travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 265 In Enshi Prefecture, 3 People Meet

Fall in love with you, travel on the tip of the tongue

There are indeed many delicacies in Enshi.

And in Lin Shenlu's opinion, it was delicious.

He and Su Moli arrived at the check-in place first.

Lin Shenlu opened the room, put down his luggage, and then went downstairs to wait for Su Moli.

Not long after, the two began to look for delicious food.

Soon, Lin Shenlu found a place to eat, and took the lead in ordering a roasted bacon with weed vegetables.

This is a special delicacy.

After all, Enshi's bacon, Lin Shenlu, has been coveted for a long time.

The bacon in Enshi is different. Every year after the light snow and before the beginning of spring, every household of the Tujia people in Enshi will make bacon.

They usually cut the pork belly into long strips of about ten catties and put them in a large pot, smear it with high-quality corn wine, and marinate it with spices such as star anise, pepper, and chili.

A few days later, the pork is taken out and smoked on the kang.

After ten days and a half months, the aromas penetrated into the meat. The bacon is bright in color and red in brown. It tastes fat but not greasy. The aroma of pine wood is still lingering between the lips and teeth. The aftertaste is endless. The main course on the table.

This is the Tujia bacon, and this bacon is really special and delicious when it is cooked with weed.

Weicai is a rare and precious natural wild herb, commonly known as cat's fern and orchid moss. It is used to stir-fry bacon. It has bright color and delicious smell.

The second dish ordered by Lin Shenlu was this divine tofu.

A piece of tofu in the state of green tofu...

God tofu is also called Guanyin tofu. In Xianfeng folk, every hot summer season, farmers often use a kind of leaf to make "tofu" for consumption.

Legend has it that Guanyin Bodhisattva instructs the poor to use this leaf to make tofu to satisfy the famine in the famine year.

This kind of leaf is called Turtle Dove Oak Leaf, which is a rare raw material for health food. It has the functions of clearing heat and detoxifying, appetizing and promoting body fluid, improving eyesight and eliminating fire, strengthening muscles and bones.

I don't know if it tastes good or not, but it's definitely good for the body.

The food here is really something that Lin Shenlu has never eaten.

After the food was served, both Lin Shenlu and Su Moli ate it amazingly.

And Lin Shenlu was already looking forward to breakfast tomorrow morning.

After all, Enshi's breakfast is still very important.

Back at the place where he stayed at night, Lin Shenlu sent a WeChat message to Hailanjing with a smile.

"Why haven't you replied to me?" Lin Shenlu sent a voice.

It's just that I don't know what the sea blue whale is doing, and I haven't replied for a long time, maybe I'm busy.

Lin Shenlu didn't care, but fell asleep early at night, and after taking a plane today and walking all afternoon, he was indeed a little tired.


In the early morning, Lin Shenlu got up early, first went for a habitual morning run, and then prepared to have breakfast.

After all, Enshi's breakfast cannot be missed.

Lin Shenlu knew before that Enshi's breakfast is called too early. In Enshi, the word "too early" means the beginning of the day. When greeting others, you can say: "Too early?" or : "Go, cut too early".

That counts as a greeting.

Enshi's breakfast is very rich, it is impossible to try it all in one meal, seven days a week, change the food, and not only breakfast, but also unique Tujia cuisine!

In addition to visiting the most beautiful natural beauty here, it is natural to eat a meal recognized by the locals, which is the meaning of this trip.

That bowl of steaming bean curd made Lin Shenlu's face glisten and belches continuously, the pan was smeared with thin oil, the batter slipped out of the special funnel, and the edges were slightly warped, and the bean curd out of the pan was not like noodles. It is smooth and smooth, but has a rough and solid taste and some grain aroma.

The main raw materials for making bean skins are rice and potato starch, while mung bean skins and corn bean skins need to be added with corresponding raw materials.

The made bean curd can be boiled or fried, usually served with chicken, duck, fish, meat, vegetables, etc., the taste is soft and smooth, and the aftertaste is endless

And even at this moment when Lin Shenlu strolls casually, he is always attracted by the kang yams on the street. The kang yams sprinkled with chili, green onion and sesame seeds fill his mouth with its spicy, numb and fragrant aftertaste.

Lin Shenlu ordered a pair of squeezed peppers and several different pancakes.

Whether it is an appetizer or a base of pressed peppers, as long as it is paired with rice, you can enjoy its unique taste. No matter how you match it, it is a delicious dish!

Lin Shenlu really found that Enshi is an ideal destination whether it is looking good or delicious.

Have a comfortable breakfast, but find that this breakfast seems to last for a long time, no matter how late you get up, you can have it, after all, the breakfast shop is open from 6 am to noon.

The breakfast stalls all over the street are full of white smoke and fragrance, people come and go early, eat, drink and walk like a gust of wind, forming a unique gourmet world in Enshi.

Soon, the biscuits will be ready too.Lin Shenlu took it and ate it with big mouthfuls.

The main ingredient of Tujia Shaobing is flour, which is first made with old flour, and then filled with meat, green onion, pepper, etc., mixed together to make an oval cake, smeared with soy sauce, sesame, etc. Grilled over charcoal.

The baked Tujia biscuits are golden in color, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

It is said that there are two ways to make it, one is electric grilling and the other is charcoal grilling.

This Tujia biscuit is also known as dregs-removing biscuits or dregs-removing biscuits. It is named after the outer layer is crispy and loose after being baked, and the dregs will fall off after a little shaking. It is known as Chinese pizza.

Tujia biscuits are one of the local snacks in Enshi area.

Lin Shenlu liked to eat this biscuit very much. The first bite he took was meatless, but the fragrance brought by the fluffy dough made him unable to stop his mouth.

The more you eat, the more enjoyable it is. Even without meat, this piece of fermented noodles is excellent.

And after biting down deeply, it is really comfortable after eating the meat.

The full mouthful of fragrance is really amazing.

After eating the biscuits, Lin Shenlu turned his attention to You Xiang'er again.

Enshi’s Youxiang’er, pour rice milk into the Youxiang’er ladle, when the rice milk completely covers the bottom of the ladle, put fresh pork shreds, potato shreds, chopped green onion, chili powder, etc. The rice milk can be put into the pan to start frying.

The oily filling depends on personal taste. Those who love eggs can also crack a raw egg on top of the stuffing. It is said that the fried oily aroma is delicious.

Lin Shenlu ate the Youxiang'er with big mouthfuls. The Youxiang'er was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, crispy and delicious.

People in Enshi often eat this for breakfast, even at noon, and they never get tired of eating it.

You can sit at the dining table with noodles, soy milk, etc. and enjoy it slowly. Those who are in a hurry can also wrap it in paper and eat while walking.

However, because it is fried food, you need to pay attention to the oil droplets oozing from the oil fragrance when eating.

Lin Shenlu was very surprised by this oily aroma, and the original two yuan oily aroma cost five yuan, but the meat is still as firm as ever, and you can taste the deliciousness of the meat with the first bite. The Lord is happy to make it. You may never find such a cheap breakfast in the streets and alleys!

In fact, Enshi's rice is also diverse. There is a layer of fragrant crispy potato rice, golden and fluffy corn rice, and Shefan can be regarded as a private dish of the people of Enshi. This is the craftsmanship left by the ancestors.

Every year, the fifth Wu day after the Beginning of Spring and the fifth Wu Day after the Beginning of Autumn are the Tujia’s social days, which are mainly used for offering sacrifices and hoping for good weather in the coming year.

Tujia people are very keen on "going to the community" and making delicious community meals.

In Enshi, the Tujia people spend a long time in the community, not limited to the fifth day after the beginning of spring, they can celebrate it from the end of the first month to February, which is as long as the Spring Festival.

This includes the joy of the Tujia people for the coming of spring, their devotion and respect for the Qing Emperor, "the plan of a year lies in spring".

And every time before the social festival, the family will go up the mountain to pick up the wild Artemisia annua, wash and chop it, put it in a cloth bag, rub it repeatedly in the water, remove the bitter water, dry it in a pot with a slow fire, and then mix the wild vegetables with the good ones. Dried bacon, dried tofu, wild onion, garlic, glutinous rice and other seasonings are steamed with wood and called "shefan".Shefan is soft, slightly bitter, sweet in the mouth, and has an endless aftertaste.

After eating, Lin Shenlu found a place and ordered a bowl of Tujia oil tea soup.

This Tujia oil tea soup is very particular.

In our country, this Tujia oil tea soup, Tibetan butter tea, and Mongolian milk tea are known as the three famous drinks in China.

Tujia Oil Tea Soup: Deep-fry a certain amount of tea leaves with food until they are yellowish yellow, add water to the pot, and add natural seasonings such as ginger, onion, garlic, pepper, etc. After the water boils, scoop them into a bowl, add the pre-fried fried rice , Popcorn, tofu fruit, peanuts, soybeans and other "soaked goods" can be eaten.

Of course, in addition to Tujia oil tea soup, Enshi also has a tea with a very beautiful name - Enshi Yulu, also known as selenium-enriched tea.

Even the recent popular "Story of Yanxi Palace" mentioned this tea.

Enshi Yulu Tea was once called "Jade Green", but it was renamed "Yulu" because of its fresh and refreshing taste, its tight, round and smooth shape, green color and luster as white as jade.

Enshi Yulu tea can be divided into new tea and old tea. If the new tea and old tea of ​​Enshi Yulu are well preserved, the shape of the tea leaves will not be much different, but the color of the tea leaves will be very different. The color of the new tea is bright green. Glossy, fresh and strong tea aroma, while the color of old tea is dark and dull.

Enshi Yulu can be divided into spring tea, summer tea and autumn tea according to the season. Spring tea is the most expensive. When you buy it, you can ask the boss to brew a cup and have a look. The color of the tea soup is dark yellow, the tea soup brewed from spring tea is light green in color and has a strong aroma, the tea soup brewed from summer tea has astringent taste and a strong green color, and the tea soup brewed from autumn tea is light in color and yellow-green in color.

This is a criss-crossing gathering point. It is also very good to drink tea and watch people come and go to enjoy the leisure that belongs to Enshi.

A cup of selenium-enriched tea has a strong tea aroma and is worth savoring slowly.

Lin Shenlu just thought, at night, when the place is quiet, drinking a pot of tea slowly, the mellow aroma will last for a long time!


An Muxi sat at home, very bored.

Lin Shenlu has arrived in Enshi, right?

Do you want to go by yourself?

An Muxi is actually very strange to Enshi.

I just saw a photo in a magazine a long time ago. A green emerald-like river belt passes through peaks of various shapes, extending from near to far. Each peak has its own unique shape, just like the uncanny craftsmanship of nature. Pieces of artwork carved out of this boundless green, surrounded by clouds and mists, are like fairyland.

Later, An Muxi learned that it had a nice name - Enshi Prefecture!

Located in the southwest of Hubei at 30 degrees north latitude, it is the intersection of the three provinces of "Hubei, Hunan and Chongqing".

There are a large number of ethnic minorities living here, the highest proportion of which is the Tujia, so it has become the only minority autonomous prefecture in Hub Province.

Here, "the winter is less severe and the summer is less hot", and the annual average temperature is 16.2 degrees Celsius, which is one of the most suitable places for human habitation.

The forest coverage here is very wide, and it is known as "West Hubei Linhai", "Huazhong Medicine Store", "World Selenium Capital"...etc.

Because of various social platforms, Enshi is known by more and more people. They linger on the reflection of blue waves in spring, the cool and emerald green in summer, the red leaves in autumn, and the most pyrotechnic scene in winter. "Fairyland"!

An Muxi searched for Enshi on the Internet. The Tujia Daughter City is located in the urban area of ​​Enshi. It is an ancient town built by the perfect fusion of antique and Tujia Diaojiaolou. There are a variety of Tujia specialties, snacks, and handmade works in the ancient town. , Walking in the meantime, the friendly Tujia style blows your face.

Of course, this is not the only thing that moved An Muxi the most, the singing and dancing of making glutinous rice cakes, the sincere crying and marriage, the warm and harmonious fire pit singing...

Through these most primitive ways, the ancient town shows the customs and folk customs of the Tujia people in a living way, so that every tourist can not only play, but also feel the joy and simplicity of the Tujia people in the process of visiting.

An Muxi was watching an introduction about Enshi's winter. It is said that when the cable car gradually approached the top of the mountain, the fog all over the mountain was crystal clear and white.

Mountains, trees, buildings, rock walls...all seem to be solidified in this snow-white transparency.

Occasionally, the mountain wind blows, and the snow flakes from the trees are scattered on the cheeks looking up, soft and cool!

If you walk along the plank road, the magnificent canyon in the past, because of the snow, is a little more delicate, so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it.

Those peaks with abrupt shapes, because of the large height difference, the black cliffs broke free from the white snow and exposed, forming a moving ink painting with the surrounding snow white.

When going down the mountain, you can take the "China's longest sightseeing elevator" and shuttle between the canyons. The scenery around you is like a rolling movie, with colors ranging from snow white to green...

Such a beautiful scene really attracted An Muxi.

An Muxi couldn't bear her emotions, why don't she go for a walk?

Anyway, I didn't tell Lin Shenlu.

If it is a coincidence, I will talk about it.

An Muxi smiled.

Click on on your phone.

Buy a ticket and go.

Although it may not be possible to see the beauty of Enshi in winter now.

But autumn is also good.

An Muxi, who has just returned from the prairie, now has his own understanding of travel.

Perhaps this is also a new beginning for myself.

I hope my new self will be liked by others.

Enshi, here I come.

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