travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 240 Sea Stories, Blind Box Fishing

Fall in love with you, travel on the tip of the tongue

It's really beautiful here.

Lin Shenlu's mood was completely changed and made him very comfortable.

Xisha Islands, one of the four major archipelagos in the South China Sea, is the largest island in the South China Sea. She is magnificent, beautiful and rich. Only Chinese people can set foot on the bloody land. She is the treasure of every Chinese, and it is also the treasure of every Chinese. A place that every Chinese traveler yearns for!

The Xisha Islands have been the sacred and inviolable territory of our country since ancient times!It's beautiful here, but hard to get into.

Only Chinese people are allowed to enter this uncultivated virgin land, and there is a strict number limit every year.

So far, less than one ten-thousandth of Chinese people have set foot on this pure land.

The Xisha Islands, a place that must be visited once in a lifetime, because the Xisha Islands are currently the southernmost tourist destination in China.

Xisha Islands, the pearl of the motherland, is known as the most inaccessible place in China and has infinite charm.

It was not until the establishment of the city of Sansha that the Xisha Islands were officially opened to Chinese citizens, so that we could enter this bloody territory that only Chinese can set foot on, and appreciate the beauty of the Xisha Islands up close.

And the three islands of the Xisha Islands, Yinyu Island, Yagong Island and Quanfu Island, are already the southernmost territory of the motherland that ordinary tourists can reach.

Because the Xisha Islands allow you to see the real life of the aborigines on the island and understand the most primitive marine ecology.

The Xisha Islands are the most primitive ecological islands with few people and beautiful scenery in the true sense.

If you don't visit the South China Sea, you don't know the vastness of the ocean; if you don't visit Xisha, you don't know the magic of the islands.

So many islands in the world only tell you how to have fun and how to squander. The Xisha Islands let you see the real life of the aboriginal people on the island and understand the most primitive marine ecology!

Chinese people have been land civilizations of farming society since ancient times, but no one can stop our yearning for the ocean since ancient times!If you have been to the Xisha Islands, you will definitely sigh: the island is not just for pleasure, the ocean cannot be conquered!


Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.

Only when you arrive at the Xisha Islands do you know that the real sea is here. The Xisha Islands are comparable to the pure waters of the Maldives. They have corals and fish schools that are more beautiful than Palau, and the sea and sky are better than Bali.It is still rated as the No.1 of China's top ten most beautiful islands by "China National Geographic"!

Damei Xisha, a thousand years at a glance.

Xisha’s unique great-mother’s shoal transforms her endless color scales, light blue, lake blue, dark blue, dark blue, in addition to blue, there are green, white, yellow, brown...

The creator gave all the blue to Xisha. If you have not been there, you will never understand how scarce human beings describe blue.

Because the Xisha Islands are the virgin land of the world's oceans, the last secret place beyond the sea and the sky, the Xisha Islands have one of the few blue sky and pure air, clear sea water, visibility as high as 40 meters, underwater is a colorful mythical dragon palace.

The beautiful coral reefs stretch for several kilometers, and rich and precious marine life inhabits here. Some people even describe the Paracel Islands as "half water, half fish".

There is no commercial atmosphere, no shopping malls, no supermarkets, no hotels, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.Here, you can only experience the ultimate sky, sea, reefs and beaches.

No amount of words can fully explain the beauty of this clear sea and this blue land. Only by experiencing it for yourself can we reveal its mystery and find out.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of Xisha.

Lin Shenlu took a deep breath and felt this rare beauty.

This inner comfort.

At this moment, Lin Shenlu seemed to think of the poem about Xisha that had been in his heart for a long time.

I know he's just returned from far seas where I haven't set foot.

I know what he's telling is something I haven't seen.

He spoke of the joys and hardships of life,

There are waves on the tip of the tongue.

His earholes are like conch shells, and I hear the distant echoes,

Like a piece of Chinese porcelain in the bilge of a sunken ship

What kind of...

Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.

fingers tapped repeatedly,

With infinite contemplation.

This is one of several fishermen I saw on my trip south

He said he had been to the southernmost sea of ​​China,

He said it's nothing to be proud of

"That was but a door a little farther out,

Pass a family letter. "

I know he's just come back from a far sea I haven't set foot in

i know what he's talking about

I have never seen him, but when I gazed at him for a long time

You can be sure: his face has experienced vicissitudes

It is the complete map of our motherland

With the sea breeze blowing south just around the chin

He turned his head slowly, his strong body

Like a reef when the tide goes out.


Lin Shenlu stood on the boat and looked into the distance, only seeing a vast expanse of whiteness.The sea and the sky merge into one, and it is hard to tell whether it is water or sky.

As the saying goes: fog locks the mountains and mountains, and the sky is connected to the water and the tail water is connected to the sky.

The sea water in the distance, under the delicate sunlight, spreads like fish scales on the water surface, and keeps jumping towards the shore like naughty children.

Suddenly, a white wave rushed towards the sailboat in the distance, like galloping horses or a raging white dragon.

Just heard a "snap", it hit the ship heavily.

It was like a landslide and the ground cracked, and then the body was smashed to pieces, and then the tide retreated helplessly into the sea.

What a tragic scene!

Although it knows that its strength is negligible, it has been rushing towards the shore since ancient times, as if it wants to break through the rocks and get out of the lonely and lively sea.

The sea returned to calm again, as if it was accumulating strength and preparing to launch the next round of shock.

Ridges of waves are still rushing towards the sailboat.

But they are much gentler.

The sea, which was still bustling just now, suddenly became quiet.

In the distance is still the sky, the sea...

Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.

In the vast expanse, the sea and the sky merged into a vast dome. Lin Shenlu looked up at the blue sky and the boundless sea. He couldn't tell the end of the sky or the cape. It was a completely blue world.

Flocks of seagulls are chasing the waves of the waves, and several other fishing boats are also carrying hard-working fishermen who are casting nets for fishing in the distance.

With the change of the mood of the sea alone, the sea water is high and low for a while, the waves are splashing for a while, and the sea is calm for a while.

When the waves splash, the sea water will roll up high waves and rush towards the air endlessly. The sound is as if a great "pianist" is passionately beating every key, making a magnificent sound. loud voice.

When the wind is calm and the waves are calm, the white waves of the mighty torrent become very calm in an instant, just like a mirror; when the waves are high and low for a while, it is like a childlike and intelligent little fur child, crying and crying for a while, and happy for a while.In this state, many people stand still, as if they are savoring the infinite fun of the sea.

Lin Shenlu really likes the sea.

I have also been to several cities with seas on business trips before.

When the weather is calm, Lin Shenlu likes to take a walk by the sea, the waves comb the fine sand at his feet, the sea breeze caresses gently, looking up at the sea, the waves are like a butterfly spreading its wings.

Lin Shenlu also likes the turbulent aura of Dahai just now. At this time, Dahai has become a general who fights bravely on the battlefield, with an irresistible aura.

Lin Shenlu likes to walk on the shallow beach facing the warm breeze, playing with the young ladies and sisters with the waves.

And the milky white morning mist poured into the air like milk, and it seemed to cover the vast sea with an elegant veil.

Under the gray and white sky, there are vast expanses of blue waves, and the red sun is slowly rising from the horizon. At that time, the clouds and mist slowly dispersed in the sky, a beautiful morning glow appeared in the sky, and the sea water shone with golden brilliance.

The sea is really beautiful.

This trip to Xisha really gained a lot.

Lin Shenlu could never have imagined that she would...

Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.

Self will be healed so comfortably.

Looking at the sea, Lin Shenkuo's heart seems to be broadened. In this state, it makes people feel refreshed and happy. Like rolling hills.

Some hit the ship, splashing several meters high waves, making a wonderful sound!

The sea is beautiful, the waves are beautiful, and the blue sky is even more beautiful!

On the blue sky, there are a few white clouds floating. Looking up at the blue sky on the sailboat, a gust of wind blows, it is so comfortable, so free and easy, so refreshing.

The strange blue sky is like a flawless gem hanging in the sky, and the strange cloud is like a pure white and flawless gem inlaid among the sapphires.

Finally, the sea returned to calm again, and after a while of turmoil, I realized the rhythm, which was the heartbeat of the calm sea.

Surging with the waves is a kind of taste, a wonderful feeling that has never been experienced before, what needs to be felt is the real beating of life, a kind of heartbeat that is so broad and strong even if it is calm.

Ripple upon ripple, the waves chasing the waves, the waves are trimmed with silver edges woven by the waves, they will be swept into the troughs by the waves in front, and pushed to the top of the waves by the waves behind.

The waves beat against the hull and splashed spray.

Full view of blue.

Flawless, transparent, pure, quiet, a color that is enough to melt itself, that is the only color that nature bestows on the sea.

Slowly, the wind picked up on the sea.

The microwave is sparkling, the sun is shining on it, and the sea surface is like a broken golden emerald, which makes people feel an inexplicable pity.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the waves are gradually getting bigger, one wave after another.The waves are white, like a piece of silk fluttering in the wind.

The waves pushed the waves, some rolled and disappeared for a while, and some hit the hull, which was very interesting.

The sea is calm.

The sparkling light, the vast smoke, the clear sky, and the sinking scales.


Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.

#Occasionally there is a breeze passing by, stirring up small waves.

No matter the weather, she is always calm.

I was fascinated by her calmness, so Lin Shenlu approached her.

Oh!It is her heart that keeps her from being moved by external factors, not disturbed by miscellaneous things, no matter what, she can deal with it calmly.

She has a quiet heart!

The sea is so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance.

The sea is so wide, embracing so many tourists.

Lin Shenlu opened his arms, embracing the beautiful blue sea, and suddenly felt open-minded.

The sea, you are as calm as a mirror, and you are surging.

The blue sea surface is dotted with silver light with the microwave.

Lin Shenlu stood on the sailboat for a long time, listening to the sound of the sea, which was making noise for itself.

It's all so sweet.

Suddenly, Lin Shenlu discovered that there was a bit of bitterness in this sweetness.

Oh, it turned out to be salt. Those grains of salt are the crystallization of the sea.


The sea is really vast.

As far as the eye can see, the sea and the sky are still the same color, without the slightest boundary.

It seems that at the turn of day and night, all kinds of stars rise and fall, and the sun, moon and stars are pregnant in her belly!

In the whole world, only the sky above the head can be compared with it.

And why is she broad?

Approaching her, the root of it is that rivers converge in the sea, and lakes and rivers gather in the sea.

Her broadness is because she treats all things in the world equally, she has no doubts, and she tolerates everything, because of her broad mind!

The sea is beautiful, whether it is calm or angry.

The calm sea brings us a kind of tranquility and a kind of comfort.

It's a calm state of mind.

The angry sea brings us a lot of courage and fighting spirit, yearning, longing and passion.

The calm sea is a blue world, without wind and waves, the heart...

Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.


And who knows that there is a crisis hidden in this calmness? Calmness is the false side of the sea.

The sea is not a lady, but Xiang Yu, who is powerful and powerful.

The sea is not a beautiful blue carpet, but endless shifting sand dunes.

Anger is the truest side of the sea.

Lin Shenlu really loves the sea, which is vast.

Boundless, the sky is blue, the sea is blue!

"Why is the sea blue?" Sea Blue Whale suddenly asked Lin Shenlu from the side.

Lin Shenlu said: "The color of the sea is related to the clouds. The sea without clouds is white...the sea under thin clouds is blue...the sea under thick white clouds is green...the sea under gray clouds is blue...under dark clouds The sea is gray... the sea under the clouds is black."

The sea blue whale listened carefully, listening to the sea blue whale felt that the colors in front of his eyes became richer.

Lin Shenlu used to be fascinated by the sea, and in the world of dreams, he had pondered the sea's demeanor, guessed the sea's character, and imagined the sea's storm countless times.

Today, Lin Shenlu really threw himself into the arms of the sea—let the sea churn, let the sea wind blow his face black.

Lin Shenlu finally saw petrels walking between the waves and clouds, and saw islands standing out from the swells and eddies.

Lin Shenlu finally experienced the charm of the sea and touched the waves of the sea...


Suddenly, Lin Shenlu, who was immersed in the magnificent beauty of the sea, suddenly felt a change in the sea pole in his hand.

There is a great force pulling...


Lin Shenlu was taken aback.

The whole person's thoughts were quickly pulled back.

"I'm on the fish!" Lin Shenlu cheered and smiled.

Tutu on the other side quickly let go of Bai Qinghuan from his arms, and walked towards Lin Shenlu.

The two were so busy hugging each other that they forgot about fishing.

Tutu is here to help.

"Look at this strength...

Chapter 240 Sea Story Blind Box Fishing, click on the next page to continue reading.

, the fish is not small! " Tutu said with a smile.

Lin Shenlu nodded.

The battle with the fish began.

This is a gift from the sea to itself.

Fishing in Xisha is like opening a blind box.

Not sure what to catch...

Lin Shenlu was looking forward to it.


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