Perspective stupid doctor

Chapter 354 I'll kill you, you big villain

At this time, a round of red sun has risen in the east, shooting out a vast glow, reflecting the whole mountain in golden yellow.

Against the thin morning mist, it is like a fairyland.

The singing of birds all over the mountain makes people linger even more.

After Lin Feng packed everything up, he took the little white wolf and headed towards the way he had come.

At that fork in the road, I saw the five strong mountain wolves, all prostrate on the ground, with their heads stuck to the ground.

A pair of eyes stared at the little white wolf excitedly, and his tail kept wagging, seemingly extremely excited.

And in front of their feet, there was a small animal that was killed, it was nothing more than a pheasant or a hare.

It seemed that he was courting Lin Feng and Little White Wolf.

Although he didn't know the final identity of the little white wolf, but from the attitude of the five mountain wolves towards the little white wolf, Lin Feng estimated that the little white wolf must have a serious background.

However, since there were wild animals, he was not polite, reached out and took two pheasants, put them in the snakeskin bag, and turned around and went down the mountain.

Yesterday he also brought home a pheasant and a hare. Tang Qing stir-fried a big bowl of pheasant. Zhou Jing and Wu Mei both loved it, and even ate two big bowls of rice.

He also said that Tang Qing was responsible for gaining weight.

And Sun Weixing and Zhang Heizi ate three bowls in a row.

Even Lin Baoer drank a few spoonfuls of chicken soup.

Crying for meat.

Tang Qing was afraid that she would choke, so she didn't dare to feed her meat and only fed her soup.

As for rabbit meat, it is not so popular.

Therefore, Lin Feng only took two pheasants.

Half an hour later, he jumped from the back mountain forest into his own vegetable garden, and then walked towards the back door with a snakeskin bag.

He didn't go through the front door, mainly because he was afraid that someone would see him coming back from the mountain.

I'm even more afraid that someone will see the pheasant in his bag and report it to the law enforcement department in Dashan, Jiulong. It will be troublesome then.

There's no way, most people in the village don't deal with him now, so if there is one thing that can be missed, one thing will be missing.

As soon as he arrived at the back door, he heard Zhou Jing and Wu Mei chatting and laughing in the main room.

After listening carefully, Lin Feng was delighted.

It turned out that the two big girls blamed and complained to each other early in the morning.

It's nothing more than why you hug me to sleep at night, or why you kiss my face at night, or why you press your thigh on my chest at night, anyway, it's just some funny words of complaints and accusations.

According to what they said, it turned out that they slept all night on the simple bed in the main room.

Lin Feng pushed the door and entered with a snakeskin bag.

Both Zhou Jing and Wu Mei immediately closed their eyes and stopped talking.

But two red clouds could not help flying over the faces of both of them.

They also looked at Lin Feng with their eyes.

Lin Feng didn't expose them, so he said to them: "Come and see, what is this?"

Then reach in.

"Let me guess, it must be another pheasant, isn't it?"

Wu Mei thought for a while and said immediately.

"I think it's also a pheasant. Otherwise, you are so secretive that you are afraid of being discovered."

Zhou Jing also said.

Although she and Wu Mei always had some differences because of Lin Feng, the relationship between the two was basically relatively harmonious.

The most important thing is that Tang Qing has always been the mediator of their relationship.

So even if there were some small quarrels, they quickly reconciled.

After all, they are all adults, and it is impossible to be as moody as a child.

"Yes, it's a pheasant. You are so smart."

Lin Feng lowered his voice and laughed.

Then he took out a big centipede from the snakeskin bag, dangling in front of the eyes of the two beauties.


Wu Mei's shock was no small matter, she backed away again and again, almost hitting the corner of the table.

Zhou Jing, on the other hand, was so frightened that goosebumps appeared on her body, and she quickly took a few steps back.

The girls are timid, and the centipede is a foot long, so it's very scary when you take it out.

Of course, even a man would be scared if he saw it.

"Xiao Hei, I'll reward you."

Lin Feng threw the dead centipede into the refrigerator.

With a snap, the dead centipede was thrown on top of the refrigerator.

Xiao Hei immediately hissed excitedly.

Then it bites the centipede's poison sac and starts to suck the venom inside.

Tang Qing walked out of the room with Lin Baoer in her arms, just in time to see the two girls frightened, she couldn't help laughing and scolding Lin Feng, "Second boy, why are you so bad, they are all girls, they are very timid, don't scare them with centipedes .”

He asked again, "Er Wazi, are you hungry? I'll make breakfast."

"Let me go. Sister Qing, take Bao'er with you."

Zhou Jing scrambled to go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

They all just got up, so they were naturally a little hungry.

"Look, what is this?"

Lin Feng opened the snakeskin bag again, revealing a tuft of beautiful feathers.

"Wow, there are really pheasants. That's great, we have another treat at noon today."

Wu Mei said in surprise.

I'm going to check it out.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng pulled out a bigger centipede from inside again, which frightened her to turn pale again, and ran into the room quickly.

Zhou Jing was also terrified, and ran into the kitchen.

Only Tang Qing held Lin Baoer and stood still.

With sharp eyes, she immediately saw that this big centipede was also dead.

So, he stretched out his hand and slapped Lin Feng, and said angrily: "Second boy, how old are you, and you still scare the girl with dead bugs, what a trick."

Lin Feng threw the dead centipede into the refrigerator again, and then carried the snakeskin bag into the kitchen.

As for Wu Mei, she kept hitting Lin Feng's strong back with her small powder fist, "I'll kill you, you big villain, I'll kill you, you big villain..."

But Lin Feng said: "Sister, if you want to eat pheasant, you have to pluck the chicken feathers and prepare to dissect the chicken. Remember that these chicken feathers have to be burned, and you can't leave any evidence, you understand?"

Then two big pheasants came out.

"Wow, there are two. That's great."

Zhou Jing also opened her eyes wide and said joyfully.

"Close the door and poke the feathers. I'm going to water the cornfields."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took out a small mineral water bottle from his pocket.

Looking at the emerald green liquid in the mineral water bottle, the three women all stared wide-eyed, their faces full of surprise.

"You've improved."

Zhou Jing was the first to ask.

"Yes, but thanks to this thing."

Lin Feng took out the 300-year-old ginseng from his pocket again.

The three women were even more shocked.

"Don't tell anyone about this right now. It's good for the four of us to know. This ginseng is a medicine primer, which has played a more important role in improvement. But the specific results will have to be tried. In addition, this ginseng Ginseng, I have to plant it in the vegetable garden at the back, Sister Qing, you need to be more careful in the future. We can’t let others steal our ginseng.”

Lin Feng exhorted solemnly.

"Okay, I will take a good look at this ginseng."

Tang Qing nodded vigorously, agreeing wholeheartedly.

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