Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 788 Extremely Bad Weather

After inspecting the unused materials, Yao Yuan was surprised to find that most of them were cracked.Most of these materials are easy-to-wear parts, and they are usually prepared according to the scale of half the cardinal number, so that the worn-out parts can be repaired in the shortest time.

But now most of them have cracks, that is to say, it is basically certain that there are problems with this batch of materials!

It is a batch of material with serious quality defects.

Yao Yuan's expression was ugly.

The front line was fighting, and all the barracks materials sent from the rear related to the living problems of the frontline personnel had serious quality defects, which was no different from stabbing the frontline personnel in the back.

This means that not only is there a problem with the logistical system, but the supervisory department also has serious oversight responsibilities.

What Chunfeng Group is most proud of Yao Yuan is the modern management system, among which the logistics support system, supplier directory system, and supervision and supervision mechanism are the highlights. While the will develops independently and at a high speed, it controls the cost expenditure and high efficiency of the whole process to the greatest extent.

The exploration vanguard was led by Yao Yuan himself. It is impossible for the people in the logistics system not to know that they still dared to send over materials with serious quality defects under such circumstances. This shows how crazy and arrogant some people are.

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold...

Just as Yao Yuan was analyzing in the direction of "internal corruption", a possibility that was almost ignored suddenly flashed through his mind.

He frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Where is the instruction manual for the modular barracks?"

He likes to call this kind of barracks a modular barracks. Many parts are common, and multiple unit barracks can be assembled into larger unit barracks, which is flexible and changeable.

Gu Peiqiang immediately said, "I have it in my room. I kept a copy when I installed it yesterday."

Yao Yuan pointed in the direction of the barracks where Gu Peiqiang lived, and strode over.

Because of a problem with the generator set, the heating system didn't work, and the temperature in the room was about the same as the temperature outside.

Gu Peiqiang found out the instruction manual and handed it to Yao Yuan.

Everyone is already very proficient in the disassembly and assembly of this kind of barracks, but Gu Peiqiang is meticulous in his work. Even if he is familiar with it, he still keeps a copy of the instruction manual for emergencies.

Yao Yuan skipped the installation part and turned to the product parameters. Soon, he realized where the problem was, and almost wronged the comrades in the logistics support system.

"So that's what happened." Yao Yuan heaved a long sigh after quickly doing some calculations on the white paper based on the product parameters of the modular barracks.

Gu Peiqiang couldn't understand the complicated formula on the white paper, nor what the value calculated by Yao Yuan meant, so he asked, "Is it a product problem?"

"It is indeed a product problem." Yao Yuan said, "but it is not a product quality problem. When the modular barracks were developed, the design indicators and parameters did not take into account the extremely harsh and special conditions like the Kashagan area. , so something went wrong."

Seeing that Gu Peiqiang and Chen Chao were both at a loss.

Yao Yuan picked up a pen and wrote a few numbers, "During design, the modular barracks can withstand high and low temperatures up to plus 60 degrees Celsius and minus 50 degrees Celsius without deformation. The factory has a considerable research and development fund, and they are invited to develop steel that meets the requirements."

Gu Peiqiang said, "The lowest temperature in the early morning is minus 41 degrees, which does not exceed the design index."

Yao Yuan said, "Yes, it is not a problem to withstand the temperature of minus 50 degrees, but the problem is also here."

Pointing to the third value, he said, "At that time, only the highest and lowest temperature limit indicators were considered, and the temperature difference range limit indicators were not considered."

"The daytime temperature in the Kashagan area is as high as 36 degrees, and the nighttime temperature is as low as minus 41 degrees. The temperature difference is close to [-] degrees. However, the limit index of the temperature difference that the modular barracks can withstand is based on zero degrees, which is far lower temperature difference in the Kashagan region."

Gu Peiqiang understood instantly, and said by analogy, "The command and control room is full of precision instruments, and the temperature is kept constant for 24 hours. When there is a huge contrast in the outside temperature within a day, the situation in the command and control room is the most serious. .”

"It seems that the Soviets didn't want to do further exploration, but the weird climate environment in the Kashagan area seriously restricted the operation of the equipment."

Yao Yuan pondered for a moment, and said, "It is necessary to adjust the strategy. Chen Chao, send a report to Xiangfang Machinery and Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences, asking them to develop a modular barracks system that can be used in extremely cold and extremely hot areas like Kashagan as soon as possible. "

"Yes." Super Chen quickly recorded it.

Yao Yuan said, "Old Gu, we can't just wait, the exploration plan is suspended first, you take people to find logs, no matter what method you use, to raise enough logs to build a temporary camp."

"Understood, there is no such thing as using logs to build barracks that cannot withstand the huge temperature difference. However, Mr. Yao, the failure of the equipment is probably due to the inability to withstand the huge temperature difference. If this problem cannot be solved, there is no way to carry out exploration." Gu Pei said in a strong voice.

Yao Yuan said, "Let's solve the problem of survival first, Chao Chen, and let the Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences and related research institutes of Dongfang Petroleum send technical personnel to study the applicability of the equipment on the spot."

"Yes." Super Chen quickly wrote it down.

All the previously formulated exploration plans had to be changed and pushed back. This was a blow to Yao Yuan from the Kashagan area.

Gu Peiqiang also participated in the racing exploration of the Tyumen Oilfield. At that time, he was still a member of the Petroleum Corporation. As a contractor team, he participated in the racing exploration and a series of subsequent explorations.

He scratched his forehead and looked around, saying, "This damn place is also strange. It's already April, and the temperature difference is so big. It's colder than Siberia when it's cold, and hotter than Karamay when it's hot. I really don't understand it. "

Yao Yuan said, "This time I underestimated the enemy."

Gu Peiqiang was taken aback, and said, "The climate report shows that this kind of weather does not exceed one season a year, at least there are still pleasant weather."

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "It's fine if the weather is pleasant."

He observed the surroundings with little vegetation, and said to himself, "It seems that not only oil development, but also environmental development will be carried out. Plant trees and plants that can survive, and be prepared to work here for a long time. Spring Breeze The Agricultural Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences should have developed a variety with strong survivability, contact them and send someone to bring it over for experiments."

Chen Chao quickly wrote it down.

Gu Peiqiang said, "Mr. Yao, do you think oil will be produced here?"

Yao Yuan said firmly, "The largest oil field in Kazakhstan may be here, and I am very confident."

He didn't give any basis, but everyone already believed in his judgment. Over the past few years, under the guidance of this precise judgment, Chunfeng Group has achieved such great and dazzling achievements.

Yao Yuan didn't know the past and present of Kashagantian in the previous life. If he knew, he wouldn't be worried about the difficulties he encountered in front of him.

Because even after 20 years, developing the Kashagan field is still a huge problem, bearing the brunt of the harsh climate...

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