Original sin

Chapter 184 Burglary, killing and silence

Song Yinghong died.

Died in his old house.

A burglar killed him after he found him.

The person who called the police was Li Wenjing, who was with Song Yinghong at the time.

She was also injured. If it wasn't for a passer-by passing by outside by chance, she would have gone with Song Yinghong as well.

However, she was not seriously injured, but was stabbed in the arm. Fortunately, it was not too deep, but for a beautiful woman like her, she suffered a lot of mental blows.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Huang Meng's face was gloomy, and he really didn't like Li Wenjing.

Fu Hong secretly sighed in his heart, he had already told Huang Meng not to bring his emotions to work, and he agreed, but...

But thinking about it, Fu Hong can also understand that this Li Wenjing must have the shadow of Huang Meng's ex-girlfriend, and Li Wenjing and Song Yinghong's coming to this old house should not be a good thing.Under the premise of such a sense of substitution, it's no wonder that Huang Meng is so angry.

But Li Wenjing was still in shock at this moment, so she was still in the mood to argue with Huang Meng.

She replied: "He called me and asked me to come here, saying that he wanted to talk to me about investing in the album. Although I was only a resident singer in a bar, my teacher said that my strength was no better than some second-tier singers. Bad, the bad thing is the promotion and packaging. The teacher was looking for investors for me when he was still alive. He said that as long as there are investors, he will find a music company through his relationship and release an album. With the support of the teacher, there will be The publicity and packaging of investors will definitely make me a hit."

Huang Meng nodded. He still believed in this point. With Xie Changqing's influence in the music industry, as long as someone was willing to pay, it would not be difficult to make Li Wenjing popular.

"Why do you want to make an appointment at this place, and at this point in time?" Huang Meng still asked.

"He is an investor, so naturally he has the final say, and why he is in this kind of place at this time, in fact, you should understand in your heart, and I understand too."

"You still come if you know what he wants to do?" Huang Meng looked annoyed, Li Wenjing bit her lips: "Yes, I know, but I still have to come, everyone has their own ideals, their own pursuits, There are some roads, once you step on it, it is impossible to turn back. You will not understand how much I have paid for this cause."

Fu Hong coughed lightly: "It's far away, please tell me what happened in detail."

"It's like this. After I came here, I talked to him about investment, but he said that he talked slowly while drinking. In fact, I also know that he is a drunkard who doesn't want to drink, but there is no way. He was begging for help. I could only tell him what he said. When I arrived, it was already around 40:10, almost 30:[-]. Around [-]:[-], I heard movement upstairs, but he said yes I was suspicious, but within a few seconds, there was a slight noise from upstairs, and he heard it at this time."

Fu Hong interrupted her: "Did you hear it first?"

"Yes, I am a music student, and my hearing is better than ordinary people, and I am very sensitive to sound."

Fu Hong felt that what she said was also reasonable.

He motioned for Li Wenjing to continue.

"He was also a little panicked at the time, but in front of me, he can't show too much fear as a man, so he yelled towards the stairs at the top of his voice, and he said, whoever, hurry up."

Fu Hong frowned, and Huang Meng, who was recording, also took a look at Li Wenjing, thinking that this Song Yinghong was pretty tough, if a thief broke into the house, you would not alert the thief by shouting like this, he had to run away, or fight to the death. ?

"When he yelled, there was no movement upstairs. We wondered if the thief had already run away. Originally, according to my idea, we should leave quickly and call the police after we got in the car. But he said that we didn't even have the shadow of the thief. I didn’t even see it, is it useful to call the police? If the police come and there are no thieves in the house, wouldn’t it be a false police report? And he doesn’t seem to be willing to leave like this.” Li Wenjing said here, her face slightly changed Red, pursing her lips in embarrassment.

Fu Hong and Huang Meng could naturally understand what she meant, because they found a box of condoms and a Viagra in Song Yinghong's bag long ago.

It can be said that Song Yinghong was fully prepared, how could he agree to let him leave like this.

It was just a knife on Sezi's head, and he was killed by the knife in the end.

"I waited for about 10 minutes. Yes, it should have been 10 minutes. He mustered up the courage to go upstairs to have a look."

When she talked about this, Huang Meng said: "Wait a minute, what have you been doing in these 10 minutes? Besides, you seem to be very concerned about time together, from you to his house to the 10 minutes you mentioned, why did you So do you care about time?"

"First of all, I am a very punctual person. I have always had a strong sense of time. You can ask people around me, including my teachers and friends, they are very clear about this. In addition, when you meet I naturally became more nervous when I saw such a thing. When I was nervous, I would subconsciously check the time. This is a habit of mine. As for these 10 minutes, we didn’t do anything, just stayed in the living room downstairs, Keep your ears up and listen to the movement upstairs."

Her explanation made sense, so Huang Meng naturally didn't say anything else and let her continue.

"It's about 40:[-] at this time. He is going upstairs. At first I wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, it doesn't seem like that's the case. We can't just keep wasting like this. Right? Since the thief knew there was someone in the house, he should have run away no matter what, maybe he has really left after so long. "

Li Wenjing said that she did not follow upstairs, but waited below.

She was terrified, and she was even prepared to leave as soon as there was a fight upstairs, drive away in a car, and call the police on the way.

As for Song Yinghong's life and death, she couldn't control it, she really couldn't control it, she couldn't let herself die with him.

Just when Song Yinghong went upstairs, she heard Song Yinghong's scream, and then a figure rushed downstairs quickly, and she subconsciously stepped aside. It was a man wearing jeans and a black hooded sweater, Wearing a mask, only one pair of his eyes can be seen.

The man had already run past her, but stopped when he saw her, and turned to walk towards her.

She was taken aback. When she saw the shining knife in the man's hand, she was completely stunned, and even forgot to run away. It was not until the man's knife swung at her that she came back to her senses and wanted to dodge. , but was still stabbed in the arm.

And at this moment, someone seemed to be passing by outside, and the sound of that person coughing was heard.

The thief seemed to hesitate for a moment, ran towards the gate, opened it and escaped.

It was precisely because of this that Li Wenjing escaped unharmed.

She didn't dare to chase the thief, she didn't dare to play with her life.

But she thought of Song Yinghong upstairs, and she had a bad feeling in her heart that something must have happened to Song Yinghong.

So she ran upstairs, turned on the light, and saw that Song Yinghong had fallen into a pool of blood, his hands were tightly covering her abdomen, and he was still breathing. He asked Li Wenjing to save him, and he raised his hand, Wanting to pull Li Wenjing, Li Wenjing had never seen such a situation before, she rushed downstairs with a scream, then ran out of the house, got into her car, started the car and left.

Li Wenjing also calmed down when the car was about to enter the urban area. She called the police and drove back to Song Yinghong's old house, waiting for the police to arrive.

During this period, she also called 120, but Song Yinghong had died when the 120 arrived.

"Who is that coughing person?" Huang Meng asked.

It was because of that cough that Li Wenjing escaped, but how could a passerby happen to pass by at that time?

Li Wenjing shook her head. She said how could she know this kind of passer-by, A, B, C, and Ding, and she was not familiar with this place at all. She had no idea who lived around, how long it was from this house, and it was her first time visiting this place. , she still navigated here according to Song Yinghong's location.

Huang Meng didn't ask any more questions, but Fu Hong comforted Li Wenjing and asked the policewoman to accompany her to rest in the car outside.

Yu Xiaolin came out: "The knife was stabbed in the abdomen, and the insertion was very deep, causing rupture of the liver, rupture of the spleen, and excessive bleeding to death."

Fu Hong frowned: "The murderer really wanted his life."

Yu Xiaolin nodded: "The shot was very decisive, not procrastinating at all, and there was no clue left at the scene, he is a veteran."

The people from the technical department also came over, shook their heads, and said they didn't find anything.

After leaving the scene, Fu Hong called Shen Chen and told Shen Chen about the situation.

After hearing this, Shen Chen said: "You just asked Song Yinghong about the situation today, and then he got into an accident. The murderer was absolutely rushing to kill him, and the crime happened to happen to be a remote place without any monitoring. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Fu Hong and Huang Meng naturally thought about what Shen Shen said, but Song Yinghong chose the place himself, and his chat records with Li Wenjing clearly recorded that he told Li Wenjing that he would go there first and asked Li Wenjing to come at this address.

Song Yinghong's ulterior motives are not in wine, a discerning eye can see it at a glance.

"Let's see if we can find the passer-by that Li Wenjing mentioned was passing nearby." Shen Shen said.

In Shen Chen's view, that passerby was the key. Maybe there was a passerby who accidentally saved Li Wenjing's life, or maybe there was no such person at all, and Li Wenjing was lying.

What the police asked Song Yinghong to find out was nothing more than the situation between him and Li Wenjing, but he died because of it, so Li Wenjing was very suspicious.

Shen Chen hung up the phone, after thinking about it, he rushed to the bureau in the middle of the night, some things were unclear on the phone.

When he arrived at the bureau, Fu Hong and the others just came back.

"The technical department did not find anything at the scene, and the murderer dealt with it very cleanly."

After sitting down, Huang Meng made tea for both Shen Chen and Fu Hong, and then sat down by himself, took the cigarette Shen Shen handed to him, and lit it.

Shen Shen asked: "Did you find anything special when you asked Song Yinghong?"

Huang Meng replied that no, Song Yinghong didn't know anything at all, his thoughts on Li Wenjing were very simple, he just wanted to take advantage of Li Wenjing.Of course, he was rich, and Li Wenjing couldn't do without the support of the benefactor if he wanted to be famous. He was the benefactor, but Li Wenjing never let him succeed.

As for Li Wenjing's friends, he was not very familiar with them at all.

"Anyway, I don't think Song Yinghong's death is as simple as being found out for burglary. First of all, if it was really a thief who broke into a house and was found in order to escape, he would at most threaten the person with a knife to let him escape. Life. Even if the theft is caught and the sentence is heavier, it will take a few years. Killing is a felony. Secondly, how can a thief have such a psychological quality? Killing is easy to say, but it is difficult to do, including many soldiers on the battlefield. The first time you face an enemy, you may not have the courage to kill. After all, it is a fresh life, and it is not easy to cross the hurdle in your heart. Third, why did the thief not make any movement for so long? After he went there, he made a fuss? If he is really a veteran and can do things so neatly, how could he make such a low-level mistake?"

Shen Shen's three questions made both Fu Hong and Huang Meng fall into deep thought.

Huang Meng said, "Li Wenjing is very problematic."

Fu Hong glanced at Huang Meng: "Can you not bring your emotions to work, it will easily affect your correct judgment."

Huang Meng shook his head: "I have no emotions, Captain Fu, this time I am really calm and objective."

Shen Chen looked at Huang Meng and smiled slightly: "Tell me, what's wrong with her?"

Huang Meng replied: "We went to Song Yinghong to find out the root cause of the situation because of Li Wenjing. We only went to find out how he went to pick up Li Wenjing that night. In fact, he couldn't provide us with any clues. But when we and him He died after contact with him, and Li Wenjing was present at his death."

Fu Hong coughed lightly: "Li Wenjing herself was also injured. If a passer-by hadn't startled the murderer, maybe she might die too."

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