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Chapter 376

Obviously, most of the employees have deep grudges against Li Qiming, a relative who is the canteen manager.

It's just that Li Qiming, the boss, has been holding back his face.

Now that these female employees know that Chenman Company has been acquired by Jianglin Group, they will never bear it any longer.

The fat woman was surrounded by a large group of female workers, pointing fingers at the center, her fat face was already flushed red.

She looked at Li Qiming at the side with eyes that were almost begging for mercy.

I hope that my uncle can overcome all opinions and save himself from the whirlpool.

But Li Qiming didn't dare to show his head in front of Chen Jianghe at this time, so he could only lower his head and remain silent.

"Your name is Qiuhong, right?"

At this moment, Chen Jianghe looked at the fat woman and asked suddenly.

"Yes, my surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Qiuhong. Mr. Chen, what are your orders?"

Seeing that her uncle Li Qiming remained silent, the fat woman knew that from now on the electronics factory would be dominated by this boss Chen, so her attitude became extraordinarily humble and respectful.

"Is this rotten porridge for people to eat? In the future, the cafeteria will raise a few piglets, and the leftovers will be used to raise pigs."

Chen Jianghe said calmly, "Go to the wholesale market and buy a hundred boxes of instant noodles, and cook them for everyone."

Zhang Qiuhong froze for a moment, then looked at Li Qiming with a embarrassed expression and said: "Uncle, our factory canteen has already owed 8000 to [-] yuan to those merchants in the wholesale market. No one will give us so many instant noodles on credit without cash."

Li Qiming also sighed softly, with a helpless expression on his face.

Chenman's capital flow has always been tight.

During this period of time, in order to reach a cooperation with Jianglin Group, Li Qiming did not hesitate to "break the boat" and used the few funds in the company's account to give gifts.

As a result, the cafeteria had no money to purchase, so they had to call on seven or eight hundred people in the whole factory to live by tightening their belts.

It's just that Li Qiming, the boss, never eats in the cafeteria.

The relatives of the boss like Zhang Qiuhong also showed their magical powers.

The only ones who suffer are the hundreds of female workers in the factory.

Chen Jianghe saw the female workers getting up after work hours before, and thought it was because of their sloppy work.

It was only now that I realized that I had wrongly blamed them.

The quality of the food in the canteen of the factory is so poor that the female workers often suffer from vomiting and diarrhea after eating too much.

Where is the energy and physical strength to go to work?

"Take the money first, buy 100 boxes of instant noodles and buy eggs."

Chen Jianghe took out a stack of brand-new hundred-yuan bills from his bag and handed them to Zhang Qiuhong, telling him, "You have to make clear notes on the purchase order and report it to the new finance department."

"I understand, I understand!"

After Zhang Qiuhong took the money, she nodded repeatedly and said, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I won't report a penny wrong!"

Zhang Qiuhong has been the manager of the canteen for more than a year, and when the factory's profits were good, she did not report false accounts and get kickbacks.

But she is not an idiot ignorant of current affairs, knowing that the factory has a new boss now.

It's not certain whether he can keep the fat job of canteen manager, how dare he be dirty at this juncture!

As soon as Zhang Qiuhong left, the female workers in the cafeteria chattered excitedly.

If you eat boiled instant noodles and eggs for breakfast this year, it will definitely improve your life.

These female workers have hardly had a decent meal in the past half a month.

In addition, the electronics factory is located in an industrial park in the outer suburbs, and there are no vendors selling snacks around.

No matter how bad the food in the cafeteria was, they had to bite the bullet and eat it.

During this period of time, on average, everyone lost more than seven or eight catties, and some even lost more than ten catties!

If it wasn't for the fact that the factory hadn't paid wages for three months in arrears, I don't know how many people would have resigned.

After a while, Zhang Qiuhong hurried back.

The vendors in the wholesale market immediately delivered instant noodles and eggs after receiving the cash.

Several large iron pots in the cafeteria also boiled water early.

Bags of instant noodles were torn from the plastic packaging and thrown into the water.

A few minutes later, the sound of "suliu" and "suliu" eating noodles echoed in the cafeteria.

Accompanied by the laughter of the female workers.

After all this tossing, the time has already passed 9:[-].

After all, the general meeting of employees could not be held on time, but all the employees present also knew that Chenman Electronics Factory had changed a new boss named "Chen Jianghe".

The most important thing is that with this new boss, there is no need to eat sour and stinky porridge anymore.

For the first breakfast, I ate such good things as instant noodles and eggs!

Seeing that the female workers present were already full, Chen Jianghe stood up and glanced at everyone, and said, "Don't be in a hurry to go to work today, and clean up the entire factory area, dormitory buildings, and workshops thoroughly. once."

"I don't want to see any more weeds or scraps of paper in the factory area, nor do I want to see any dirty corners in the dormitory buildings and workshops."

Hearing these words, all the female workers present were stunned.

Even Li Qiming looked at the young boss Chen with surprise.

Everyone didn't understand what kind of medicine the new boss was selling in his gourd.

A well-endowed electronics factory does not hurry up to produce the products on the order, but does such irrelevant chores as weeding and cleaning garbage.

Isn't this a typical putting the cart before the horse and not doing business properly?

"From now on, the sanitation of the factory area is directly linked to everyone's bonus."

Chen Jianghe didn't need to answer these people's questions, and continued: "Each class corresponds to a public area, and the first three groups that complete the cleaning task first will each be rewarded with 500 yuan in cash!"

All the female workers present were stunned and looked at Chen Jianghe in disbelief.

There are a total of 20 shift groups in the entire Chenman Electronics Factory, and each group has about 50 people.

If each of the first three groups was rewarded with 500 yuan, that would be around 75000 yuan.

To reward so much money for cleaning the factory area, this Boss Chen is really generous!

Chen Jianghe paused, looked at the crowd and continued: "Starting from this month, each employee will be rewarded with an additional 500 yuan for spiritual civilization. At the end of the month, the assessment will be carried out in units of class groups. The 500 yuan bonus will be withheld for all class groups that fail the assessment. , rewarded to the class group that passed the assessment."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the female workers present were even more surprised and fell from ear to ear.

We must know that when Chenman Electronics Factory was most profitable, everyone's monthly salary plus piece bonus was only a little over 1000 yuan.

Now the young boss Chen will give everyone a collective bonus of 500 yuan as soon as he opens his mouth!

Although these female workers have never heard of the new term "spiritual civilization award" before.

But in a literal sense, they can also guess that they are almost inseparable.

When Chen Jianghe was speaking to all the female workers, a dozen engineering vehicles and sanitation vehicles of various kinds had already driven into Chenman Electronics Factory.

The female workers who came out of the cafeteria were immediately shocked by the spectacular scene in front of them.

At this time, they finally realized that Boss Chen did not simply clean up the factory area.

This is obviously to carry out an earth-shaking transformation for the entire Chenman Electronics Factory!

Each female worker received brand-new labor protection clothing and equipment, and then used various tools to clean up the weeds on the wasteland of the factory area.

Because the top three teams each have a cash reward of 500 yuan.

Under the heavy reward, there are not only brave men, but also brave women.

In an instant, the factory area, which was originally dead and silent, has become a lively scene.

"Mr. Chen, do we want to work with the workers?"

Li Qiming was also watching with enthusiasm, and couldn't help but be eager to try.

In his opinion, at this time, if the boss can do it himself, he can instantly "get together" with the workers.

"Remember, we are the bosses, not politicians, so we can avoid the show."

Chen Jianghe glanced at the other party, and said calmly: "Follow me to the Finance Department to see how the account handover is going."

When Li Qiming heard that Chen Jianghe was going to check the accounts, he looked embarrassed and said: "The accountants in our factory are not professionally trained, and the accounts may be relatively simple..."

A few minutes later, Chen Jianghe finally saw what Li Qiming called the "relatively simple" accounts.

Including Yu Shulan, the head of the entire finance department, there are 17 people in total, but they can't even do the most basic financial subjects.

There are only three sets of the simplest journals of funds, raw materials and finished products.

Now there are only a few thousand dollars left in Chenman's company bank account, and the cash in the safe is less than 1 yuan in total!

What's more terrible is the frequent back and forth transfers between Li Qiming's personal account and company account.

It is no longer clear how much money Li Qiming borrowed from the company's account and did not return it.

It is a "confused account" from the beginning to the end!

"Mr. Chen, please ask Boss Li to provide you with all the capital flow of your personal account in recent years."

Gao Yuanyuan looked at Chen Jianghe helplessly.

Just now they looked through all the journals of Chenman Company together.

It was found that when the company was doing well, all the profits were emptied by Li Qiming and put into his own pocket.

For more than a year, the company has continuously repaid a large amount of loans and interest, and Li Qiming has plugged the company's capital hole with his own money.

But as the funding hole got bigger and bigger, this boss Li obviously couldn't plug it.

As a result, the entire company, including Boss Li himself, has entered a state of "bad performance".

Not only has the workers been in arrears of wages for three consecutive months, even the company's daily purchases are also in arrears with those merchants.

Plus the principal plus interest of bank loans and private loans.

Now the capital hole has expanded to more than 4000 million!

In other words, if Chen Jianghe buys this company, he will have to bear the huge debt of 4000 million out of thin air!

Since Gao Yuanyuan served as the manager of Jianglin Accounting Firm.

The companies that she is responsible for bookkeeping are all thriving and making money every day.

Today, she witnessed Chenman's huge losses and financial chaos.

The whole person has a "shocking" sense of sight.

Chen Jianghe turned his gaze to Li Qiming, who immediately begged for mercy pitifully: "Mr. Chen, I really don't have a lot of money right now... Can the money owed to the company be deducted from my future dividends..."

Even Li Qiming himself felt that it was too much and shameless to make this request.

But now he really has no other choice but to brazenly beg Chen Jianghe for mercy.

Chen Jianghe sighed softly, looked at Gao Yuanyuan at the side, and said: "Just handle the handover according to the current situation, and then go to the industrial and commercial and tax office as soon as possible to complete the procedures for the merger of the two companies."

Hearing that Chen Jianghe didn't hold on to his "little braid" anymore, Li Qiming couldn't help but let out a light breath, and his hanging heart finally calmed down.

But before he had time to rejoice, Chen Jianghe suddenly said to Gao Yuanyuan who was beside him: "Manager Gao, please show me the roster, salary sheet and attendance sheet of Chenman Company."

Gao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and immediately sent the compiled form to Chen Jianghe respectfully.

She had also read the payroll and roster just now, and found nothing unusual.

But Gao Yuanyuan knew that since it was what Chen Jianghe wanted to see by name, there must be a lot of "tricks" hidden in it.

"Old Li, why is the number of people in the salary sheet and attendance sheet not matching?"

Chen Jianghe flipped through it casually, looked at Li Qiming and asked, "There are quite a few people who are paid wages that are not on the attendance sheet. What's going on?"

Li Qiming's throat twitched, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Some are employees of the factory office, and some are salesmen who run away. They don't need to check in like the front-line workers."

Chen Jianghe turned around and looked at Yu Shulan, the head of the finance section, and asked, "Section Chief Yu, do you understand what Boss Li said? Can you mark these two groups of people on the payroll?"

Yu Shulan subconsciously glanced at Li Qiming.

Seeing that the other party was under Chen Jianghe's nose, he didn't dare to say a word.

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, wait a few minutes, and I will mark these people right away."

After a while, Yu Shulan had circled the names of two or three hundred people on the payroll.

The proportion of these people surnamed Li is frighteningly high, there are five or sixty people.

Although the surname Li is considered the most common surname in China, it is far from outrageous to this extent!

"Chief Yu, have you seen all these people?"

Chen Jianghe continued to ask Yu Shulan.

Yu Shulan hesitated for a moment, and said timidly: "Mr. Chen, I usually stay in the finance department and don't often walk around the factory..."

Chen Jianghe asked: "Then do you have the contact information of these people? Why is there no phone number for them in the roster?"

Because Chenman Company does not have a personnel department, the finance department has the home addresses and telephone numbers of all employees in the factory.

But these people circled by Yu Shulan's pen not only don't need to do daily attendance, they don't even have the most basic contact information.

It's as if these people are "free people" who are separated from Chenman Electronics Factory.

You don't have to be bound by the factory, and you can still receive wages on a monthly basis.

Moreover, the amount of wages and bonuses of these people is obviously one or two grades higher than that of front-line workers!

In recent months, the efficiency of the factory has not been good, and the wages and bonuses of front-line workers can only get seven to eight hundred yuan.

However, the wages and bonuses of these "free people" are generally more than 1000 yuan.

One of them, named "Li Yuzhu", even got a high salary of 2000 yuan!

"Old Li, please explain, what is going on?"

Chen Jianghe turned his gaze to Li Qiming, who bowed his head and said nothing, and said calmly, "Since we will all eat in the same pot in the future, don't let anyone else see you. Just tell me what's going on."

Li Qiming pursed his lips, remained silent for a long time and finally raised his head to look at Chen Jianghe and said, "Mr. Chen, I really have no choice..."

As soon as the chatter box was opened, Li Qiming immediately spoke out in public about the tragic situation in which his whole family died in the disaster when he was young.

Speaking of emotion, his weather-beaten face was full of sadness and helplessness, and his cloudy eyes were also filled with tears.

"If it weren't for these relatives...I, Li Qiming, would have starved to death and froze to death. How could I be here today..."

Li Qiming said with emotion: "Now that I have become a big boss and made a fortune, if I don't help them, how can I have a conscience!"

"Even if I lose all my property, I can't let down those relatives who raised me and helped me!"

This emotional confession moved everyone present.

There were even a few emotional little accountants who were moved to tears by this "rough guy" who valued love and righteousness in front of him.

Only Chen Jianghe looked at Li Qiming expressionlessly, as if he was not touched in any way.

"Old Li, do you feel that you are doing good deeds by supporting this large group of relatives for nothing?"

"And what about those young girls? Are they related to you, too?"

"I think you are not only lustful, but also a self-righteous fool!"

"You're not helping them, you're clearly hurting them!"

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