Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 638 Job Fair

Sheng Tang drove his car into Han University from the north gate, put the car under the family building, and then trotted all the way to the door of Sanwei Bookstore.

A lot of people have already come to Sanwei Bookstore. Li Qiang has a door key here, and Chen Mange also has one. They came to open the door early in the morning. Lin Liangshun and Zhang Zhaomin also arrived at this time with the newly printed posters.

Lin Liangshun and Zhang Zhaomin are dressed very formally today, with a white shirt inside and a black suit outside, but the suit is a bit low-grade, as if it has been pressed in a closet for a long time and is crumpled.

"You two are formal enough!"

After Sheng Tang came in, he made fun of them.

Lin Liangshun smiled and said: "This is not the first job fair our company has participated in. Of course it has to be formal! I went to find a suit borrowed by a senior last night!"

Zhang Zhaomin complained: "I said, did you do it on purpose? The one you borrowed fits perfectly. Look at the one you borrowed for me. Why is it so big?"

"Minister Zhang, I told you not to go with you. It would be nice if I could lend you a suit. Why are there so many problems?"


Sheng Tang interrupted the two by clapping his hands, and asked, "Have you prepared everything that you have been asked to prepare?"

Zhang Zhaomin nodded and took out a big poster: "Boss Sheng, let's see if this works. If not, you can change it."

The poster is very simple. In the middle is the four big characters of Sanwei Bookstore. Below is the explanation of Sanwei Bookstore, followed by the introduction of Sanwei Bookstore's recruitment plan and salary, and finally the company address.

This poster looks a little rough, but the main reason is that they didn't prepare in advance and the time was too hasty, which is not bad.

Sheng Tang patted Zhang Zhaomin and Lin Liangshun, and boasted: "You did a good job, don't do it next time."



Afterwards, Li Qiang drove Lin Liangshun and Zhang Zhaomin, posters and tables and chairs for the job fair in a van. rush to the city.

On the way, I picked up Li Qiule by the way, and the two cars headed for the sports park in tandem. They arrived at less than 5 o'clock in [-] minutes.

A lot of cars had already parked outside the sports park, and more people came to the job fair, most of them were students, and every passing bus would get off a lot of students.

Sheng Tang asked Li Qiang and the others to move tables and chairs and walk in with posters to see if they could get a good seat, but they were stopped when they reached the door and asked them to show their IDs.

Enterprises who come to the job fair need to pay the booth management fee in advance, and the organizer will reserve a booth and issue recruitment certificates, and Sheng Tang definitely doesn't have them.

Sheng Tang exchanged pleasantries with the staff at the door, saying that they had just arrived and hadn't had time to apply for their documents, and the staff immediately put on a straight face.

"You can't do this, the companies participating in this job fair all signed up a week in advance, and the booths are gone!"

Then he looked at Sheng Tang, Chen Mange and the others. Except for Li Qiang who looked a bit social, the others all looked like students. They didn't seem to be recruiting, but they were here to apply.

So he asked again: "What kind of company are you?"

"Three is the bookstore."


The staff choked. He had participated in job fairs, big and small, maybe [-] or [-], but he hadn't heard of Sanwei Bookstore. It sounds like a bookstore?Now all the bookstores are here to participate in the job fair?Hiring a clerk?Isn't this overkill?

So he said seriously: "This job fair is the largest job fair in Jinnan, and all the people here are well-known companies. If you are recruiting bookstore clerks, don't use it to participate in this kind of job fair. Post a job advertisement in your bookstore Isn't that all right?"


Come on, Lin Liangshun couldn't stand listening to them as a bookstore, and said, "Who said we are a bookstore?"

Lin Liangshun's tone was very blunt, and the staff member's expression fell instantly, and he frowned and said coldly: "I don't care if you are a bookstore or not. You haven't applied for the recruitment certificate in advance, so you can't set up a booth to recruit."

Upon seeing this, Sheng Tang hurriedly smiled and said, "Brother, our company has just been established and we don't understand the process, so why don't you accommodate me?"

With that said, Sheng Tang took two boxes of Zhonghua and secretly stuffed them into the staff's pockets. The staff member looked down, and his tone softened a lot immediately, but he still said, "There are rules in the recruitment fair. No booth management fee paid…”


Afterwards, under the leadership of the staff, Sheng Tang paid the booth management fee, and got a small booth in a corner of District B. The location is not very eye-catching, but compared to not being able to follow up, it is not bad.

As he walked in, Sheng Tang smiled and said, "I don't know if I don't come. Now everyone remembers the process, right? When there is a job fair next time, you should know how to do it, right?"


Everyone nodded.


In most recruitment venues, the positions are divided into ranks.

If state-owned enterprises or top [-] well-known companies in the country participate in recruitment, even if they do not ask for it, the job fair organizer will arrange them in the best position. After all, they are the publicity point and appearance of a job fair. Most of the applicants come for these companies, and the organizers will definitely reserve the best positions for these companies, which is regarded as special care.

In addition to state-owned enterprises and the top [-], other enterprises will also be arranged in different places according to their strength and reputation. For example, most of the unknown and weak enterprises will be arranged in the corner A corner place, such as Sanwei Bookstore...

When a group of people were taken to a "desolate" location in the northwest corner of the sports park according to the instructions of the staff, Lin Liangshun was so angry that he wanted to find someone else to reason with, but Sheng Tang stopped him and told him that it all depends on strength Speaking of which, if you want to occupy a good position next time, then make Sanwei Bookstore bigger and stronger!

Compared with other companies, Sanwei Bookstore not only has a poor location, but also their booth is the simplest, with only a table and a simple poster. Fortunately, Chen Mange and Li Qiule are good-looking, supporting the facade .

In addition to the posters, Sheng Tang asked Chen Mange to print some leaflets according to the contents of the posters before leaving Sanwei Bookstore. It was enough for Chen Mange and Li Qiule to be in front of the booth. Intention, Chen Mange and Li Qiule are responsible for answering questions, and it is enough to leave their resumes. After returning, they will screen resumes and select suitable people for interviews.

Sheng Tang took Lin Liangshun and Zhang Zhaomin to distribute leaflets.


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