sea ​​situation

Chapter 38 Bodyguard Xia Heng

Lu Ming kicked stones all the way back to his apartment, thinking wildly, but saw Zhang Ziyang waiting in front of his apartment door.Seeing Zhang Ziyang's excited face, he knew there was good news.

The things they were tracking finally had a breakthrough. Zhang Ziyang found the whereabouts of the two bodyguards, which was near the shantytowns on the Bund in Shanghai.

"No way, no matter how poor they are, they won't end up in that kind of place." Lu Ming finally regained his thoughts from Qian Tian, ​​and said in surprise.

"These people are just like me. They are used to squandering, and they can't save money. Now they have been unemployed for almost two months, and they may be so embarrassed that they have to settle in a shanty town." Zhang Ziyang laughed.

Lu Ming smiled and said: "Zi Yang, I didn't see it, you still have self-knowledge, you summed it up very well."

"Let's go, I didn't conclude this, but Cailian summed it up for me." Zhang Ziyang lowered his head.

The Bund of Shanghai is a prosperous and prosperous area, but under the shadow of the prosperity, a narrow strip near the Huangpu River is a large shanty town.

Foreigners who fled to Shanghai due to various reasons, or failed to come to Shanghai to dig gold, are basically concentrated here. Of course, there are also many poor local people who struggle to survive here.

As the name suggests, the shantytowns are shacks built with bamboo poles and mats. The living conditions are very harsh. Every summer, some people die of heatstroke, and in winter, many people die of freezing and starvation.

The Shanghai government and some charitable organizations send people to collect the corpses every year and bury them casually in random graves. However, there is always one sentence mentioned in the annual municipal report to improve the living environment and living conditions here, but there is actually nothing they can do.

There are some old houses around the shantytowns. Although dilapidated, they are also the gathering places for the poor in Shanghai. Compared with the shantytowns, the old houses can at least provide shelter from the wind and rain, and look like a home.

Old Shanghai is exactly such a world where heaven and hell coexist.

Among the two bodyguards mentioned by Zhang Ziyang, one of them was Xia Heng, who was one of Sheng Muyi's four personal bodyguards.

Xia Heng was originally an officer in General Cai E's "National Defense Army" and a well-known sharpshooter. He participated in the famous "Inverting Yuan Movement", which is the so-called "Second Revolution."

Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself emperor, but General Cai E, who was conferred the title of prince, absconded from Beijing, and then returned to Yunnan to form the "National Defense Army". Mr. Sun also launched the "Second Revolution" against Yuan Shikai's proclaiming emperor. It dealt a fatal blow to Yuan Shikai's imperial system.

After the success of the second revolution, Xia Heng left the army and was hired as a bodyguard by a wealthy Shanghai businessman. A few years later, he also became famous in Shanghai's security system and was called "Human Fortress".

Xia Heng is not only good at marksmanship, but also has a huge physique, which looks like a hill. With him standing in front of him, if he wants to assassinate his employer, it will be very difficult, and he needs a Maxim machine gun to do it.

After Sheng Muyi returned to China, she needed several bodyguards, so Sheng Youde paid a lot of money to recruit Xia Heng and became one of Sheng Muyi's bodyguards.

The days of following Sheng Muyi are easy and comfortable, because the Sheng family has almost no enemies in Shanghai, and no one has the guts to do anything against Sheng Youde's beloved daughter. Sheng Youde's power is not only in Shanghai, even if he escapes to the United States It's useless, and it can dig you out.

Before following Sheng Muyi, Xia Heng's life was not easy.The former employer always lived in the shadow of being assassinated and attacked. When he went out, he had to hide behind Xia Heng, like a child who had never experienced anything in the world.

Although Xia Heng looks like a Japanese sumo wrestler and is tall and burly, he doesn't like being used as a human shield for others. After a long time, he also has a shadow in his heart. After all, people are afraid of death.

Since Sheng Muyi's disappearance, Xia Heng has truly tasted what is called fear.

He was not on duty at that time, and there were two other colleagues on duty outside Sheng Muyi's door, and he had another bodyguard resting in a room not far away.

During this period, the other bodyguard sneaked into the next room and had a private meeting with one of Sheng Muyi's maids. The two of them looked like boys and girls of seventeen or eighteen years old, and they had been sticking together for several months.

Bodyguards earn a lot of money, and they always feel that their worth is higher than that of maids.Xia Heng originally wanted to chat with a maid, but unfortunately the maids looked at his rough appearance and were afraid that he would avoid him.He can only entertain himself in his imagination.

Before he heard the news of Missy's disappearance, he had been absent-minded, thinking about far-fetched things.Then a certain string in her life suddenly snapped: Missy disappeared.

He could swear with his life that he didn't hear anything at that time, let alone see anything, except for the laughter of the couple next door.

Afterwards, he was bombarded and interrogated by several police officers, but he could hardly answer anything.The young lady disappeared beside him, and there was indeed no sign of it. Perhaps he was in a state of self-paralysis at the time.

After bombing him for several days, the police saw that they could not get any valuable clues from him, so they let him go.

Then he took a generous severance package from Sheng Youde and returned to his hometown in the countryside of Anhui.

He used half of the severance pay to buy a few acres of paddy fields and a fat buffalo for his family, and left some money for his children, and then went to Hefei alone.

Hefei was not prosperous, because half of Hefei's wealth fell into the hands of Li Zhongtang, and the remaining half was also scraped away by successive magistrates, leaving only a desolation.

In the underground casino in Hefei, Xia Heng gambled in the dark for three days and three nights, and finally his wallet was squeezed down to a few copper coins, and his inflated soul finally settled down.

The boss of the casino saw that he was not bad in physical strength, and was afraid that he would cause trouble if he lost his eyes, so he lent him [-] yuan and sent him away.

After much deliberation, Xia Heng took the train back to Shanghai.From leaving Shanghai to returning to Shanghai, it took only half a month, and he already felt that he had nowhere to go.

Only Shanghai has a suitable job for him. Of course, it might be better to go to Beijing, but he really can't bear the wind and sand and dryness in Beijing. The humid climate in the south of the Yangtze River is better for his health.

Only in Shanghai can he find a well-paid job that allows him to add a few acres of paddy fields to his family and raise a few children every year.Take another good gamble.

Looking at the life of those rich people in Shanghai and those beautiful rich ladies and rich women, he is not envious. He often thinks that if he becomes rich one day, he must ask a certain big man to invest in the casino business and make money from the past. Earn all the money you lost.

After he returned to Shanghai, he found Fu Daye, his employment referrer, known as Fu San Ye.

This person was originally from the Qinghong Gang, but later he came out on his own to introduce bodyguards to the rich or organize some security activities.

At the beginning, Sheng Youde dug Xia Heng over through him.

The bodyguard industry in Shanghai has been hit hard by Sheng Muyi's disappearance. It's too ugly to say, under the close protection of four top bodyguards, Miss Sheng was actually kidnapped.Bodyguards are almost deaf ears—a display.

Although the case of Sheng Muyi was reported as a disappearance case at the police station, everyone outside thought that she must have been kidnapped for a generous ransom. As long as the gang of kidnappers succeed this time, they will spend their lives forever money.

Therefore, many rich people and some rich wives also have doubts about hiring bodyguards. Apart from looking at the pomp while traveling, bodyguards seem to have no substantial protective effect.

In addition, many amateur detectives and reasoners in Shanghai suspected that one of the four bodyguards acted as an internal response and kidnapped Sheng Muyi together with the kidnappers. Even the police station had doubts about this, but they couldn't find a breakthrough from the four people.

The purpose of hiring bodyguards is to enhance security, but in the end it increases the risk, which is not worth the candle.If the bodyguards were really in cahoots with the kidnappers, who would dare to hire them.

"Xiao Xia, you didn't just smash your own jobs this time, you also smashed mine by the way." Seeing Xia Heng, the rich third master only complained of a headache.

"Third Master, we can't blame us for this matter. We didn't know anything, and it happened. It's the first time I have encountered such a thing. I really saw a big-headed ghost." Xia Heng complained. .

"I believe what you say, but it's useless for me to believe it. The master doesn't believe it."

"Third Master, you have to find a way, I have to eat." Xia Heng was sweating anxiously.

"You have to eat, I have to eat, everyone has to eat, who can't eat while alive?" the rich third master said angrily.

After Fu Sanye became rich, he moved to a two-story building on Joffre Road, which was named after General Joffre, the commander-in-chief of the French Army during World War I, which was quite Western.This is the most famous area in Shanghai, and the people who live here are either high-ranking officials and rich people, or top celebrities in Shanghai.

Fu Sanye didn't live here to show off, but it was more conducive for him to develop contacts and expand his business here.This is also called reluctance to let the child not be a wolf. Facts have proved that he made the right bet. Not only the real estate on Xiafei Road has been rising in value, but his bodyguard business has also been booming.

The rich third master's career is booming, and the days of lying at home counting banknotes have just passed, but Sheng Muyi's disappearance ruined the pot. He has already scolded Xia Heng's ancestors all over the place in private.

But if you are angry, you have to do business. After all, every time he finds employers for these bodyguards, he can receive a lot of commission.

"It's impossible to go to Master Sheng's place for the time being, let me think about other places for you." Third Master Fu squinted at Xia Heng and snorted.

"Third Master, let's forget about the Sheng family. I'm ashamed to see Master Sheng again. He treated us kindly, and we didn't fulfill our duties. But we still have to rely on your third master for our survival!" Xia Heng repeated He bowed and bowed.

"I know this, it's not been a day, but I have to find out about Miss Sheng's disappearance before I can help you find the next employer, otherwise, how should I answer when people ask?" Mr. Fu was scratching his head as he thought about it. .

Find out about Miss Sheng's disappearance?Xia Heng didn't dare to say "impossible" on his lips, but he kept complaining in his heart.

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