sea ​​situation

Chapter 28 Mushrooms are poisonous

"What's the matter with you today, depressed? You're not in a good mood. Are you having trouble with injustice?"

Cailian was wearing her pajamas and put on her evening makeup, looking at Zhang Ziyang who was lying on the bed with his face up in a daze, and asked.

As long as Zhang Ziyang is with Lu Ming, he always looks happy. Isn't he together today? Why is he unhappy?

In Cailian's impression, Zhang Ziyang and Lu Ming were wearing a pair of pants.

Once she asked Zhang Ziyang with a smile, if he had to choose between her and Ziyang, who would he choose?Zhang Ziyang said without hesitation that he chose Lu Ming, and proudly said that he is not a person who values ​​sex over friends.A man should be able to afford it and let it go.

Cailian was not angry at all, if Zhang Ziyang didn't answer like this, it would be hypocrisy instead.

However, when the two brothers meet together, they often fight and fight, and there are times when they are in a hurry, but the two of them are like shameless children, they will make up after turning their heads, and they are very forgetful.

Although the two have grown up, they each have their own lives, and there are differences in values, but the friendship still maintains the true nature of childhood, and has not been polluted and eroded by the wind and rain of life.

Zhang Ziyang shook his head and smiled, but it was ugly.

What Lu Ming said during the day deeply stimulated him, like a thorn in his flesh, unable to be pulled out.

At this moment, his mood was contradictory. He blamed Lu Ming for his unnecessary actions, but also thanked Lu Ming for superfluous actions.

This brother is just too kind and generous, and wants to use money to help him solve all his problems.But money does not necessarily solve all problems, especially when money is used in the wrong place, a man's self-esteem will be stubbornly resisting.

"Lu Ming wants to give me 1 yuan today to redeem you, and I will confiscate it." Zhang Ziyang didn't want to talk about it at first, but he still couldn't hold back.

"Where did he get so much money, won the lottery?" Cailian laughed.

"It's the money that Mr. Sheng gave him to handle the case."

Zhang Ziyang explained how Sheng Youde hired Lu Ming to investigate Sheng Muyi's disappearance for 2 yuan.

"1 yuan. Why don't you accept it? Lu Ming and you are like brothers."

"Brothers also have limits. You are my woman. Of course I have to use my own money to redeem you. What's the matter with his money? Lu Ming refused to listen to me and said that he would give you the money directly tomorrow." Come." Only then did Zhang Ziyang realize that confronting Lu Ming was a problem for himself.

"Then do you think I should accept it or not?" Cailian asked with a half-smile.

Zhang Ziyang's heart trembled, as expected, as long as Cailian showed this expression, something was wrong, and he dared not answer.Because no matter what the answer is, it is wrong, so just pretend to be stupid and admit cowardice.

"Pretend to be stupid, let me tell you, I won't accept ransom money from anyone, including you!" Cailian said coldly.

"Why? My money is your money." Zhang Ziyang was puzzled.

"I said a long time ago that I can't give you a clean body in this life, at least I want to give you a free body. I will save money to redeem myself, and then marry you as a free woman." Cailian resolutely said.

Zhang Ziyang's heart suddenly ached, he wanted to cry but couldn't cry, only then did he understand that Cailian also has self-respect, what she wants is not some man to redeem her body and buy her home like a commodity, but to break free Come out, set yourself free, and marry yourself off as a real woman.

A woman's heart is the most fragile and toughest thing in the world.

It was getting late, and Lu Ming was doing his homework alone at the detective agency. Sometimes he stood and meditated, and sometimes he walked around like an ant on a hot pot.Reasoning is an extremely meticulous project, which requires every link to be seamless, without any mistakes, and then extract several possibilities from it, and then use the method of elimination to screen the possibilities one by one, and finally the direction of the detective emerges.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, Lu Ming looked at the door, feeling a little nervous, who will come to him at night?Maybe it was the members of the Green Gang who left and returned, or maybe the assassin from that night came again.It's been a disturbingly eventful time!

"Hey, is there anyone out of breath, open the door!" A woman's voice sounded outside the door.

Lu Ming laughed. There is probably only one woman with such a temperament in Shanghai, and that is Yuan Mingzhu.

He opened the door, and Yuan Mingzhu stood in front of him shining brightly.

"Please, miss, please come in." Lu Ming bent down and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"Well, that's about the same. You should give me a key. I'm also a detective in the detective agency now. I can't always call the door."

"Of course, you are the inspector, and I am the detective and the bodyguard." Lu Ming made a derisive smile on purpose.

Lu Ming was suspicious. Although Yuan Mingzhu appeared careless on the surface, he actually paid great attention to details. He never looked for him at night, and they only met during the day, and they were usually in crowded places.There must be something important to come tonight.

Just as she was about to ask, Yuan Mingzhu turned around and walked out.

"Why did you change the door? I thought I was looking for the wrong place." Yuan Mingzhu stood at the door, looked at the door and asked in puzzlement.

Lu Ming smiled wryly and said, "It's not just the gate that has been changed, haven't you seen it, all the furniture has also been replaced with new ones."

Yuan Mingzhu looked at the furniture in the room, it was indeed new, and said with a smile: "I can't see it, you really like the new and dislike the old, and you are generous. This set of furniture is of good quality."

"Where is it, I didn't change it, it was changed by Liu Sanrui and his gang." Lu Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"They have such good intentions? What's their idea of ​​replacing you with mahogany furniture? Be careful." Yuan Mingzhu asked suspiciously.

After a pause, Mingzhu suddenly realized, and immediately shouted: "These bastards have smashed your place, right? Then they will buy you a new one. They think it's great to be rich. No, I have to go to my elder brother. Smash their halls...and replace them with new ones..." As he said that, he was about to walk out.

Lu Ming panicked and stopped her in a hurry.

"Don't stop me. You can't stop me. This incident happened because of me. If you want to smash everyone together, you can't let them go." After saying that, he pushed Lu Ming away and was about to go out.

How could Lu Ming dare to let her go away? She knew Yuan Mingzhu's violent temper. When she went back, she would definitely find a large group of thugs from the Cao Gang, and smashed Liu Sanruo's hall overnight. Let's talk.

Everyone is messing around in Shanghai, and all they care about is face. If things go on like this, when will the grievances be repaid?

Lu Ming was in a hurry and hugged Yuan Mingzhu tightly, but by accident, both hands clasped Yuan Mingzhu's chest, and they both froze like an electric shock.

Yuan Mingzhu was the first to react, but she was ashamed and annoyed. She tried her best to turn around, trying to hit Lu Ming, but she turned around and was hugged even tighter.The fire in Lu Ming's heart was already burning, and his body also reacted.

Yuan Mingzhu was held tightly in his arms, unable to move, she simply closed her eyes, leaned her head tightly on Lu Ming's chest, and exhaled like blue.

Lu Ming's feet were next to a chair, and he wanted to sit down, but his body swayed, and his arm touched a celadon teacup on the table. With a sound of "clang", the teacup fell to the ground and shattered.Lu Ming woke up suddenly, let go of Yuan Mingzhu in a hurry, and took a step back.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Mingzhu was stunned for a moment.

"It can't be like this." Lu Ming panted and shook his head.

"Can't you wait?" Yuan Mingzhu said angrily.

"Since we escaped from marriage, we can't be together in this way." Lu Ming had thought about marriage, but he never thought about entering marriage in this way.

If the two got together privately today, they would really have bought public salt as private salt. Not to mention, if an unmarried woman conceives first, it would embarrass the face of the two elders.

The most important thing for the old-school people is face, and they must not let the old people of the two families lose their heads in their hometown and let people point their fingers at the back.

Lu Ming's mood gradually stabilized, and he asked: "Mingzhu, you came here at night, is there something wrong?"

"Of course there is something. You almost messed up the business. Didn't I become a detective? I have encountered something." Only then did Yuan Mingzhu remember that she had important information to report.

"Could it be that the Green Gang is also looking for trouble for you?" Lu Ming asked uneasily.

"No, it was the incident of the Sheng family's collective poisoning. I found out the problem." Yuan Mingzhu regained his composure.

"You mean that the Sheng family collectively ate poisonous mushrooms by mistake, what's the problem?" Lu Ming asked puzzled.

"Mushroom poisoning incidents have happened several times in Shanghai. I inquired and checked the details, and found that the poisoning incidents of the Sheng family were different from other families. The problem was found. They didn't eat poisonous mushrooms, but the mushrooms were poisonous." Yuan Mingzhu Smiled proudly.

"Of course poisonous mushrooms are poisonous, what's so strange about it?" Lu Ming didn't realize it all at once.

"You, why have you become so stupid? I'm not talking about poisonous mushrooms, but mushrooms are poisonous." Yuan Mingzhu took out a rolled up cotton mask from his pocket as he spoke, opened the mask and inside was a mushrooms.

"Understood! Are you saying that those mushrooms were poisoned by someone, not poisonous mushrooms?" Lu Ming finally came to his senses, and he didn't blame him for his slow reaction, but the meanings expressed by the words poisonous mushrooms and mushrooms poisonous. too close.

"Right, I've been busy with this matter this afternoon, and I finally have some clues." Yuan Mingzhu looked at the mushroom, as if looking at a visitor from outside the sky.

"What kind of poison is it, have you found it?" Lu Ming asked eagerly.

"The Sheng family still has some leftover mushrooms, so I asked a pharmacist to check them. He couldn't tell what the poison was, but it was a very powerful poison anyway."

"Is it arsenic?" Lu Ming pondered.

In China, the most common poison is arsenic, which is very easy to get and can be bought in general pharmacies.

"No, the pharmacist said that this kind of poison is relatively rare." Yuan Mingzhu flatly denied it.

"It may also be castor bean poison, which is very poisonous." Lu Ming said softly.

"No, it doesn't seem to be a poison that ordinary people see. Anyway, the pharmacist couldn't find it, so I asked you to discuss it." Yuan Mingzhu said.

"From this point of view, it is necessary to go to Tongren Hospital and ask a skilled pharmacist to examine it." Lu Ming said.

He didn't pay much attention to the poisoning of the Sheng family at first. After all, eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake is too common. There are many cases every year, and many people die.

Helpless, mushrooms are a delicacy, and no one can refuse them. Even if they know that there is a potential danger of poisoning, they still pick them and eat them.

If you want to find out about this matter, the best way is to go to the Tongren Hospital where Sheng's family was treated for emergency treatment. First, the hospital will definitely keep the test report at that time, and secondly, bring the poisonous mushrooms. can solve the mystery.

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