Rebirth: Back to 1993 as the richest man

Chapter 232 Great Wall Electromechanical

Early March.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the temperature is gradually warming up.

The branch factories of Xingyao Wine Industry have already started production this month in full swing.

Chu Tianyao put forward an integration plan on the board of directors, integrating the branch factories in various places and dividing them by region.

Today, Xingyao Liquor has four branch factories, which are managed by four newly promoted factory managers. After Luo Jin and Zhou Yi became vice presidents of the company, they need to coordinate the overall situation.

Luo Jin is in charge of production, Zhou Yi is in charge of internal management, and Chen Feipeng is in charge of the outside world, monopolizing the power of the sales company.

After a year of development, Xingyao Wine Industry also has its own management team.

On March [-]st.

Sitting in the office, Chu Tianyao asked Lu Qiuyu to notify the financial accountant, and transferred the final payment of the advertising sponsorship fee to Huaxia International Culture and Art Center.

According to what Ma Jingquan said on the phone, the next [-] episodes of I Love My Family will be broadcast on multi-province satellite TV the day after tomorrow.

What is also surprising is that in response to the International Year of the Family established by the United Nations General Assembly, the publicity departments of various places have given enough publicity this time.

Chu Tianyao sat behind his desk, looking at the newspaper in his hand, the headline in black and white on the front page was the news about the continuation of I Love My Home.

In the content of the report, there is no shortage of promoting the concept of the International Year of the Family.

In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly made a formal resolution to declare 1994 as the International Year of the Family, with the slogan of motivation and responsibility in a changing world, and its motto is "Building the smallest democratic system at the core of society".

Looking at the contents of the newspaper, Chu Tianyao didn't have much expression on his face.

In the 90s, Western European countries have entered the aging population ahead of schedule. The elderly over the age of 60 accounted for one-fifth of the total population in Europe. The family concept of ordinary people is also gradually changing. Government agencies in various countries have begun to realize that these family problems have caused serious problems. huge impact on society.

However, the current China is completely different from the international situation. The concept of having fewer and better children and only one good child is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the one-child policy is also being popularized.

The fuse of the low fertility rate is also starting from here.

"Have you read the Capital Science and Technology Daily today? The Four Seas Group has actually cooperated with the Great Wall Electromechanical Company, and the investment scale is as high as one billion."

In the office, Lu Qiuyu exclaimed.

The two have already developed the habit of reading newspapers every morning when they go to work.

Hearing what Lu Qiuyu said at this time, Chu Tianyao was also taken aback.

"Great Wall Electromechanical Company?"

This name somehow made Chu Tianyao feel a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

With a capital scale of one billion yuan, this cooperation is a rare large cooperation in the domestic business circle.

Out of curiosity, Chu Tianyao also took a newspaper from Lu Qiuyu.

This is not today's newspaper, but the news from the Capital Science and Technology Daily two days ago. The headline on the front page is the news about the cooperation between the Universal Group and Great Wall Electromechanical.

Attached to the newspaper was a black and white photo of Xiong Guoxiang, general manager of Sihai Group, and Shen Taifu, chairman of Great Wall Electromechanical, shaking hands at the signing ceremony.

Naturally, this was not the first time seeing Xiong Guoxiang and Chu Tianyao, but in the photo, the middle-aged man in a suit standing with Xiong Guoxiang stunned Chu Tianyao.

"Shen Taifu... I remembered, it turned out to be this guy!"

Chu Tianyao slapped his forehead and couldn't help blurting out.

On the side, Lu Qiuyu also looked at Chu Tianyao curiously with wide eyes. Although he knew that the news was not small, it would not make Chu Tianyao lose his composure.

To put it bluntly, these two companies have nothing to do with Chu Tianyao.

"Although there is a deviation from the timeline in memory, this person should be right."

Chu Tianyao looked at the newspaper in his hand with a dignified expression.

Who is this Shen Taifu? Even 30 years later, many people have heard of this person. He was a great man who illegally raised more than 20 million yuan in less than 2000 days.

In the early 90s, Shen Taifu was a well-established business tycoon. The Great Wall Electromechanical Co., Ltd. he founded had attracted numerous domestic investors.

According to the investigation, it took Shen Taifu less than a year to defraud investors of more than one billion yuan, and his methods were brilliant at the time.

Chu Tianyao looked down at the contents of the newspaper, especially the description about Shen Taifu, and sneered in his eyes.

In the report, Shen Taifu turned himself into a genius scientist with many inventions and creations, and even touted the useless inventions that Shen Taifu bought with money as great inventions that changed the future of mankind, and their value was even more important than Watt's invention of the steam engine.

To put it bluntly, Shen Taifu's Great Wall Electromechanical relies on the so-called speed-regulating motor, which can be used in many industries such as power plants and water plants to automatically adjust the speed of the motor to achieve power-saving effects.

Shen Taifu did not have enough funds to invest in the R&D and production of the machine, so he thought of relying on hype on the concept of power saving to conduct large-scale private financing.

Especially since Deng Gong's southern tour, people are full of investment enthusiasm for various constructive projects, which makes Shen Taifu's fundraising road smooth.

"But why is it such a coincidence, it happens to be these two guys..."

Chu Tianyao's eyes fell on Xiong Guoxiang who was beside Shen Taifu.

Others don't know, but Chu Tianyao, as a reborn person, knows that the American Enron Company, which is backed by the Four Seas Group, is an out-and-out fraud company.

It is definitely not a so-called coincidence that these two swindlers suddenly joined forces.

If Chu Tianyao's guess is correct, these two people should be planning to run away. As for why they cooperated, it is estimated that Xiong Guoxiang wants to launder money with a high probability.

By using investors' money from Sihai Group to invest in Great Wall Electromechanical, this wave of momentum is expected to also boost Enron's stock price on the New York Stock Exchange.

And Xiong Guoxiang only needs to discuss with Shen Taifu in private, and get a certain percentage of interest back. If something happens at that time, the thunderstorm will definitely be Great Wall Electromechanical first.

At that time, investors probably could not find Shen Taifu for a long time.

In addition, why did Shen Taifu cooperate with Xiong Guoxiang.

Thinking about it, it should not be as simple as money laundering.

"Could it be that the higher-ups didn't notice the cooperation with such a large amount of funds?"

Chu Tianyao was secretly worried. After all, what these two guys are going to do will not only harm the interests of investors. Who knows how much money these two companies have cheated. The damage to national interests is also huge.

"I'm going out!"

Chu Tianyao frowned, and left the office straight away with the newspaper in his hand.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Lu Qiuyu was also a little baffled by Chu Tianyao's sudden actions.

But when she was still wondering, Chu Tianyao had already left the office door.

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