This kind of pearl corn is sold on the market for hundreds of dollars a piece, and many people can't buy it even if they want to break their heads.

However, at Lin Feng's place, he used it to feed the scorpions.

If this word got out, people would definitely scold Lin Feng for being a waste of money and a prodigal son.

Lin Feng knew that feeding the scorpion with this kind of corn crumbs would make it grow stronger and healthier.

Fecundity is stronger.

Seeing hundreds of scorpions disappearing in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling that if he had to capture all the scorpions, big and small, from the scorpion seedling base, it wouldn't be able to fill one-tenth of the space of this breeding room.

However, now he can only raise these scorpions as seedlings.

After all, he had someone build ten such breeding houses, which was more than enough.

There are also four bait rooms, all with an area of ​​[-] square meters.

Now, he doesn't know how much money these breeding houses can make if they raise scorpions.

Moreover, under the urging of pearl corn crumbs, sorghum crumbs or corn crumbs, the growth period of this kind of scorpion will be shortened a lot.

Just like the growth period of pearl corn.

Lin Feng ran back and forth four times, and almost caught all the scorpions in the scorpion seedling base.

Roughly counting, there are more than 2000 of them.

This is not enough for one-thirtieth of a breeding house.

What's more, there are nine breeding houses of this size.

At this time, there was a movement at the door.

It turned out that it was Tang Qing, Zhou Jing, and Huan Wumei who came here with Lin Baoer in their arms.

When they saw the bright lights in the scorpion breeding base, they knew that Lin Feng was busy there.

So come and see if you need help.

"Lin Feng, where did you get these scorpions? They are all red-headed mountain scorpions?"

Seeing some scorpions wandering around in the breeding room, Zhou Jing asked in surprise.

Her family has been running a pharmacy for many years. Since she was a child, she saw her father collect scorpions to make traditional Chinese medicine, so she naturally recognized the species of these scorpions.

I also know that this kind of scorpion has high medicinal value, so the villagers have caught it.

Basically rare now.

Didn't expect to see so many here.

"Yeah, this kind of scorpion is very rare. It is a rare species, and the price on the market has risen, and its medicinal value is very high."

Wu Mei is a medical student, so she naturally knows better than Zhou Jing.

There are people in their medical school who are doing research and development of this kind of drug poison in the big southern cities. They are all high-level elite talents with an annual salary of hundreds of years.

"Er Wazi, where did you get so many scorpions, they are so big, it's scary."

Tang Qing also asked in surprise.

She had seen this kind of scorpion before, but the biggest one was only an inch long.

But a scorpion like Lin Feng is almost two inches tall.

Big, full of poisonous sac, strong limbs, is a rare good quality.

"Oh, I caught this from somewhere on the mountain. It's a pity that the number is too small. Otherwise, I can only find some edible scorpions from the bosses who raise scorpion seedlings."

Lin Feng said helplessly.

I caught three or four bags of scorpion seedlings tonight, but I didn't know that even one breeding room was not full.

There are still seven or eight breeding houses vacant there.

So I'm a little worried.

"That's right, there are so many breeding rooms, they can't be left empty, that would be too wasteful.

I think we can raise more edible gray scorpions.First figure out the basic expenses and expenses of the base.

And this kind of red-headed scorpion can only reproduce slowly, and it cannot be cultivated on a large scale for the time being. "

Zhou Jing also suggested.

"That's right. I think so too. After all, we have invested so much money, and now we have so many empty breeding houses. If we don't use them, it would be too wasteful. Then let's raise edible gray scorpions in other breeding houses first. Wait." There are too many red-headed scorpions, let's disperse and replace them."

Lin Feng nodded.

There is no way for this breeding industry to expand in a large area in a short period of time like the planting industry.

Because there are very few seedlings of this kind of red-headed mountain scorpion.

There are edible gray scorpions on the market, and there are also other types of medicinal scorpions.

But neither is as valuable as the red-headed scorpion.

And the seedlings can only be cultivated by themselves.

Of course, Lin Feng is also confident that as long as the scorpions cultivated with pearl corn and sorghum corn, they will definitely have a super reproductive ability.

There are also bait bugs that are fed with these three special ingredients, and I believe it will also allow them to reproduce quickly.

"It would be great if we could get some foreign scorpions to raise. For example, the black fat-tailed scorpion in Africa, the toothed scorpion in Greece, and the golden scorpion in Israel. The value in terms of medicine and poison is far greater than these red-headed mountain scorpions. Therefore, it is also more profitable."

Wu Mei analyzed.

There is a group of classmates in their medical school, and relevant medical personnel have discussed this kind of thing.

So I remembered it all at once.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said repeatedly: "Okay, the rarer the species, the more we have to raise them, which shows the excellence of our scorpion breeding base. All right, as long as we can get scorpions of that quality , we will raise it."

Wu Mei's words made him more and more confident.

The rarer and more poisonous the scorpion, the more confident he is.

Because the Five Elements Qi Refining Technique he practiced originally contained the Dao of Poison, and he was familiar with all kinds of poisons in the world.

And there is aura in his body, which can resist ten thousand poisons.

Naturally, you can raise that kind of poisonous scorpion.

"By the way, Lin Feng, where is the bait you got with my brother this afternoon?"

Zhou Jing asked.

"Come on, they're all raised here, come and have a look."

Lin Feng brought several women to the bait breeding room.

Soon, several women covered their mouths, for fear of crying out.

Because those little centipedes, little spiders, little squidflies and the like are so densely packed that people can't help getting goose bumps all over their bodies when they see them.

"My God, it's horrible. I can't look at it."

Zhou Jing turned her face away, not daring to look at the bait in the breeding pond.

"It's really scary, but this is the live food that scorpions love most. Only this kind of live food has sufficient protein and other nutritional molecules, which can make scorpions grow faster and stronger."

Wu Mei explained.

She is quite courageous.

Because when they were studying clinical medicine in medical school, they often had to go to the dissection room.

It is to conduct an autopsy on a corpse that has just died.

So I have already exercised my courage.

Tang Qing hugged Lin Baoer and looked at the small animals in the breeding pond, silently.

But Lin Feng laughed at Zhou Jing: "Jingjing, you are too timid. You know, there are people in foreign countries who eat this kind of small animal. The nutritional value of this kind of small animal is very high. It can also cure all kinds of diseases. Illness. Would you like to have a plate and try something new?"

"I'll fuck you, Lin Feng, you really want to disgust me, right? I'll beat you to death."

Zhou Jing rushed over immediately, waved her powder fist, and was about to hit Lin Feng.

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