Feng Huizhen stood in front of the two blackboard newspapers, holding in her hands the drafts of the blackboard newspapers that she had prepared in advance.

Both the pictures and the articles on these two pieces of paper are specially prepared for the inspection by the superiors tomorrow morning.

Everything has to be moved to these two blackboards.

Look at the two boxes of colored chalks in front of you.

Feng Huizhen picked it up resignedly and went to work.

But while reading it, I couldn't help changing the style and form of the blackboard newspaper, especially the patterns on it.

After her slight modification, the whole style is not so tough.

At dawn, Feng Huizhen yawned, dropped the chalk in her hand and looked at the blackboard newspaper in front of her, and finally finished the work.

No wonder Jiang Lei said he couldn't do it alone.

He worked until dawn with two boards, let alone let him do four boards by himself.

Rubbing between the eyebrows, well, I guess it's time to go to the cafeteria for breakfast in a while.

After a while, all the people who went to work arrived, and I didn't feel it at all tonight.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Jiang Lei running over.

"Officer Jiang, are you inspecting the work? Check and accept the results to see if you are satisfied?"

Feng Huizhen deliberately teased him.

Jiang Lei couldn't help but smile all over his face after reading the blackboard newspaper.

It was a sincere smile. He never thought that a girl could be so smart and capable.

Whether it is the color matching or the text on the blackboard newspaper, it fits just right.

Anyone who looks at these two blackboard newspapers from a distance or up close will feel comfortable from the inside out, especially if they read these articles carefully, the articles have been meticulously crafted.

After reading it, I will only feel the blood surging.

"Am I worried about what you did? Comrade Feng Huizhen, you are really amazing. Although you have made some minor changes in this blackboard newspaper, it makes people feel like a spring breeze everywhere.

Thank you, Comrade Feng Huizhen, for delaying your rest last night. "

Jiang Lei has completely let go of the little guard in his heart at this moment, and really regards Feng Huizhen as his friend.

Feng Huizhen yawned, "Okay, since you've finished your work, I'm going back to the transport team."

She reckoned that the cafeteria was not open yet, so she should be able to sit down for another hour.

When Jiang Lei heard this, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

The girl stayed up all night hard last night. She didn't rest and continued to work during the day.

Although he is also like this, but after all he is a man, he does such a job, it is his own job, and he does not owe him anything.

"Comrade Feng Huizhen, I invite you to the cafeteria for dinner. After dinner, you will probably go back to work. If you don't have a place to live in the future, you can come directly to the Propaganda Department to find me.

I also live in a single dormitory, so I can lend you the dormitory first.

I can live in the office of the Propaganda Section.Don't worry if you have any difficulties, just come to me and I will definitely help you. "

Jiang Lei is like this, he has never held back on others, as long as he recognizes a certain person as a friend, he treats that person wholeheartedly.

In his heart, he regards Feng Huizhen as his friend, and cherishes Feng Huizhen's talents, so he puts all his efforts into his heart about Feng Huizhen's difficulties.

Feng Huizhen couldn't help but smile, she really didn't expect Officer Jiang to be so innocent, but it was just a matter of a few words, and Officer Jiang was actually deceived by herself.

He couldn't help but sighed, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

It seems a little unreasonable to deal with such an innocent and honest man with the experienced methods of his previous life.

"Officer Jiang, I regard you as a friend. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can also come to me. Let's help each other and make progress together."

Feng Huizhen proudly patted her chest to assure, of course she was telling the truth.

She is not a person who does not want to reciprocate. Although Jiang Lei is simple and honest, such a person has what he needs. Feng Huizhen is willing to maintain their friendship, and at the same time, she is willing to repay Jiang Lei.

Although her purpose is not very simple, but there is no time in a person's life that he does not need others. She believes that Jiang Lei will always need her help from Feng Huizhen.

She is willing to exchange her sincerity with others.

If Jiang Lei is willing to treat herself as a friend sincerely, she will really treat Jiang Lei as her friend.

A sincere smile appeared on Jiang Lei's face, he did not expect this girl Feng Huizhen to be quite arrogant.

Quite a quack air.

I haven't seen such a straightforward girl for a long time.

The two went to the cafeteria, and Jiang Lei used his meal ticket to buy ten big meat buns, two bowls of wontons, and four tea eggs.

This is not the food served by the cafeteria. These meals need to be paid for by themselves.

He took the things and delivered them to Feng Huizhen.

"Eat quickly, you're welcome, you've been busy all night. If I don't even treat you to a meal, I'll even feel sorry for myself."

Feng Huizhen was not too polite, since this body has not eaten meat seriously since it came back.

It was the time when they were growing up, and their food was not even full enough, let alone good.

She looks like bean sprouts now, maybe it's because she didn't absorb enough nutrients.

Since there is a treat, Feng Huizhen will naturally not pretend, nor will she put on a show.

The two let go, and Feng Huizhen finished five steamed buns, two tea eggs and a bowl of wontons by herself.

After eating, I touched my swollen belly. For the first time, I felt that I was really full.

At the same time, I also feel a little embarrassed, and it is indeed a bit unfeminine to behave in front of a boy.

"Officer Jiang, I am laughing at you, my appetite is indeed a bit scary."

Seeing the shyness on Feng Huizhen's face, Jiang Lei finally realized that it was a girl in front of him.

I just now regarded this girl as a boy from the beginning to the end, bright and upright, broad-minded, without any pretentiousness in doing things.

Can't help laughing.

"We are good friends, but I regard you as a buddy. Don't be polite to me in the future."

Seriously speaking, it was the first time a girl ate and drank in front of him regardless of her image.

Even those cousins ​​in my family, cousins ​​and the like, all eat in a gentle manner, just like chickens eat rice, just eat a little bit.

Jiang Lei couldn't help complaining about that pretentious appearance, but he didn't expect to meet a girl who didn't care about her image when she started eating today.

But it's not the kind of reckless image that makes people feel disgusted.

The movement is fast, but there is no sound when eating.

It is a very elegant, gentle fast eating, which will not be annoying, but will only make people feel more surprised and admired.

Anyway, he always felt that the girl in front of him gave him a very real feeling, and this was a real person.

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