travel on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 279 Long time no see, Enshi's travel notes

Fall in love with you, travel on the tip of the tongue

How wonderful it would be if life were just as it was at first sight.

Lin Shenlu and Hailanjing stood on the path of the tree house, and in front of them was the tree house where An Muxi lived.

In an instant, Lin Shenlu seemed to bring his thoughts back to a familiar memory.

"Knock on the door!" Sea Blue Whale said with a smile.

Lin Shenlu paused for a long time but never raised his hand.

He seemed to be hesitating about something.

I don't know if the voices of Lin Shenlu and Hailanjing were heard in the room.

Just as Lin Shenlu was standing at the door, the door suddenly opened.

Standing inside the opened door was a girl that Lin Shenlu knew very well.

It's An Muxi.

"Okay... Long time no see..." Lin Shenlu was taken aback, then said softly.

Maybe after a long time, tens of thousands of words are less than a sentence. Long time no see.

An Muxi was also taken aback, she didn't expect to see Lin Shenlu when she opened the door.

"haven't seen you for a long time……"


In the afternoon, Lin Shenlu began to sit alone on the side of the tree house, typing on the keyboard of the notebook while basking in the sun.

It is rare to have such free and comfortable time to write down the first draft of Enshi's travel notes.

I saw words constantly jumping on Lin Shenlu's screen.

'Late autumn,

Like the stars scattered in the dust.

Warm sun,

To light up the eyes of all things.

The canyon is breezy,

Blow away October's tender affection.

The waterfall flew down,

A fairyland dotted with pear blossoms and rain.

lush vegetation,

Ripples in the stream.

Everything here is green,

Not even the air is an exception. '

This is the introduction, which was bestowed by Enshi by Lin Shenlu.


In autumn, the majesty of Wuling Mountain blocks the breath from the plains, and the Qingjiang River, which runs across Enshi, spreads the coolness all over the land.

In Enshi, which is full of mountains and forests, you can hike mountains, raft streams, cross canyons, and explore humanities.

Enshi, who is hidden in the mountains, was endowed with a peerless appearance by nature.

30 degrees north latitude is a mysterious place, which has ever-changing natural scenery on the earth, and Enshi is one of the leaders.

Enshi has many names, such as "the youngest autonomous prefecture in the Republic", "the most beautiful place in China", "the most beautiful fairyland in China", the selenium capital of the world, Linhai in western Hubei, Huazhong Medicine Store...

But I prefer to call her "The Wizard of Oz". Enshi's green landscape has the "wildest" side - the hand of God has placed all kinds of karst landforms here. When you walk into Enshi, you will start the most intimate contact with the landscape. .

Walking on the top of the mountain with thousands of twists and turns, you can see the mountain cliffs, long sky plank roads, and Optimus Peak pillars in front of you.

The boat sails in the soul-stirring canyon, and from time to time there are waterfalls rushing out of the steep rock walls and flying down into the stream, fluttering and refreshing, clear and refreshing.

Going down to the bottom of the valley with winding paths, you will find tiankengs, karst caves, underground rivers, and rare creatures that split the surface and penetrate deep into the earth.

Green grace, poetic grace.

Enshi had inconvenient transportation in ancient times, and it was a real paradise.

But the ancients who have been here often leave poems and songs here, expressing their affection among the mountains and rivers.

When Kou Zhun was 19 years old, he wrote a poem "Zhai Qiushu in Badong County" in Enshi: Fortunately, Jiang Yun saw it, and He Sibu returned it.

Lu Youen's Autumn Wind Pavilion "Autumn Wind Pavilion": I often look at the water by the Qulan, uneasy about the walls and afraid of covering the mountains.

Du Fu wrote "Xidangxi" in Enshi Nongxi: the long snake ran away from the water, and embraced Jiangcun Zaiyeya.One leaf of Lanzhou Dragon Cave Mansion, several thatched huts and wild families.

Bai Juyi's "Zhu Zhi Ci" mentioned: "Who is the bamboo branch complaining about? The night is quiet and the mountains are empty, and you can hear it again."The barbarians and girls sang in unison, worrying about the sickness of Jianglou.Among them, the barbarians refer to the Enshi people.

Lion Pass, a floating bridge in the bridge's nightmare.

What really makes Enshi prosperous is not only the beautiful mountains and clear waters here, but also because of this net-famous floating bridge-the Bridge of Madison County.

The peculiarity of the pontoon bridge is that it floats on the water, with wooden planks on the surface and a large number of pontoons below.

When driving over it, waves will be stirred up, as if a boat sailing through the water brings up ripples.

In Pingshan Canyon, a wooden boat walks in the clouds.

Because of a floating photo of a wooden boat in Pingshan Dodge Gorge, this place is called "Semporna of China", and the canyon has also become popular on the Internet, and Enshi has gradually entered the field of vision of travelers.

The canyon is more than a hundred feet deep, less than six or seven feet wide, and more than ten kilometers long.

The stream in the canyon is clear, like jasper and emerald, and like a picture scroll in a mirror, it is so beautiful.

Enshi Grand Canyon, a gorgeous awakening of a scar, and a column of high fragrance piercing the sky.

This is the landmark scenic spot of Enshi, and it is also the first 5a-level scenic spot in Enshi, and it is the most beautiful section of the Qingjiang River Basin.

There are all kinds of karst landforms here: cliff galleries, waterfalls and flowing fragrance, lone peaks standing tall, deep ravines and long secluded valleys.

You can go down to the [-]-meter-deep Yunlong Ground Fissure, or you can walk on the suspended plank road hundreds of meters high, which is thrilling and beautiful.The "one stick of incense" in the scenic area stands proudly among the surrounding peaks.

Suobuya, carved by a slit of time.

Suobuya Stone Forest is the oldest Ordovician stone forest in the world, with rare and unique "melting lines" and "wearing crowns".

The mountains, ravines, peaks and rocks in Sobuya are all works of art carefully crafted by the hands of time. The stone forest covered with moss has the mysterious charm of Cambodia.

Walking among the stone forests, especially the essence of the rhinoceros ditch, is like traveling to ancient times. The deeper you explore, the more you will be addicted to her original beauty.

Tenglong Cave, a different universe of a cave.

This is a newly promoted 2020a-level park in Enshi 5, which integrates mountains, water, caves and forests.

Tenglong Cave is layered with water caves and dry caves, passing through the mountains and mountains underground, forming an underground world.

Tenglong Cave not only has a laser show, but also a large-scale situational singing and dancing performance. It is a rare experience to watch a performance that combines virtual and real in the cave.

Enshi Chieftain City, a meeting of winds and clouds in an imperial city.

The green, primitive, quiet and majestic natural scenery is the deepest impression left by Enshi on me.

But Enshi also has its own unique cultural history. The Ba culture in BC and the ups and downs of the chieftain dynasty later also left a rich and colorful stroke in the long history. Unfortunately, most of the cultural traces have been washed away by the long river of history. , now only Enshi Tusi City has become a display stage for these humanities and arts.

A pontoon bridge from Madison County, Lion Pass.

Lion Pass is the grand pass of Xuan'en in ancient times, with majestic mountains. Because there are five rock mountains nearby, guarding the main roads of the county, and the shape of the mountains resembles lions, it is called "Five Lions Town Pass", hence the name Lion Pass.

What tourists yearn for the most is the floating bridge on the water, which is also the plank road on the water, which is why I know the Lion Pass.

This is a holy place to take pictures, and it is also a popular place for Enshi to sit on the Internet. The scenic spot gave her a nice name "The Bridge of Madison County".

The peculiarity of the pontoon bridge is that it floats on the water, with wooden planks on the surface and a large number of pontoons below.

Self-driving cars cannot drive too slowly, and must pass through the pontoon bridge at a certain speed. The pontoon bridge shakes in waves, as if a boat sailing through the water brings up ripples.

There is a poetic feeling of "a car walking on the bridge is like swimming in a painting".

After passing the pontoon bridge, you can rely on the secondary ticket received at the entrance of the scenic spot, turn left at the fork in the road and go up to the viewing platform on the mountainside, and overlook the pontoon bridge from the perspective of the mountainside.

The most beautiful scenery is overlooking from the air, and it is really perfect to have a drone.

The white clouds are long, the green hills are secluded, the water and the sky are the same color, and the whole bridge winds above the water. If a car passes by the pontoon bridge at this time, the bridge deck is like a wave, which is smart and interesting, which is amazing.

Second, the best time to experience driving on water is that you are watching the scenery on the bridge, and the person watching the scenery is watching you on the mountain.

In front of the Bridge of Madison County is the macaque water village, and the water surface is calm.

Boating here is also a kind of enjoyment, there are different styles of cruise ships to choose from.

Whether it is a kayak with pointed ends or a paddle board that you don’t usually touch much, it is easy to get started, and there is no pressure on novices, even girls, it is not difficult.

Especially the transparent boat, with the green stream under its feet, full of childlike fun.

Lightly waving the paddle in your hand, wandering in the clear water and green mountains, it feels very beautiful.

After passing the macaque water village, it is a quiet canyon.

There is a light white mist in the stream, and a small boat is moored on the water surface, its reflection is quiet, and there is a feeling of cold smoke and emerald green on the waves.

A huge cliff stretches abruptly across the road, and this is the "Lion's Mouth".

Car surfing is also the last link in the scenic spot, which will push the happiness to a climax.

The water on the road surface is the upstream stream flowing along the road, which is clear and clean. The car can splash two walls of water all the way forward, adding a lot of wild fun, full of laughter and screams along the way.

The water encountered by the car surfing along the way comes from the Tiankeng Waterfall. The stream is running day and night, and the water level of the pool under the waterfall does not change at all. Tiankeng”, whether there is a wooden boat walking in the clouds.

A few years ago, a group of photos of boats suspended in the water made Pingshan Dodge Gorge popular on the Internet. Pingshan Canyon was called "Semporna of China" by netizens, and it was also the first Internet celebrity attraction in Enshi.

Pingshan is named because of the screen standing on the side of the mountain.

With green trees, mulberry and bamboo as skin, blue waves and beautiful water as pulse, quiet rice paddies as soul, and misty mist as atmosphere, this is a summer resort for summer vacation.In Qing Gucai's "Rongmei Jiyou", there is a poem praising it: "People say this is the land of Taoyuan, but they don't believe that Taoyuan is so strange."

In hot summer, the inside of Pingshan Canyon is several degrees lower than outside the scenic area, which is very suitable for summer vacation and leisure.

Hefeng is the last county in Enshi where the expressway has been connected. In the past two years, the expressway has only been connected to the towns around the county.

Over the years, the beautiful scenery here has also been hidden in the mountains due to inconvenient transportation.

In recent years, Pingshan Canyon has become popular on the Internet, and Enshi has gradually come into the sight of travelers.

The scenery of the whole canyon is dangerous, strange and beautiful, and it is beautiful at every step.

You can stroll along the plank road in the sky, take a boat to float in the water, you can shuttle through the clear stream in the canyon, you can play in the shoals and enjoy the water, and there are green everywhere, which is cool and pleasant.

There are three wonderful experiences in Pingshan Canyon.

The first wonderful experience is to walk along the plank road in the sky.

Turning over a hillside from the parking lot, there is a deep and mysterious canyon in front of you. The rock walls on both sides are high and steep, and a long plank road is built on the cliff.

I feel that it is not easy for people to build, but they must pay attention to the safety of their feet, especially when they are close to the railings to take pictures, they feel that their bodies are hanging on the cliff.

The topography of the canyon is peculiar, and the whole is in the shape of a narrow and long arc, surrounded by towering cliffs and surrounded by streams.

The eyes are full of green, the green vegetation in the mountains, the green stream hundreds of meters below the feet, a layer of light mist floating on the water, and a few small boats floating quietly in the water, like a fairyland in the haze.

The second wonderful experience is floating in the water by boat.

There are more than 1700 steps down the mountain at the entrance, and it takes an hour to walk along the plank road to the bottom of the valley.The bottom of the valley is the shooting location of Internet celebrity floating photos - Ada Shop, which is also a floating boat experience area. Taking a floating photo in a small wooden boat is almost the wish of every visitor to Pingshan.

You can also rent kayaks or transparent boats here, the price is slightly more expensive than Shiziguan, but rowing in the canyon is a different style.

The Pingshan Canyon is actually similar to a fissure in the ground. The river in the fissure is crystal clear. The high canyon blocks the sunlight, and the water surface does not reflect light, forming the illusion of a boat floating in the air.

The easiest way to see floating here requires two conditions, one is clear stream water, and the other is direct sunlight at noon.

The biggest wish of many people in Enshi is to experience the feeling of levitation in person.

It is not recommended to return from Adapuzi along the original road, and the price of returning to climb the mountain is too high.

You need to go downstream to take a boat at Taohuadu, which is another kind of style.

The third wonderful experience is to shuttle through the canyon Qingxi.

Visitors to Pingshan are mainly attracted by the floating photos. In fact, what attracts me more is not the floating photos, but the boat ride through the canyon.

During the journey from boarding Taohuadu to disembarking at Gunlongba, the boat sails deep in the canyon, with steep cliffs on both sides, surrounded by the sound of light boats breaking through the water and birdsong from time to time in the valley.

The "line of sky" at the narrowest point can only allow a small boat to pass through.From time to time, there will be waterfalls pouring down on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon. Walking through the gentle waterfalls will give you a special feeling in your heart.

There is a moon-watching bridge downstream, and the "crescent moon" is indeed a semicircular sky looking up, which is very wonderful.

There are more than 600 steps up the mountain at the exit, and it takes 20 to 30 minutes.

Going up the mountain through a tunnel, there is a window that you must not miss. Looking out from here, you can see another perspective of Pingshan Canyon. Row of streams.

The gorgeous awakening of a scar... Yunlong's seam.

When you come to Enshi, the most unmissable attraction is the Enshi Grand Canyon, which is also the most eye-catching one of the three major 5a-level tourist attractions in Enshi.

Enshi Grand Canyon has a total length of 108 kilometers and has two core scenic spots, one is Qixing Village and the other is Yunlong Ground Fissure.

The origin of the name of Yunlong Fissure is because of the Yunlong River below it, which was sleeping underground in the form of a dark river hundreds of millions of years ago. Afterwards, the crust changed and the ground fissure appeared. This place has also achieved a great geological wonder!

The Yunlong fissure is more than three kilometers long, and the deepest point is nearly [-] meters.

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