June tenth.

Chen Feipeng finally came to the news.

On the phone, there was excitement in his tired voice.

"The inventory has all been wiped out. Thanks to Huang Sanshui and the others, this time we have entered the Hubei market through Hanwu City, and we have fully opened up the beer market in Hubei Province. The next thing we need to do is to let go of production!"

After Chen Feipeng finished speaking, Chu Tianyao was sitting in the office on the other end of the phone, with a long-lost smile on his face.

Not only the three southwestern provinces, but the beer manufacturers in Hubei Province also rely on hops from western Xinjiang. Now that there is a shortage of raw materials, distributors in Hubei Province immediately chose Xingyao Wine Industry after hearing the news.

Among them, Xingyao Liquor has another biggest advantage, that is, the existence of Xingyao Freight, which greatly speeds up the circulation of products in the Hubei market.

"How is the situation in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces?"

Chu Tianyao continued to ask Chen Feipeng.

"The situation is as you expected. After learning about our situation, the previous dealers resumed cooperation almost immediately. Not only that, but our orders in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces are still increasing."

Chen Feipeng said on the phone, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

Obviously, the current situation is very good for Xingyao Wine Industry. If there is no accident, it will only take a month at most, and their market share in the three southwestern provinces can quickly catch up with Lanjian and Shancheng.

"I only make one request. The funds must be collected quickly, and production must be put into production immediately. Now the peak season has arrived, and time is money!"

Chu Tianyao said to the phone.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Chen Feipeng also agreed with a serious face.

They already knew about Chu Tianyao's mortgage of the Rongcheng Brewery to the bank. Now the company's debt pressure is not small. On the other hand, with the expansion of sales scope, various costs in the factory are also increasing. In the past two months, Chu Tianyao has spent tens of millions.

Now, not to mention the three southwestern provinces, even in the first-tier cities in the two provinces of Hubei and Hunan, there are almost all offices of Xingyao Wine Industry.

After talking on the phone with Chen Feipeng, Chu Tianyao called Lucheng again to ask about Luo Jin's recent production problems.

Since the inventory started to be exported in the past two days, Luo Jin also breathed a sigh of relief, and assured Chu Tianyao on the phone that there would be no problems in production.

The goods sent to Hubei and Hunan provinces are almost all transported from Lucheng Wharf to Shancheng City, and are sent to the two places via the freight route of Huang Sanshui.

In just a few days, the sales data line of Xingyao Liquor almost showed a 45-degree angle, rising all the way.

At the same time, for the major beer manufacturers, it is obviously a hot summer season, but they are living like a harsh winter.

Many second- and third-tier breweries have shut down.

Not to mention the lack of raw materials for production, the price of a little raw material that has finally flowed into the market is ridiculously expensive.

They originally wanted to grit their teeth and buy raw materials at a high price, so as to spend this year's peak season first, but there was a problem with the final payment of the dealer, which directly led to the loss of their funds.

After checking, everyone found out that it wasn't that these dealers had no money, but that these guys turned around and went to Xingyao Liquor to buy goods with the money.

Knowing the truth of the matter, they couldn't help jumping and cursing.

On the one hand, they are pursuing the final payment from the dealer in a lawsuit, and on the other hand, they are wondering why there is no raw material problem in Xingyao Liquor?

Rongcheng, Tsingtao Brewery branch.

In Wang Zhongda's office.

"In less than half a month, the price of raw materials has doubled. This trick is really good!"

Wang Zhongda looked at the information in his hand and praised repeatedly.

On the side, secretary Jiang Li couldn't help but feel her whole body tense when she heard Wang Zhongda's words.

Whenever Wang Zhongda was angry, this seemingly calm smile was the most terrifying.

"President Wang, what should we do next?"

Jiang Li asked Wang Zhongda cautiously.

Although the Tsingtao Beer family has a big business, such a turmoil is not fatal, but for Wang Zhongda, the boss of the branch company, he really couldn't bear it when he made such a mistake.

"Chu Tianyao's move is not bad, but it is effective for others, but it is not very useful for us."

There was a trace of coldness in Wang Zhongda's eyes, and then he turned his head and glanced at the person beside him.

"The stock of raw materials is not enough, so we will transfer them from the factory in Su Province to the south. This time is the best opportunity to occupy the southwest market. Speaking of which, I would like to thank that boy."

Wang Zhongda put down the information in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face again.

In the whole of China, hops are planted not only in Xijiang, but also in Su Province. Although the scale is not as large as Xi Xinjiang, but with the strength of Tsingtao Brewery in Su Province, it is not a big deal to temporarily transport a batch of raw materials for turnover.

On the contrary, Southwestern breweries such as Blue Sword and Shancheng do not have such strength, and what awaits them is bound to be gradually eaten away.


Fang City, Blue Sword Group.

There is no airtight wall in the world. Chu Tianyao's hop planting cooperative is very popular in western Xinjiang, so it is hard to escape the eyes of those who are interested.

The culprit of the shortage of raw materials was finally found, how could Guo Yiming and others not be angry.


With a big hand on the table, Guo Yiming stood up from behind the desk.

"The boy surnamed Chu is very ruthless. This is a naked monopoly. Immediately write a report to the higher authorities. I want to report Xingyao Liquor's illegal activities."

Guo Yiming said to Ren Hu, the vice president.

"Mr. Guo, can this be done?"

Ren Hu hesitated.

Guo Yiming frowned, his face darkened instantly.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. The superiors can't just watch us sit and wait for death."

Crying children have milk. Not only Chu Tianyao understands this truth, but entrepreneurs like Guo Yiming, who were originally protected by localism, know it well.

Similarly, he was not the only one who wanted to write a report letter to report Xingyao Liquor after learning of the man behind the shortage of raw materials.

The bosses of beer companies in Shancheng, Asia Pacific and other provinces wrote reports one after another, almost tearfully complaining in the letters about the harm Chu Tianyao's monopoly of raw materials has caused to their companies.

Some people even invited a reporter to write an article, and published the matter in the Sichuan Provincial Commercial Daily, in an attempt to expand their influence and make the higher-ups strictly investigate Xingyao Liquor.

Just two days, but mid-June.

As the sales of Xingyao Liquor increased day by day, and the survival of major beer companies became more and more difficult, the matter of Xingyao Liquor's monopoly of raw materials was exposed in major newspapers and magazines, which aroused widespread discussion for a while.

Some magazine reporters even used sensitive words such as capitalists to sternly condemn Xingyao Wine Industry.

Needless to say, these magazines are paid for.

As for who is behind the scenes, Chu Tianyao knows without guessing.

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