oil, gold, oil, gold...

Two words representing the most powerful wealth in the world passed alternately in front of Yao Yuan.Westerners usually use plunder to rob oil resources. In order to obtain oil resources, they frequently launch wars, massacres, and genocide.

Such things will not disappear. The Gulf War in the past few years was not launched by the Americans for Iraq's oil resources, and there will be more in the future.

With 2000 tons of gold, the total gold reserves of the Federal Reserve are only six to seven thousand tons. Such wealth will even attract greedy Americans. yield.

The current China is simply unable to compete with the world's only superpower, the United States.

In the end how to do it?

How can we ensure that this huge wealth falls into the hands of the Chinese people, at least a large part of it!

After sitting quietly for more than an hour, Yao Yuan couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

After slowly calming down, he gradually formed a huge plan in his mind, a method that would allow 2000 tons of gold to be shipped back to China, but it would be a long process...

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