Chapter 828 Sanctions

Li Zekai gave an order, and his subordinates rushed to investigate Zeng Jiahe's whereabouts.

When Zeng Jiahe came in front of Li Zekai, he also cried and said:

"I'm sorry Mr. Li, I was indeed greedy for vanity and said big words."

"But I'm also a victim now!"

"Are you a victim?

Who would believe it! "

Li Zekai thought that this must be Zeng Jiahe deliberately complaining in front of him and begging for sympathy.

Zeng Jiahe had no choice but to produce substantive evidence.
"There are even a lot of people who come to our door with money to ask us to return the goods!"

"We are also in dire straits!"

Seeing the sales data brought by Zeng Jiahe, Li Zekai really felt better.

"Hmph! Who made you choose to lie to me?

This is the price you should pay! "

Li Zekai snorted coldly, thinking that Zeng Jiahe had been let go.

Jin Yangping beside him saw that Li Zekai had calmed down, so he hurried up with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Li, I think the most urgent task now is how to deal with Chu Tianyao."

The invention patent of &np3 technology. "

"All of us can't do anything about him!"

When Li Zekai heard this old question, he seemed a little discouraged and decadent.

"That's what I said, but Mr. Li, don't forget that in the entire Hong Kong City, we are the real bosses!"

After saying this, Li Zekai's attention was instantly caught, he turned his head and asked.

"What does this mean?"

Seeing that Li Zekai was interested in what he said, Jin Yangping immediately turned on the computer and took out the sales data of recent years.

"Look, Mr. Li, the Walkman didn't appear just a few years ago, but has become popular among young people in recent years."

"But even after several years, the sales data of Walkmans and electronic music still can't compare with our records."

"Their sales figures are nothing compared to our records!"

Jin Yangping stretched out his finger, and Li Zekai immediately saw the clue.

Even more than a year ago, when the Walkman just entered the Hong Kong City market, it was the hottest time.

Sales of Walkmans and electronic music are less than a fifth of those of records.

What's more, now, the popularity of Walkmans has dropped a bit, so Jin Yangping seems very confident.

"So that's the case, no wonder I don't think you are very worried all the time!"

Li Zekai sighed, while Jin Yangping got a bargain and acted like a good boy, continuing to make moves.

"Mr. Li, although we are local snakes, we can't give Chu Tianyao a chance this time."

"Although he was the first to take away the music electronic copyrights of almost all Hong Kong singers."

"But we can issue an industry ban so that this kid can't release a record at all!"

Jin Yangping's words reminded Li Zekai, and he probably understood what to do next.

"You mean, as long as Chu Tianyao can't support so many people at the same time, and can't get rid of the blame, the singers will naturally turn against us one after another!"

After hearing this, Jin Yangping immediately seized the opportunity to flatter him.

"That's right, Mr. Li! You are so smart, you are simply a genius!"

For this flattery, Li Zekai was very useful.

"Your words are very reasonable, so let's do this, you go and inform the various departments to cooperate."

"Tomorrow morning, I want to see this paper ban appear!"

"As ordered!"

Li Zekai looked at the back of Jin Yangping leaving slowly, with an increasingly fierce expression on his face.

He knew that this was his last chance to deal with Chu Tianyao.

As the son of Li Bangang, the richest man in Hong Kong, Li Zekai does not allow his peers to defeat him by commercial means.

This will be the shame of my life!

&np3 is popular in Hong Kong City, and many singers and artists relying on Xingyao Entertainment Company have income.

And even if they didn't join Shining Star Entertainment, the rest of the singers and artists also earned this extra money through friends' introductions.

At the beginning, they gave Chu Tianyao their electronic music copyright almost free of charge.

Fortunately, there was a good result in the end, Chu Tianyao brought them a generous reward.

"Boss Chu, you are now the God of Wealth of all our singers!"

"Who says no, I heard that many people have already hung your portrait at home!"

Lin Zixiang and Ye Qianwen kept joking, which made Chu Tianyao somewhat embarrassed.

"Seniors, isn't this a little exaggerated?"

"Just kidding, let's talk about business."

Lin Zixiang and Ye Qianwen didn't leave, obviously they must have something to say.

"Please tell me, I'm all ears!"
This is a very realistic problem, and Chu Tianyao had to face it.

"Let me tell you the truth, if you only rely on this single business, it is really difficult."

"But my purpose is more than that, I want to use this to let Li Zekai see our strength!"

"Only this strength can force Li Zekai and the others to compromise and revoke the sanctions imposed on us in the record industry!"

Having said that, both Lin Zixiang and Ye Qianwen's eyes lit up.

&np3 as support, supporting such a large group of singers and artists is definitely not a problem! "

Lin Zixiang and Lin Zixiang nodded slightly, and they smiled frankly.

"It seems that our worries are unnecessary."

"Yeah, we are still trying to figure out a way for you on the way here."

"Now it seems that you are the youngest talented businessman we have ever seen. It turns out that you have already planned everything."

Chu Tianyao responded with a smile.

"Both of you are overwhelmed. It's just that I have seen a lot and accumulated more experience over the years."

"By the way, let's have a celebration banquet at this good time tonight!"

Chu Tianyao knew that these singers and artists usually taboo silence, so he took the initiative to make this request.

In fact, everyone has some ideas about this on the day of receiving the goods today, but they just didn't say it out of face.

Seeing that the biggest boss, Chu Tianyao, has already spoken, everyone can only agree.

"Well, Boss Chu, you wait, so many of us will definitely organize a special celebration banquet for you, and we will definitely guarantee your satisfaction!"

Lin Zixiang reached out and patted his chest as a guarantee, and later he turned around and left with Ye Qianwen.

Not long after, a grand celebration banquet was indeed held within the company.

In order to thank Chu Tianyao, all artists and singers performed very hard.

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