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Chapter 324

"Jiang He, I have something serious to tell you."

Shen Ruohan herself also knew that "driving" was too frequent in front of the couple, so she would add a prefix when talking about more important things.

"Professor Shen, please tell me."

Chen Jianghe immediately lifted his spirits, because the "serious things" in the mouth of this famous female scholar are definitely not trivial.

"Today, a team of experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences rushed over from Yanjing to conduct on-the-spot investigations on the soil, water and climate of Shancheng County."

Shen Ruohan said: "Academician Zheng is also here with the group. If you are free, can you be a guide for the expert group?"

In fact, Shen Ruohan decided to come to Shancheng County with Tang Wan, and immediately contacted the laboratory of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The Academy of Agricultural Sciences attached great importance to this research work, and even sent a team of experts directly.

Although those soil samples have been thoroughly analyzed in the laboratory.

A comprehensive evaluation and comparison was also carried out through big data comparison software, and the most suitable crops were selected.

But the data obtained in the laboratory is always the most idealized state.

Before large-scale planting, it is still necessary to carry out small-scale trial planting to ensure foolproofness.

"Academician Zheng? Is that Academician Zheng Qiang?"

After receiving Shen Ruohan's affirmative answer, Chen Jianghe was slightly surprised.

You must know that academician Zheng Qiang of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences is a real "national treasure" scholar!

He devoted his whole life to the research of hybrid improvement of crops.

Nearly 30 years of scientific research work has obtained patents for thousands of hybrid crops and donated all of them to the country free of charge.

Chen Jianghe never expected that he would come into contact with such "national treasure" level experts and scholars in his lifetime.

He couldn't help but admire Shen Ruohan's status in the academic world again.

"Professor Shen, I want to give you a big credit this time."

Chen Jianghe said with a smile on the phone: "Your apartment in Yanjing is a bit small, and the location is relatively remote. You go back this time and pick a set that suits your needs, and I will give it to you."

Shen Ruohan returned from studying in the United States and became a professor at Yenching University.

The university allocated her a 180-square-meter welfare house in Haidian.

Shen Ruohan is lively and likes to be lively, but she is surrounded by a group of dull bookish scholars.

Shen Ruohan only has two days of class a week, and spends the rest of the five days in the bustling business district.

And Jianglin Building was her first choice.

There are not only a well-equipped gymnasium, but also a well-equipped commercial street.

The most important thing is that there is also Logan, a good girlfriend who is very congenial.

The current life is undoubtedly the happiest and most satisfying time Shen Ruohan has ever lived.

The only inconvenience is that the place where she lives is nearly an hour's drive from Jianglin Building.

As the traffic on the streets of Yanjing became more and more congested, Shen Ruohan spent more and more time on the journey each time.

Therefore, Shen Ruohan has always wanted to save money to buy a small square meter apartment near Jianglin Building.

But for Shen Ruohan, who has developed advanced consumption habits after living in the United States for several years, saving money is even more difficult than winning a Nobel Prize.

As long as she can barely make ends meet every month, she is already "Amitabha".

What's more, since Yanjing's successful bid for the Olympic Games, housing prices have been changing with each passing day like an inflated balloon.

Countless capital poured into the Yanjing property market as if they had gone mad and possessed.

Even the Tongzhou Coal Association, where Chen Jianghe is the chairman, bought a whole house in Yanjing as if they didn't want money!

In this case, not to mention ordinary people in Yanjing, high-level intellectuals like Shen Ruohan, who earn tens of thousands a month, can only "look at their houses and sigh."


Shen Ruohan hesitated for a long time, then made up his mind and said, "Jiang He, actually, academician Zheng came to Shancheng County personally and I didn't play much role."

Although Shen Ruohan was very envious of the house that Chen Jianghe gave him, he was not rewarded for his merits.

But this is not enough to make her give up the most basic principles and bottom line.

In fact, she was only in contact with the laboratory of the Agricultural University under the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The head of the laboratory, Professor Zhuang Yan, directly led the researchers to test the soil samples and compare the data.

Shen Ruohan originally thought that Professor Zhuang Yan should lead the team to Shancheng County for a field trip this time.

Unexpectedly, Academician Zheng Qiang came here in person!

It's like playing Doudizhu. I just played a pair of three on my side, and according to common sense, the other party can play a small pair to control it.

Who would have thought that the other party would turn out to be a pair of king bombs!

When Shen Ruohan heard the news this morning, she was in a daze.

But Professor Zhuang Yan on the other end of the phone threw another bombshell before she could react!

"The reason why Academician Zheng Qiang wants to conduct a field trip in person this time is because he wants to meet the boss of the Jianglin Group, and I have to trouble Professor Shen to introduce him."

When Zhuang Yan said these words on the phone, his attitude was extremely respectful, and it was definitely not the usual "fake politeness".

Obviously, this is what Academician Zheng Qiang himself has solemnly confessed to Professor Zhuang Yan, and it must be done by all means!

"Professor Shen, I also know that this matter is not easy to handle."

Professor Zhuang Yan heard Shen Ruohan's silence on the other end of the phone, and immediately made a promise: "Academician Zheng Qiang explained it himself. If you can help me with this, he will definitely remember your favor."

How important is a "favor" promised by an academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences?

Shen Ruohan couldn't be more clear.

She just thought it was too shocking.

Shen Ruohan has always admired Chen Jianghe's behavior and actions from the bottom of his heart.

But because of the familiarity between the two parties, she didn't feel that the other party was so unattainable.

Until now, even the "National Treasure" academicians of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences have to lower their profile to meet this man.

Only then did Shen Ruohan understand the true connotation of the poem "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain".

"It's like this..."

Shen Ruohan explained in detail on the phone without hiding anything.

Chen Jianghe was dumbfounded on the other end of the phone.

He knew that he was just an ordinary person, and with his reborn golden finger, he was lucky enough to start a small business and make a little money.

At best, he is a businessman who smells of copper.

The reason why he spends a lot of money for charity to help "alleviate poverty".

It's just to fulfill my original mission of "reaching the goal and benefiting the world".

Because he has discovered that money and wealth are nothing more than a series of meaningless numbers after they have accumulated to a certain extent.

Only when money is spent on people who really need it can the meaning and value of money be brought into play.

What's more, Chen Jianghe has always held a very optimistic attitude towards investing in Shancheng County.

He is even confident that all the investment here can pay back the cost within three to five years.

Because the era of nationwide online shopping is coming soon.

Green and high-end organic agricultural products will become the "sweet pastry" favored by consumers all over the world.

The value and profit created are far beyond what people can imagine now!

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