Original sin

Chapter 292 Three Women and One Drama

Hearing the words of the small contractor, Rosen's eyes lit up. The renovation workers had conflicts with their neighbors, and they quarreled with each other because of the smell of the renovation. Could this be an important point that was ignored before?

"Who are you fighting with?" Rosen asked.

The little contractor smiled wryly: "There are too many, upstairs and downstairs, and next door. But there are only these three households on the left and right. Let's go to this building. The two upstairs live in one household, and the downstairs one lives in one." There are only one of the two households.”

According to what he said, all three families next to him had trouble with them.

Rosen took out his notebook and asked about the process in detail.

But soon Rosen was a little disappointed, because the contractor's so-called quarrel and quarrel were not too serious.

And the three households who came out to accuse them were all women. One was an aunt in her 60s, who said that the smell of their decoration made her grandson feel uncomfortable, and even lost his appetite for a long time. Facing the house under renovation.

The other is a 40-year-old woman upstairs. The woman is not too sensitive to the smell, but she is a housewife and likes to watch TV on weekdays. She thinks that the sound of the decoration affects her. Watching TV, the sound of the electric drill every day, and the sound of knocking here and there made her unbearable.

Besides, next door, there lived a pregnant woman who worked in some company. This woman talked about it twice, but she was not aggressive, and she spoke in a polite way. After saying it twice, she seemed to think it was useless. Later, There is no more to say.

Rosen looked at the time, it was almost time to get off work, so he simply went upstairs first, he wanted to get in touch with the three women who had conflicts with the decoration team.

When the woman upstairs opened the door and saw that the police were coming, she was taken aback for a moment, and then politely invited Rosen and the young policeman into the room.

The woman is about 40 years old, but she is well maintained. She looks about 33 or [-], and she looks good. She is wearing a white skirt, and she looks like she is going out.

"What do you want?" The woman asked after pouring them two glasses of water.

Rosen smiled slightly: "Are you ready to go out?"

"Well, we have a dinner appointment," the woman said.

"We came here to ask about the quarrel between you and the renovation workers downstairs," Rosen said.

The woman said, "Are you from the north?"

Rosen didn't expect a woman to ask such a question, he shook his head: "No, but my university is in Beijing."

"No wonder." The woman paused and continued, "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's normal to have some movement during the renovation, but I'm annoyed that since you're going to hit the wall, you can just focus on it for a day or two. As for them, they tap here today, tap there tomorrow, and the sound of the electric drill, yo, you didn’t hear it, and you can’t watch it clearly even if you watch TV.”

Rosen nodded, and he asked, "Are you alone in the room?"

"Yeah, my child is in the first year of high school and lives in school. My family is in business and travels every three days. Most of the time I stay at home alone, and I just watch TV to pass the time during the day. No. I said, if it’s not a professional decoration team, it’s just bad, and there’s no plan in what they do, otherwise, how could it be like this? Also, the materials they use must not be very good, and the smell of formaldehyde makes me have to clean them at home. Close the doors and windows, or you will kill yourself." The woman's expression was a little exaggerated.

Rosen said: "I heard them say that you went down and made trouble several times?"

The woman was not happy when she heard it: "I'm making trouble? Am I making trouble? I can't say that they are disturbing the people? And I didn't say that there was something wrong with their decoration, but after twelve o'clock at noon and before two o'clock is it right?" I have to stop? There are regulations, the rest time must let me take a good nap, right? Also, should I stop after six o'clock in the evening, but they are working day and night, officer, you Saying that I am surrounded by this kind of noise all day long, how physically and mentally I have been traumatized? What’s the matter if I go and talk to them? Can’t you talk about it?”

Women really have a temper.

Rosen smiled and said, "Then have you reported it to the relevant departments?"

"Of course, I told you about the property management, and then I called the urban management and urban construction, but they all said that they can't take care of it. Since they don't care, I will take care of it myself, but it's okay, I scolded After a few times they now know that the break is not going to be done."

When the woman was talking, she looked up at the wall clock on the wall. Rosen knew that she would not be able to find anything if she asked again, and the woman was also anxious to leave, so she left.

This time they went to the one downstairs.

The person who opened the door was an old man in his 70s or [-]s. Luo Sen showed his identity, and the old man's face was a bit flustered: "Did Haizi do something wrong?"

Luo Sen was stunned for a moment, but he immediately realized that the Haizi the old man was talking about should be his child. matter."

Hearing what Luo Sen said, the old head was relieved: "I thought it was my child who caused trouble again. Quick, please come in, let's talk in the room."

After entering the house, Rosen could smell the sound of cooking from the kitchen, and the smell of vegetables was also aroused.

In the kitchen, a woman in her 60s stuck her head out: "Old man, who's here?"

The old man smiled apologetically at Rosen and the others, then walked into the kitchen.

After a while, the old woman came out, obviously the old man replaced her.

"I was the one who quarreled with the decoration workers upstairs. Why, you have to arrest me just for this matter." The old woman's expression was not good. She must have misunderstood the purpose of Rosen and the others and thought It was the decoration team who came to deal with her.

Rosen hurriedly said: "Old man, you misunderstood, we are here to find out the situation."

"What is there to understand? They are doing renovations, knocking on the house all day long, and it's okay to make us unsafe, but they don't close the doors or windows, and they don't know what materials they use. It smells bad. The smell is dead, but I heard on TV that there is something called aldehyde in the smell from the decoration, which will make children suffer from leukemia. My grandson can’t eat these days, and I’m thinking that it must be related to theirs That smell matters."

Just as he was talking, the old man brought out the dishes and put them on the dining table. The old man interrupted and said, "Old woman, don't talk nonsense. You took your eldest grandson to the hospital. The doctor said it was caused by indigestion. It has nothing to do with the smell of people."

"It doesn't matter why, it's not just my grandson, I don't have any appetite these days, and indigestion should also be the reason." The old lady admitted her death, and she continued: "I've already called the owner, and he has to deal with it. Give me an explanation."

Rosen was a little dumbfounded. When he was thinking about how to persuade the old woman, the old man said: "What do you want to explain? I think you are just making trouble when you are idle. Tell me, who buys it now?" It’s easy to build a house. We ordinary people only have such a house for a lifetime. Who doesn’t want to make it better and live a more comfortable life? Didn’t you make a lot of trouble when we renovated this house? Understand.”

This old man is a sensible person and reasonable.

But the woman refused: "I already understand, okay? Although we were building houses at the beginning, there were no people living in them when we were building them, and our materials don't have such a strong smell."

The old man gave her a white look: "That smell is not light, okay, every time you say you want to check whether the decoration company is lazy, but when you smell this smell at the door, you will immediately be discouraged and go home directly Now, which time I didn't come to see it, I had to take a photo and go back to you to communicate with you."

The old woman stopped talking, and just gave the old man a hard look.

Luo Sen said seriously: "Old man, where is your eldest grandson?"

"I sent him back to his parents, and I will pick him up after the trouble upstairs is over. Who knows if he will get some strange disease if he stays here in this environment."

Rosen was a little speechless. Although what the woman said was a bit serious, formaldehyde is indeed harmful to the human body. It's just upstairs and downstairs. Even if you smell some, it won't have much effect, right?

"Anyway, I'm still going to make trouble. They won't let me live in peace, and I won't let them have a good time."

Hearing what the old woman said, the old man refused. He felt that the police were coming to the door. If his wife went to make trouble, he might cause some trouble. Moreover, the old man was always thinking about arguing about such a trivial matter as the police. Why did you come to the door, by the way, just now the young man seemed to say that they are criminal policemen, the old man is more or less knowledgeable and knows what criminal policemen do, then he must be involved in some criminal case, if that is really the case, it is a serious case !

Only then did the old man ask suspiciously: "Little comrade, did you just say that you are from the criminal police team?"

Rosen nodded, and the old man said again: "It's just a quarrel between the neighbors, why did you let the criminal police get involved?"

The police cadet said with a serious face: "Now it's not as simple as arguing. The decoration worker who had a dispute with you was killed."

"Boom!" With a sound, a bowl in the old man's hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

If it was normal, the old lady would definitely scold him, but at the moment the woman was also stunned, the decoration worker was dead, and now the police came to question him, could it be that they suspected that the decoration worker's death had something to do with them? ?

The old woman hurriedly said: "Officer, don't you suspect that we killed the decoration workers? There is no such thing, it is impossible. Although we quarreled, I didn't like them, but how could we do it?" How could something like that happen?"

The old man also said: "Yeah, my wife is not forgiving, but she has a good heart. She can't do such a thing, and we are together all day long. I can prove that she can't do something like this." Such a thing."

Rosen was a little helpless: "You two old people, don't get excited. We just asked about the situation, and didn't say that you killed someone, but someone died. We have to investigate this case, right?"

The old man nodded and said, "Indeed, indeed, this is your duty."

The old woman was still a little bit embarrassed. The decoration worker who had quarreled so fiercely with her a few days ago actually said that she was gone. She regretted it a little. Did she go too far at the beginning?

"Okay, don't think too much about it, you guys hurry up and eat, we'll go back first."

It wasn't until Rosen and the others came to the door that the old man realized: "You two, if you don't mind, you can have dinner at my house."

How could Rosen and the others agree, and declined with a smile.

After leaving the door, the police cadet asked: "Brother Sen, do you think it is possible that the murderer was this old woman? I feel that her resentment should be the greatest. Judging from her expression, it seems that it is because of her big Grandson, she can do anything."

Rosen shook his head: "That's not necessarily the case. In fact, don't make judgments and draw conclusions lightly at this time. This will affect your follow-up thinking in handling the case. With preconceptions, you can no longer think calmly."

The police cadet said "Oh", but he didn't take it seriously: "Then what's next?"

"The one next door should be off work too, let's have a meeting."

The decoration team should have already withdrawn, and it’s time to get off work. The property management team has already told them that in the future, no decoration is allowed during rest time, including holidays. Although it will affect the progress of the decoration, the small contractor is unwilling No matter what trouble you get into, the construction period is there anyway, so everyone should work harder.

Rosen knocked on the door next door, but there was no response. Just as they were about to leave, the elevator came, and two people came out of the elevator, a man and a woman. The woman had a big belly, but when he saw the woman clearly, Rosen A little surprised, because he knew this woman, wasn't she Luo Lijuan, assistant marketing manager of Litian Century Advertising Company?

"Assistant Luo!" Luo Sen shouted, Luo Lijuan didn't seem to expect to meet Luo Sen here, a smile appeared on her face: "Officer Luo, what a coincidence?" It was only at the door that she realized: "Did Officer Luo come to look for me?"

Rosen smiled awkwardly: "Is this your home?"

Luo Lijuan nodded, and the man beside her asked softly, "Xiaojuan, who are they?"

Luo Lijuan hurriedly introduced them: "Shao Zili, my husband, Zili, this is police officer Luo Senluo, and he is in charge of the talented case." As she spoke, she looked at Luo Sen: "Officer Luo, you are here for your talent." Is it just the case?"

Luo Sen didn't know how to answer for a while, but Shao Zili said with a smile: "Officer Luo, let's go into the room and talk, you probably haven't eaten yet, you talk, I cook, let's deal with it here .”

Luo Sen wanted to refuse, but Luo Lijuan said: "Officer Luo, don't refuse, our surname is Luo, maybe we were still the same family 500 years ago, if you don't think I'm a big deal, just call me Sister Juan. "

Luo Sen could only yell with a smile, he still refused the meal at Luo Lijuan's house, he said: "Sister? We are disciplined, I can't eat this meal, I just want to ask you a few questions, Leave after asking, and wait for the case to be over for dinner, then I will treat my sister and brother-in-law to dinner."

Luo Lijuan didn't force it, and said to Shao Zili: "Zili, you can listen to me, and remind me to eat the meal of Police Officer Luo!" Shao Zili laughed.

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