Mind Mecha

Chapter 155

Seeing that there was a hint of arrogance in Fuber's tone, Fan Kang didn't want to say anything more. He came to the edge of the ring and raised his right hand and swung it down vigorously to announce the start of the test.

Sure enough, as Fu Bo expected, as Fan Kang's voice fell, Hou Yongli raised his burst rifle and shot at Fu Bo while walking forward slowly, gradually closing the distance between the two.And Fu Bo was well aware of the power of the continuous shooting weapon, and immediately realized a transparent wall ten meters wide and five meters thick between the two of them, blocking Hou Yongli at a distance of 20 meters.

Originally, based on Forber's understanding of the continuous fire weapon and his real strength, there are many ways to counterattack, such as manifesting a flying sword and then using manipulation to interfere with him. As long as the firepower is relaxed, he can take the opportunity to get closer. In hand-to-hand combat, the power of the burst rifle will be greatly affected.Or use a longer distance to counterattack with an attack weapon with a longer range. No matter how bad it is, you can also throw a barrier like Hou Peiqin to make yourself invincible.But in this test, Fan Kang asked himself not to fight back, and to lower his cultivation to the level of a prefecture-level monk, and Fu Bo didn't bother to use a one-time formation, so he planned to take advantage of his stronger mental strength than the opponent. To defend by means of a war of attrition, as long as Hou Yongli's mental power is exhausted and he can no longer materialize bullets, then he will win without fighting.What Fu Bo has to do now is to block Hou Yongli from the attack distance of the Stardust Gauntlet so that he cannot touch him, and at this distance he can easily dodge even if he launches a sprint straight punch.

Hou Peiqin couldn't help but look at Fan Kang seeing that Forber had adopted the best coping method, worrying that the tactics he came up with would not achieve satisfactory results and be made fun of by Forbe.Unexpectedly, Fan Kang didn't look worried at all, instead, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if his scheme had succeeded.

The bullets fired by the multi-firing rifle weapon splashed countless sparks on the wall, but the hardness of the wall realized by Faber is already comparable to that of titanium black alloy. In addition, it is the first time for Hou Yongli to materialize the bullet. The density and hardness are not up to standard, but the seemingly ferocious firepower can only leave white marks on the wall, not even a single pit.

In desperation, Hou Yongli could only take a few steps around the wall in order to continue shooting.Fu Bo followed the same pattern in a leisurely manner, and continued to materialize another wall of the same size to block Hou Yongli's shooting.At this time, Hou Yongli had also seen that Fu Bo planned to fight a war of attrition with him, but he still did not give up and moved sideways many times, looking for shooting angles.

Seeing that he was so persistent, Fu Bo finally became really angry, and repeatedly manifested walls to compete with him for the total amount of divine sense.It's just that Fu Bo and Hou Peiqin didn't notice that every time Hou Yongli moved sideways and circled, he would move forward a few steps.The distance of these few meters may not mean much at first, but after three laps, the distance between the two has narrowed to only about 12 meters. In less than 4 minutes, Hou Yongli had completed the fourth circle. At this time, the three ten-meter-long walls had formed an equilateral triangle shape and completely surrounded Fu Bo. Hou Yongli could no longer find a gap where he could shoot.

Scanning Fu Bo through mental power, he saw that Hou Yongli put away the weapon of the burst rifle. Just when he thought he was about to give up, Fu Bo suddenly found that he held the stardust glove flat on his chest and posed a backward step. .Fu Bo, who had just watched Hou Yongli and Hou Peiqin fight, of course knew that this was his preparatory action before launching the sprint straight punch, and subconsciously accelerated his movement so that Hou Yongli could not aim at himself.But Fu Bo almost ran into the wall that he had materialized before he ran a few steps, and only then did he realize that his range of action was greatly restricted.

Just like that, Hou Yongli's Kung Fu attack has been launched, and a powerful straight fist hits the center of a wall. Suddenly, a large number of spider web cracks appear centered on the point of force. In the blink of an eye, the kung fu cracks disappear Spread across the entire wall.Even Fu Bo himself didn't expect that the wall, which had been shot by the continuous rifle weapon for a long time without any cracks, would be torn apart just by Hou Yongli's punch.

But all this is not over yet, even if the wall is reduced to countless broken stones of different sizes, it cannot absorb all the impact force. The strong shock wave carries a large number of wall debris and flies towards Forber and his side at an extremely fast speed. The stones that brushed past Faber were also refracted due to the relationship between the other two walls, and Faber was immediately surrounded by countless flying stones.You must know that the smallest of these stones is the size of a fist, and at this speed, any monk who is not wearing armor will be seriously injured if he is hit at this speed.

Originally, with Fu Bo's cultivation base, no matter how many stones there are, he can hold them in the air through the manipulation of the six forms of divine sense, but according to the rules formulated by Fan Kang, he cannot use divine sense that exceeds the level of an earth-level monk. Not to mention relying on divine thoughts to lift himself into the air, Fuber can only re-realize three smaller and thinner walls to block his body at the fastest speed.

Countless broken stones hit the newly realized wall one after another like rain hitting plantains. When the shower of stones gradually subsided, more than three seconds had passed. Hou Yongli's stiff time had long passed and he started to sprint again Straight punch.This time his goal is still the wall in front of Forbe, and because this wall was materialized in a hurry by Forbe, the thickness is only half of the previous one, and countless stones are flying and bouncing between the new walls.

This time, Forber did not materialize a new wall, but directly used the manipulation to fly himself into the air at an extremely fast speed.Because he knew that he had completely fallen into Hou Yongli's trap, even if he repeated his previous actions, he would drink poison to quench his thirst, and the final defeat would not change, so Uncle Fu took the initiative to violate the rules set by Fan Kang and surrendered.

"The competition is over, and Hou Yongli won!" Fan Kang announced the result of the competition loudly with a smile on his face. Hou Yongli happily returned to Fan Kang and kept praising: "The tactics that my brother-in-law came up with are really effective. I was deceived. I always thought that the sprinting punch must accurately hit the enemy to produce enough destructive power. It turns out that there is still this way of using it. It seems that the hard training must be manifested, so that I have a long-range attack method. "

At this time, Uncle Fu also floated back to the three of them from the air, and complained to Fan Kang with a depressed face: "I said you are too cunning, you have set up a series of tricks from the beginning to trap me, an old man. The goose hunter was actually pecked in the eye by a young goose. This time, the old slave is ruined. But after experiencing it personally, I know that the power of the sprint straight fist is so powerful, it has reached the level of being able to compete with the low-grade magic weapon of the heavenly level."

Although Hou Peiqin saw the whole competition process, she didn't understand why Fu Bo said that, so she hurriedly asked Fan Kang, wanting to know the details of Fan Kang's entire tactical plan.After being modest, Fan Kang slowly revealed the source of inspiration and the answer.

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