Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 817 Secret Meeting

Li Bancheng and the three major families plan to invest 3000 billion Hong Kong dollars in the UK. This is a long-term investment plan that will be completed within the next ten years. Therefore, it seems like a big deal at first glance, but it is far from being so exaggerated when it is actually shared equally.

But this opening cannot be opened.

Li Bancheng later became the richest man in Asia, which was closely related to the vigorous development of the mainland market. Without the mainland market, he would never have the chance to become the richest man in Asia in his life.

But this person has a good heart and a wicked heart. When the land price was low in the early days, he bought land in the interior, but did not build anything. The so-called planning was delayed again and again, and later he simply hoarded the land.

More than ten years later, after the price of the land increased by dozens or even hundreds of times, he slowly sold it, which seriously affected the local economic development, raised the local housing prices in a disguised form, and even invented the shared area that is hated by the people of the whole country.

Later, the government issued a regulation requiring developers to start construction within one year after obtaining the land, otherwise it would be nationalized without compensation. Behind the introduction of this regulation, if it has nothing to do with Li Bancheng, it is difficult to be convincing.

The hoarding of land by mainland real estate developers started from Li Bancheng, and developed later. All the rich companies flocked to buy and hoard land, and then resell and resell it. If the government did not control it properly, Hainan real estate tragedies would definitely occur frequently staged.

To Li Bancheng, Yao Yuan was merciless.

Guo Tairui took the transfer agreement and left, as if he was ten years old all of a sudden.

Yu Yongan didn't have the slightest sympathy for him, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself, this is the first experience he has summed up since he was in business.

He immediately called Yao Yuan to report the situation.

Yao Yuan did go to Shenzhen City, and he really didn't take today's matter to heart, instead of hiding in a certain place and commanding Yu Yongan by remote control as Guo Tairui thought.

On the contrary, after chatting with Wen Xia for a while, Yao Yuan realized the feeling of face-to-face communication with a goddess in youth that he had never experienced in his previous life. He was quite happy. As for being rude to Guo Tairui, it was just like what Yu Yongan said It's just a small person, I don't bother to care about it.

After briefly reporting the process, Yu Yongan said excitedly, "I made at least [-] million Hong Kong dollars in one afternoon. To be honest, I want to hold shares in Hong Kong-based real estate for a long time. The Guo family's ability is in , the prospects for the development of the enterprise are very good.”

"That's all you have to offer." Yao Yuan said with a smile, "So, the Xu family and the Guo family have decided to withdraw from the investment plan in the UK. Are you sure about the remaining Liu family?"

Yao Yuan doesn't care about how much money he makes, what he wants is to fulfill Mr. Li's request.

Yu Yongan assured, "Liu Jinxiong is just a fool, and the amount of funds is also the smallest. Don't worry, I will fix him tonight."

He paused, and then asked worriedly, "The three major families are all right, but it may be difficult for Li Bancheng. He has the support of HSBC, and behind HSBC is the British guy."

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "If no one follows him, our goal has been achieved. The next thing you have to do is to find a way to hold him back, and wait for Soros' gang of big crocodiles to teach him a lesson."

"I understand." Yu Yongan has already thought about what Yao Yuan wants to do in the future. When Soros and his group of predators invade the Hong Kong stock market, Li Bancheng's Changshi shares will of course not escape the impact. At that time, he will take advantage of the chaos to kill Li Bancheng...

Few days.

"When are you coming?" Yu Yongan asked.

Yao Yuan said, "Before July [-]st, let's do this first."

Yu Yong'an didn't know what happened to Yao Yuan's sudden trip to Shenzhen City, he had a premonition that something big had happened, otherwise Yao Yuan wouldn't be so sudden.

After nightfall, in the guest house of Shenzhen Deepin Development Bank Headquarters, the atmosphere of this closed guest house today was tense and serious. The vehicles passing by were all small plates, and armed police quietly appeared at the gate and several main locations to stand guard.

Obviously, an important meeting is taking place here.

In the meeting room, Mr. Li, the director of the Hong Kong branch of the Walnews News Agency, was present. Yao Yuan was sitting next to him. Vice Governor Zhang was sitting in the chair and presiding over the meeting.

Also attending the meeting were the heads of the troops. The old man said that the troops should be prepared to take over Hong Kong by force. This is both a deterrent and a last resort.

This meeting was arranged in advance, because of confidentiality, Yao Yuan did not tell Yu Yongan, the only people who knew about it were Lin Wei and Lin Xiaohu.

In fact, Lin Wei and the secretaries of the leaders sat in the seats and acted as Yao Yuan's secretary.

The first half of the meeting had nothing to do with Yao Yuan, he was only responsible for listening.

After the end of the first half, most of the people left, and all the leaders in the financial field and national think tanks remained.

"Everyone, sit down." Deputy Secretary Zhang greeted the remaining seven or eight comrades, and took a sip of tea from a teacup.

Director Lin of the International Department of the Central Bank, Deputy Director Zhuo of the Administration of Foreign Exchange, President Chen of the Hong Kong Branch of the Bank of China, Gao Jian, President of Huaxia United Bank, and Pan Jie, President of Deepin Development Bank, are all powerful figures in the financial field. expert.

Although except for Deputy Director Zhuo, the ranks of others are not very high.

Among these people, the Spring Breeze Department accounted for two.

Director Lin's rank is lower than Deputy Director Zhuo's, but he represents Yang Ma, so he presides over the meeting, while Deputy Secretary Zhang folds his arms and concentrates on being the leader who makes decisions.

In addition to these people, there are also the leaders of Shenzhen Municipality. Shenzhen Municipality is the rear of Hong Kong. To ensure the smooth return of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Municipality has undertaken a lot of work.

After seeing Deputy Secretary Zhang nod slightly, Director Lin said, "Comrades, the main topic we are going to discuss next is based on a judgment—international hot money will enter Hong Kong in July, with the purpose of shorting the Hang Seng Index."

Having said that, he looked at Yao Yuan.

Obviously, this meeting was won by Yao Yuan.

He handed over the detailed analysis report to the national financial authority through Xia Honghua's hand, and gave a conclusive conclusion that the Asian financial crisis is about to break out, and Hong Kong, as the Asian financial center, will become the focus of attack.

And gives a relatively accurate time.

This kind of analysis comes from Yao Yuan, and the national financial authorities have to pay attention to it, so there is this meeting.

In the history of the previous life, Hong Kong's response was very hasty, and the central government was also very passive. In the end, after the central government announced its full support for Hong Kong's response to the financial crisis, the international hot money represented by Soros withdrew in despair. The gains have been substantial, and the Hang Seng Index has been hit hard.

So this time, Yao Yuan will plan to fight a well-prepared ambush and annihilation war, if it is not a defensive war!

All the participants had read the analysis report and organized high-level experts to study it, so they knew Director Lin's opening remarks well.

Director Lin said, "We lack practical experience in dealing with the financial crisis. Therefore, with the approval of our superiors, we invited Huaxia United Bank and Deepin Development Bank as the main private capital, and invited Yao Yuan, Gao Jian, and Pan Jie as consultants. Do whatever it takes to ensure the stability of Hong Kong's financial markets."

The others had dealt with Gao Jian and Pan Jie before. For Yao Yuan, the head of the Hong Kong Branch of the Bank of China, Chen, only knew his name and did not know him, so he looked at the young man curiously.

Director Lin said with a smile, "Comrade Yao Yuan is the boss of Gao Jian and Pan Jie."

President Chen suddenly realized, and hurriedly greeted, "So it's Mr. Yao!"

"President Chen, look forward to it for a long time." Yao Yuan nodded with a smile.

President Chen and Gao Jian often deal with each other, knowing that Huaxia United Bank is a private bank [-]% controlled by Yao Yuan, and he has really admired Yao Yuan's name for a long time.

After asking everyone to exchange pleasantries, Director Lin said, "There is going to be a war. Food and grass go first. The first thing to discuss is how much each family can spend. Huaxia currency doesn't work. If you want US dollars, you can get Hong Kong dollars if you don't have US dollars."

Let's talk about the most sensitive part first, which shows that this is a pragmatic meeting to the end.

All the people who come here are the God of Wealth, and they come here to pay for it. Let them fight against the gang of Wall Street financial speculators who have become sophisticated.

What Director Lin said works here, but it won't work when we arrive in Hong Kong. In fact, the three people on Yao Yuan's side are fighting on the front line, and even President Chen can't stand it directly.

Therefore, Director Lin also regarded himself as a logistics officer, and first expressed his opinion, "Our central bank will take out one billion yuan, everyone express their opinion."

"U.S. dollar or Huaxia currency?" President Chen asked.

Director Lin was a little embarrassed, "Of course it's Huaxia currency, so I have to work with Deputy Director Zhuo."

This is the role of Deputy Director Zhuo of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

Yang Ma is printing money, as much as you want, but it is Huaxia currency, and you have to go through the Administration of Foreign Exchange to convert it into foreign exchange.

Deputy Director Zhuo was mentally prepared, since the person who came was about to bleed, he raised his chin with a smile, and immediately said, "No problem, the Financial Investment Department of the SAFE has donated 5000 million US dollars to support Hong Kong's financial defense war. "

It was a big deal, Deputy Secretary Zhang and other leaders nodded their heads slightly to express their satisfaction.

Director Lin followed Deputy Director Zhuo's words and said, "The three companies of industry and commerce, construction, and agriculture have pooled 30 billion. Deputy Director Zhuo, I have to trouble you for this fund."

"Hey, these three companies have contributed a lot." President Chen said with a smile in surprise.

About $4 million.

Director Lin looked at President Chen and asked, "How much can Bank of China give?"

President Chen said with a smile, "Our business is still in the development stage, but it's just a matter of collecting 10 billion Hong Kong dollars."

This is already very good, and Yao Yuan is satisfied first, because he knows that the Hong Kong Branch of the Bank of China paid the money, and the Hong Kong Branch of the Bank of China is not the super-big bank that will dominate the world 20 years later.

These companies add up to nearly 10 billion US dollars.

Last year, the country's foreign exchange reserves exceeded 1200 billion U.S. dollars and reached 200 billion U.S. dollars. Five years ago, this figure was [-] billion U.S. dollars...

It can be seen how shocking the energy burst out after Huaxia embarked on the road of reform and opening up wholeheartedly.

Without this confidence, it would be impossible for Deputy Director Zhuo to promise 10 billion US dollars as "ammunition" in such a calm gesture.

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