Original sin

Chapter 113 Sacrifice, Xiao Zhenqin's New Discovery

As soon as Shen Chen arrived at the bureau, he went directly to the second squadron.

Xiao Qiushui and the others had a small meeting this morning.

"Boss, I wonder if the murderer has discovered something. It's been a few days, and he hasn't taken any action." Xiao Qiushui was a little impatient.

Shen Shen asked: "Have you checked those clues?"

"There are few clues in the first place, so there is no way to investigate them," Xiao Qiushui said.

Shen Chen asked again: "Where's the woman in the surveillance?"

Rosen replied: "That woman only appeared on the surveillance once. I checked the surveillance in the entire community that can be used normally, but I didn't find that woman. As for those flowers, the situation has been mentioned before. Although those flowers are not It’s common, but there are still places in Lincheng where you can get it, but the other party is very cunning and doesn’t leave any trace.”

"Judging from the time of Xiao Zhenqin's death, this woman should be the murderer, but the monitoring is too vague, and she is very careful, trying to avoid the monitoring. She deliberately changed her body shape and wore a A hat to hide your face."

When Xiao Qiushui said this, he took out a cigarette and handed Shen Chen a cigarette: "We also sorted out all the women who have been in contact with Tang Jianwei. In the list we have, these people have no time to commit crimes."

Shen Shen didn't speak, just listened quietly and lit a cigarette.

Rosen seemed to remember something: "However, when we asked the woman named Fan Xuan, she seemed to be in a wrong mood."

"What does not quite mean?"

Rosen pursed his lips: "The emotion seems a little agitated, and she seems to have a deep prejudice against that woman named Lu Xiuying, but I don't think they should have much to do with Tang Jianwei's death."


Shen Shen asked a question.

Rosen said: "Neither of these two women had the time to commit the crime, nor did they have sufficient motives for committing the crime. But apart from the two of them, I really didn't find any other women who were close to Tang Jianwei. Knowing that Xiao Zhenqin is a woman who doesn't rub the sand in her eyes, it is not easy for Tang Jianwei to have such an ambiguous relationship with these two women. And according to our investigation, Tang Jianwei is also quite specific in emotion."

Wang Lu, who had been silent on the sidelines, smiled: "One-sided? He calls it one-sided?"

Rosen smiled wryly: "Although he seems to be a good-hearted man, his character is a bit cowardly. He is not a proactive person, and most of the time he is pushed away by others. Let's take the matter of him and Xiao Zhenqin being together. Let’s just say, Xiao Zhenqin has always been the one who took the initiative. Xiao Zhenqin is a very scheming woman. Wan Fei’er is incomparable to her in this regard. Of course, Xiao Zhenqin really likes Tang Jianwei, otherwise she would not will eventually go to extremes.”

Shen Chen said: "Okay, let's sort it out again, Xiao Zhenqin and Wan Fei'er both received an anonymous phone call, you have also checked that phone number, it is a card issued by a fake account, Wan Fei'er said that the caller was A man, of course, this can be done through voice-changing software, so we set the gender of the caller as unknown. But this person is likely to be the murderer of Xiao Zhenqin, and Wan Feier is also likely to be him You don’t think there is any problem with the next goal, do you?”

Xiao Qiushui and the others looked at each other, and then nodded. Shen Shen's speculation is indeed very likely.

Shen Chen continued: "We have deduced the murderer's purpose in killing Xiao Zhenqin. It should be to avenge Tang Jianwei. I mentioned it before. How did the murderer confirm that Xiao Zhenqin was the murderer who killed Tang Jianwei? How did he know that Tang Jianwei was dead? The arrangement of the scene? He imitated Xiao Zhenqin's methods and treated him in the same way. I suspect that the murderer had been to the scene of the crime before the police."

Xiao Qiushui and the others couldn't help but nodded again. After all, the case is still under investigation, and the police haven't released these details to the public. The only people who know about it are the investigators and a few leaders of the bureau.

"There are only two possibilities for him to be able to enter Tang Jianwei's rental house. The first possibility is that the relationship between him and the deceased is unusual, and he even has the key to the deceased's rental house. But I personally think this possibility is not too great After all, the deceased did not live alone. Before Tang Jianwei had a conflict with Xiao Zhenqin, the two lived together. In this case, it is impossible for Tang Jianwei to give the key to his house to others. The second possibility is that the murderer secretly matched The key of Tang Jianwei's house or other methods opened the door of Tang Jianwei's house. I personally prefer the latter, but here comes the problem again. It took about a week for Tang Jianwei to be found by the police. In this week, he has enough time to familiarize himself with and imitate Xiao Zhenqin's killing methods. He may even get more important evidence from the scene, which can prove that Xiao Zhenqin is the murderer, and thus lock Xiao Zhenqin for him. target of revenge."

When Shen Shen was talking, everyone was very quiet, they knew that Shen Shen must have something to say.

"The reason why Wan Fei'er received that anonymous call was not accidental. Since the murderer dared to call her, it means that the other party has already figured out that Wan Fei'er was the real culprit who killed Tang Jianwei. Then let's use our imagination again and kill Since Tang Jianwei's person is Xiao Zhenqin, why is Wan Fei'er the culprit?"

Wang Lu replied: "Because Wan Fei'er broke up with Tang Jianwei, but she still always went to find Tang Jianwei. When she was with Tang Jianwei, she relied on Tang Jianwei for big and small things, and formed a habit. After the two broke up, she still couldn't change. And Tang Jianwei was the same, he should be a person who doesn't know how to refuse, and has always been passively accepted, and I'm afraid he is also used to Wan Feier's dependence, so they have always maintained A very close connection, in Xiao Zhenqin's view, it should be a kind of broken connection, Xiao Zhenqin thinks that their old relationship is revived, and suspects that Tang Jianwei has betrayed him."

Wang Lu said this and took a sip of tea: "I think Xiao Zhenqin should regret it after killing Tang Jianwei. I have learned more about Xiao Zhenqin these days. She is influenced by Western culture and has a relatively temperamental personality. Anxious and impulsive, especially when she is with Tang Jianwei, her personality problems are more prominent. We all know that she is about six years older than Tang Jianwei, which is not easy to accept in our country, especially It is even more difficult for Tang Jianwei's family and friends to accept her. Although she is very confident, what is behind this confidence? That is inferiority."

Rosen said: "But it seems unreasonable for her to kill Tang Jianwei just because Tang Jianwei and Wan Feier are still dating. If I were her, I might go to trouble Wan Feier and not kill my beloved. .”

Shen Shen interjected: "You don't understand, this is called deep love and deep hatred." When Shen Shen said this, he glanced at Wang Lu: "Do you want to say that Xiao Zhenqin's personality is a little distorted because of this?"

Wang Lu nodded: "That's right, judging from some of her performances, she should have an impulsive personality, which we also call an explosive personality. She will go to extremes when her emotions are out of control. What Rosen said just now The question is very good. Why did she kill the person she loved deeply instead of her rival? It was because she felt that Tang Jianwei was the source of everything. It was Tang Jianwei who was reluctant to part with Wan Feier. This attribution is also Because of the Westernized education she received. In her opinion, the only person who really has a relationship with her is Tang Jianwei. If Tang Jianwei is loyal to their love, then Wan Feier will have no chance at all, but Tang Jianwei and Wan Feier The constant cutting and messing up made her very frustrated, she felt that it was Tang Jianwei's problem, he was not really loyal to their love."

Shen Chen squinted her eyes: "I see, the same reason, in fact, she should also know about Tang Jianwei, Fan Xuan and Lu Xiuying, but she didn't regard these two women as her imaginary enemies, because she was very concerned about the relationship between Wan Jianwei and Lu Xiuying. Fei'er has a heart in snatching Tang Jianwei, and she also knows that if Tang Jianwei really has feelings for other women, it can only be Wan Fei'er, because she is also very clear about Tang Jianwei's character, be it Fan Xuan or Lu Xiuying , she only treats Tang Jianwei's ambiguity with them as a joke, and the Westernized education she received can still tolerate these things."

Wang Lu sighed: "That's right, and in my opinion, it was the last quarrel between them that really made her murderous towards Tang Jianwei, and Tang Jianwei must have compared her with Wan Fei'er in that quarrel, even if it wasn't like that , it must be that Tang Jianwei's words touched her nerves that were close to collapse. The pressure on her and Tang Jianwei was really great! I think she wanted to tell Tang Jianwei about her pregnancy before their last quarrel, but Tang Jianwei Her attitude made her heartbroken. In the end, she concealed the matter and secretly took away the child. That is to say, from the moment she took the child away, she had already made up her mind to kill Tang Jianwei, a heartless person. .”

Xiao Qiushui sneered: "She is really for love. According to the script, if she really loves Tang Jianwei so much, shouldn't the two of them die together?"

"Her heart is dead, so she naturally feels that Tang Jianwei is not worthy of her burial." Wang Lu said.

Shen Chen shook her head: "No, she might have thought about dying with Tang Jianwei."

Wang Lu froze for a moment: "Why?"

"The language of flowers, the language of flowers around Tang Jianwei, lucky bamboo, roses and lilies, I also misread the language of flowers before, thinking that she was using this to express Tang Jianwei's infidelity to herself, but then I thought about it again. Being together seems more like a blessing for the union of two people. So I think she should have thought of dying with Tang Jianwei when she killed Tang Jianwei, but I don’t know why she changed her mind again.”

Everyone was shocked by Shen Chen's statement.

Xiao Qiushui said: "What can bring back a person who wants to die? Is it the fear of death?"

Wang Lu shook her head: "No, it should be another kind of death."

Xiao Qiushui's eyes widened: "How do you say that?"

Wang Lu thought for a while and said: "If it is true as Shen Shen said, then there is only one reason that can really prevent her from dying with Tang Jianwei. She discovered a secret, and this secret made her feelings for Tang Jianwei disappear in an instant. , this secret is even more difficult for her to accept than the fact that Tang Jianwei and Wan Feier are really broken."

"What kind of secret would that be?" Rosen asked curiously.

But Wang Lu only answered three words: "I don't know."

Shen Shen said: "I suggest that you check it out again, just follow Wang Lu's way of thinking, I think you should be able to find some clues about the murderer, I think this secret may have a lot to do with the murderer who killed Xiao Zhenqin Big relationship. Old Xiao, Wan Fei'er can't be careless, since the murderer has sent such a signal, he must be waiting for a suitable opportunity to make a move."

Xiao Qiushui said, "Well, I'm also thinking whether we should help him create opportunities."

"No, the murderer is very cunning and cannot be easily fooled."

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