Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 794 Little Apprentice

The news of the successful integration of the 190-type generator set into the Dali flatbed transport vehicle shocked Nian Haihong, and he and Zhan Chenggui rushed over to find out the situation. The "initiator" watched the two great scientists review the integration plan with great interest, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.Although Yao Yuan did not come up with the plan, it was completed under his leadership, and a small electrician played the main role.Yao Yuan yearns for technology and respects technicians. He is also a technical expert who is not low, but compared with the scientists of Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences, his level is really not enough, let alone Nian Haihong and Zhan Chenggui. Such a great scientist.Therefore, being able to come up with results that impress this type of people is more fulfilling than earning $10 billion.Chen Xiaodong is not afraid of tigers when he is a newborn calf, and this is another good opportunity to express himself. With the encouragement of his master, he has given full play to his talents.Integration can be achieved using existing tools without requiring changes to the components.Chen Xiaodong himself knows electric welding, and his master is also a master of electric welding.Two machines and more than a dozen workers went into battle together, and within two hours, the 190-type generator set was installed on the Dali flatbed transport vehicle according to the plan. After this part of the work was completed, the rest was the delicate work of the project team.To consider the convenience of use and maintenance, the layout of the circuit is very important. This is the strength of the power engineer and electrician. After comprehensively considering the opinions put forward by the mechanical technician, the test of the layout of the circuit is started.Yao Yuan completely let go. After solving the big problem, the small problem will not affect them.Turning around, Yao Yuan and Nian Haihong discussed the mass production of emergency generator vehicles.Not only to launch sales, but also to prepare for the great flood in 1998, the mass production plan of emergency generator vehicles must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.In fact, Yao Yuan started to develop emergency power generation vehicles when he encountered a power outage in the countryside during the Spring Festival, and then thought of the power outage in most parts of the country caused by the flood two years later.It is imperative to engage in emergency generator cars.It's just that Yao Yuan didn't expect it to be so smooth, and it was done in a few days.Later, the design was optimized according to mass production requirements, and the emergency generator car came out. The technical content of this thing is not worth mentioning 20 years later, but now it is a genuine high-tech product.Of course, Nian Haihong doesn't know what will happen in two years. In terms of business, he attaches the most importance to the export of Jichai Power Plant.Among the Chunfeng enterprises, the export business accounts for the majority, and the Jichai Power Plant itself is under great pressure. As a core enterprise, how can it lag behind?He said while thinking, "The country has been engaged in development in Africa for decades. Not long ago, I participated in a meeting organized by the ministries and commissions. It was mentioned at the meeting that enterprises in Africa lack power generation equipment. There is almost no infrastructure in Africa, and the power system is rudimentary. I can’t imagine it.” After a pause, he said, “Several large state-owned enterprises are planning to support the construction of power stations in many non-countries, but there is no way to solve the short-term electricity consumption. We have developed an emergency power generation vehicle to fill this gap "Nian Haihong continued, "I participated in the Machinery Industry Products Exhibition held in Frankfurt last year, and there was no such compact power generation car. It is estimated that I can get a lot of orders from Europe." Zhan Chenggui said, "International The energy resource companies on the Internet are the most in need of emergency power generation vehicles, and they can use various grades of diesel oil. For them, there is nothing more suitable than this power generation device. Mr. Yao, are you considering setting up a power equipment company?" " Yes, Jichai Power Plant participates in a joint venture, starting with emergency power generation vehicles, and gradually expanding to other power equipment. Guangdong Province will let me participate in investing in the power grid in the province, and it will be a matter of time to establish my own professional enterprise." Yao Yuan said, he The words are final. He didn't forget about Chen Xiaodong, and pointed to the thin Chen Xiaodong over there,

He smiled and said to Zhan Chenggui, "This young man is very talented. How about accepting this apprentice?" Everyone in the Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences knew that Mr. Zhan was extremely strict about accepting apprentices, and he was only in his 30s. I haven't reached the age where I need to recruit many apprentices.Zhan Chenggui has his own set of strict principles for accepting apprentices. He looks at both academic qualifications and ability, and he values ​​talent even more.His point of view is very clear-all those who engage in scientific research must be talented, and great achievements cannot be achieved only by acquired efforts.To put it bluntly, he believes that scientific research is not something that ordinary people can do through study, and they must have talent.This point of view is contrary to the principle of "everyone is equal", but in the field of scientific research, there is no such thing as "everyone is equal".Some people play and play every day and become the number one in the college entrance examination, and some people forget to eat and sleep but fail to pass the second line of the exam. How to explain it?Only talent.Zhan Chenggui was a little embarrassed, and said, "I have no plans to accept apprentices for the time being." "This young man is really good, you believe me." Yao Yuan smiled, "Anyway, you will stay here for a while, inspect him, and if you think it is suitable, you can Take it back to train." The big boss said so, what else can Zhan Chenggui say, so he had to agree.After Chen Xiaodong heard the news, he wished he could jump three feet high, so the excitement was gone.His master said calmly, "Mr. Yao said that now is the inspection period. He is optimistic about you, but Mr. Zhan is very strict in accepting apprentices. If you fail his inspection, you still have to come back to be an electrician. Xiaodong, you have this opportunity." Be sure to grasp it." "Master, I understand. It doesn't matter if you fail the inspection, I can still follow you." Chen Xiaodong calmed down and said.His master stared and reprimanded, "What future do you have with me! It's such a great opportunity to work in Chunfeng Academy of Sciences. Many people can't ask for it! Listen to me, if you can't pass Mr. Zhan Go back to your hometown in Henan for inspection! I don’t need you here!” Chen Xiaodong shuddered and lowered his head, “Understood, master.” His master said in a deep voice, “You are only 19 years old, and you have a bright future. I always like to ponder, and I can always make some small inventions and creations. Mr. Yao is a technical expert. He is optimistic about you, which means that your ability is no problem. Adjust your mentality and humbly ask for advice. Chief engineer Zhan is not a difficult person, understand? "I understand, master, don't worry, I won't embarrass you." Chen Xiaodong said loudly. "It's good that you understand. When you become a technician, your father and mother will be able to enjoy the free medical care provided by the unit. What a wonderful thing, you have to work hard." His master said.Chen Xiaodong immediately thought of his parents who were both suffering from chronic diseases, and his eyes became firmer.

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