Mind Mecha

Chapter 232 Unspoken

At this moment, Hou Peiqin also realized that Fan Kang's memory crystallization probably contained this matter in the last cover that he was not allowed to see.Comparing my heart to my heart, I can't help but understand Fan Kang's difficulties, and at the same time know the secret of why Fan Kang is so talented, which satisfies my thirst for knowledge. Fan Kang's act of blocking memory.

Although Fan Kang didn't get a solution right away, he was finally able to urge Sima Lang in a legitimate way in the future, which can be regarded as a little gain.Anyway, it is impossible for the future cultivation base to advance by leaps and bounds like today, and there will be enough time for Sima Lang to study the solution before becoming a great monk.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang suddenly showed a strange expression, and asked Sima Lang: "Since the art of refining the gods and the art of cultivating the gods can enhance each other's cultivation, why doesn't the master teach the disciples the cultivation of the gods, so that the disciples' cultivation can be quickly raised to half the level?" Are you at the fairy level?"

Sima Lang gave Fan Kang a hard look, then materialized a huge and curved finger, thumped at Fan Kang's head and reprimanded him: "I'll hit you, you whimsical, just want to be lazy all day long. A traitor who wants to ascend to the sky in one step! How can there be such a good thing in the world, according to what you say, Patriarch Situ would have brought Master Ouyang Tian to the fairy world long ago."

Sima Lang was really angry, he didn't hold back much in his rage, and punched Fan Kang's head with a big bump.Fan Kang covered his head under the pain and said with aggrieved heart: "I have no intention of being lazy, I just want to improve my cultivation level as soon as possible so that I can share my worries with my master. If my disciple said something wrong and caused my master's displeasure, I would like to ask my master to say something. Disciples will never dare to commit the crime again.”

Seeing Fan Kang being beaten, Hou Peiqin was heartbroken, immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks and came to Fan Kang's side to rub the top of his head for him and said in a voice: "I also have the same doubts, if the teaching of Fan Kang's alchemy is for him to help more relatives in the future To improve my cultivation, then the master can completely improve my cultivation first after teaching me the cultivation technique, and then let me improve Fan Kang, so our cultivation can improve by leaps and bounds."

Nine out of ten young people are eager for quick success, and it is understandable for Fan Kang to come up with this idea after he tasted the benefits of quick promotion.Seeing Hou Peiqin talking like this, Sima Lang realized the problem, sighed and said: "I have never thought of your opinions, but there is no such good thing in the world, even the heavenly and earthly immortals. Limits and limitations cannot easily create a large number of heavenly monks, let alone half-immortals."

"Master, I told you yesterday afternoon that only Fan Kang is able to grant the alchemy, and only Fan Kang's relatives and Taoist companions can practice the alchemy. Firstly, it is because of the oath we made back then. Because there are many restrictions on the use of these two exercises, they cannot be operated as Hou Peiqin said just now." Then Sima Lang explained the reason behind it, and Fan Kang and Hou Peiqin realized that Sima Lang's arrangement in this way was out of In desperation, it is also the only choice.

A master can have many servants, but as a servant, he can only worship one master.The art of refining the gods is the main one, and the art of cultivating the gods is secondary, and the relationship between them is also the same.Fan Kang, who practiced the magic technique, could share memories with several monks who practiced the magic technique, but once the latter shared the memory once, they could not change hands for life. That is to say, Hou Peiqin's future cultivation would depend on Fan Kang If something happened to Fan Kang and he fell, then Hou Peiqin's cultivation would also stagnate from now on, and he would not be able to make any progress for the rest of his life.That's why Sima Lang said before that non-relatives and Taoist companions can't practice the art of cultivating spirits, just imagine how an outsider would be willing to let his own future of cultivation be controlled by others.

Sima Lang's foundation has been shaken due to injuries that have not healed for many years, and the semi-immortal will be his final cultivation in this life.He accepted Fan Kang as his apprentice for revenge, but another reason was to be optimistic about Fan Kang's talent, hoping that he would become the second immortal cultivator on the Qiankun Continent, so that Ouyang Tian's wish could be fulfilled by him. If he realized it in his body, how could he let him practice the magic of cultivating the gods to do the thing of killing chickens and taking eggs.

Even a monk cannot greatly improve his cultivation in a short period of time. The difficulty of cutting three corpses for an earth-level monk is already high enough. After becoming a heaven-level monk, the difficulty of promotion will increase significantly. If the cultivation base of the state of mind does not keep up , once it fails, it will not be a matter of recuperating for a few months. At any time, like Hou Yongyi, he will be invaded by demons, and his life may even be in danger.Moreover, continuous promotion is not a good thing, and it is easy to cause adverse effects such as unstable foundation and loss of emotional control.Even with Hou Peiqin's experience as the basis for Fan Kang's advancement, it can be seen that it was not smooth sailing. Sima Lang also fully assessed the risks before allowing Fan Kang to advance to the third level.

Moreover, it is inconvenient for Sima Lang to show his face in front of too many people, so he can only let Fan Kang practice the magic technique to improve the cultivation of his relatives and family members. Firstly, he can use this to make Fan Kang the backbone of everyone, and secondly, he can also supervise Fan Kangqin Practice more, always remind him that there is still a big family behind him waiting to be improved by him.

After Fan Kang and Hou Peiqin learned about the restrictions of the two exercises, they also understood that the deal was done. In addition, the reasons given by Sima Lang were sufficient. They couldn't refute them and continued to practice the Six Forms of Spiritual Mind after a short rest.

In fact, there was another reason why Sima Lang arranged this way, which he didn't say.He has experienced betrayal once, and he will never let his power go out again.He knew that imparting the alchemy to Fan Kang would mean that the core strength to crusade against Wang Shuai in the future would come from Fan Kang's lineage, and as long as he stayed in the Qiankun Ring, he could stay by Fan Kang's side day and night, without worrying that Fan Kang would become the second Wang Shuai.

On the other hand, Fan Kang, although he couldn't fully figure out what Sima Lang was thinking, he guessed [-]% to [-]% of it, but he didn't care.Because Sima Lang's kindness to him is limitless, this point of guard can be forgiven and accepted.This is like raising money from others to do business in the previous life. Others have entrusted their entire wealth to themselves, and they should guard against it out of emotion and reason to prevent this large sum of money from being wasted.

Without Sima Lang's backing, Fan Kang is now just a highly talented human-level monk, he would not have the guts to deceive Qian Jude, even if he earns a little spirit crystal, he can only slightly improve the life of his family conditions, he would not move to live in the manor at all, and would not know those rich second-generation neighbors, and would not appear in Wanlibao today.

Both Fan Kang and Sima Lang knew that the other party understood this point, but they had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything about it.

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