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Chapter 307 A Teenager's Dream

Ye Fengchun opened his mouth wide in surprise, and didn't recover for a while.

He also did some research on the Jianglin Group.

There are only 500 people in the headquarters of Jianglin Group.

There are about 1800 employees of Jianglin Entertainment Company plus its contracted artists.

Jianglin Catering Company has the largest number of employees.

But the number of all employees is only in the early 1s.

As soon as Chen Jianghe opens his mouth, he will provide a job in his hometown for all the parents of children who go out to work in Dangshan County.

In this way, it is conservatively estimated that tens of thousands of jobs will be provided.

The economic situation in Dangshan County can be said to be "horrible."

At its peak in the 80s, there were only four or five state-owned factories in the entire county.

And there are some fertilizer factories, agricultural machinery factories and canning factories.

The total number of employees is only 4000.

In the 90s, these state-owned factories closed down one after another.

As state-owned enterprise workers have been laid off, the consumption power of the entire county has also shown a significant decline.

Dozens of small restaurants and clothing stores that were still struggling to stay in business also inevitably ushered in a wave of closures.

Since then, the economy of the entire Dangshan County has fallen into an irreversible endless loop.

More than half of the strong labor force fled this small county.

Choose to go north or south to work, and use the meager wages to support the family.

Xu Zhixi is one of tens of thousands of migrant workers.

And without a doubt the luckiest one.

Because she met the reborn Chen Jianghe.

Now even the elders in her hometown will be blessed by God.

"Mr. Chen, what kind of in-depth report do you want? Can you give me a hint?"

Ye Fengchun, who has 20 years of experience as a journalist, can be said to be clueless now.

Because the thinking of the man in front of him has been completed beyond his own comprehension.

He doesn't even figure out who he's interviewing for this news story right now.

Chen Jianghe didn't directly answer Ye Fengchun's question, but waved to a thin figure on the basketball court: "Xiaotian, come here."

Hearing the call, the black and thin figure immediately passed the basketball in his hand to a little friend beside him.

Then Sa Yazi ran towards Chen Jianghe.

The boy's star-like eyes and white teeth exuded a strong youthful atmosphere.

At this moment, Ye Fengchun felt that there was no essential difference between the other party and his confident and sunny peers in the metropolis.

"Uncle Chen..."

The boy greeted Chen Jianghe with a smile.

But when his eyes turned to the well-dressed Ye Fengchun, he couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment.

The thin lips were tightly pressed together.

The smile on his face disappeared instantly.

"Your name is Xiaotian... How old are you this year and what grade are you in?"

Ye Fengchun was slightly embarrassed, and asked the boy as kindly as possible.

The young man looked at Ye Fengchun who was facing him warily.

The black and thin face flushed instantly, and his head slowly drooped down.

This sudden change was completely different from his previous performance in front of Chen Jianghe.

The vigor and vigor that youth should have is gone.

Ye Fengchun suddenly fell into silence and deep thought.

We must know that the number of families below the poverty line in the whole country is a staggering astronomical number.

If a child like Xiaotian lived in such a family environment since childhood.

It is hard to imagine what the future holds for these children.

"Xiao Tian, ​​sit next to me."

Chen Jianghe beckoned and let the boy sit down next to him.

The black and thin boy walked over obediently.

The thin and tense body gradually relaxed because of Chen Jianghe's blessing.

"Xiaotian's father suffered a work-related injury when he went out to work a few years ago, and has been paralyzed at home."

Chen Jianghe patted the black and thin boy on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "His mother has been working outside these years and has never come back. At first, she paid Xiaotian 100 yuan a month for living expenses, and there has been no contact in the past two years. ..."

As Chen Jianghe told about the life experience of the black and thin boy, Ye Fengchun frowned while listening.

However, the expression of the black and thin boy no longer showed any emotions, as if he had been completely numb to all these encounters.

"Xiaotian, I asked you two days ago what you want to be when you grow up, what did you say?"

Chen Jianghe looked at the black and thin boy in front of him, and asked with a smile.

Hei thin young man pursed his lips and said in a deep voice, "I want to work to make money and treat my father..."

Such an answer came from the mouth of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy.

There is something too heavy imposed by too many hardships of life behind it.

Dangshan No. [-] Middle School includes both the junior high school and the high school.

However, less than one-third of the students who continue to choose high school after finishing junior high school.

Most of the students will go out to work at the age of sixteen or seventeen like dark and skinny teenagers.

They have a junior high school education and no professional skills.

You can only do some unsafe dirty work in the city.

The meager salary earned by working part-time may not even be able to support himself.

This is still a relatively optimistic and normal situation.

Once they met a black-hearted boss who was in arrears of wages.

Or be targeted by some criminals who are planning to do something wrong.

The difficulties and dangers they encountered were even more miserable than staying in their poor hometown.

"Now, I want to ask you again, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Chen Jianghe looked at the black and thin boy in front of him calmly, and asked solemnly.

The black and thin boy tightly pursed his lips, lowered his head and fell into entanglement and contemplation.

At this time, the noise of running on the basketball court could be heard from time to time.

And the crisp sound of the basketball hitting the ground and the rim.

A few years ago, the teenager watched a basketball game broadcast on TV at the home of a classmate with a good family background.

Then I was deeply attracted by this unique and charming sport.

But all the schools in Dangshan County don't even have a basketball court.

So the boy hung a bamboo basket with a leaky bottom on the jujube tree in his yard.

Every day when he came home from school, the teenager would practice shooting with an irregular-shaped "basketball" made by scrap tires.

Before meeting Chen Jianghe, the boy's biggest dream was to have a real basketball.

Play a hearty basketball game on a real basketball court.

When he told Chen Jianghe the dream buried in his heart.

There is no hope that there will be miracles in this world.

But early the next morning, when the boy walked into the campus, he suddenly found a brand new basketball hoop on the playground.

And that tall and thin figure was dribbling for a layup in the golden morning light.

At that moment, the boy seemed to be in the most beautiful and happiest dream.

"Uncle Chen..."

At this time, the black and thin boy slowly raised his head, looked at Chen Jianghe firmly, and said, "I like basketball... When I grow up, I want to play basketball... Is that okay?"

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