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Chapter 62

"Welcome! Warm welcome!" Gu Zhengdong was too happy to speak.

"What to buy? Go to our factory, do you have any specifications? Go! Go and choose!" Xiao Cai absolutely supported it.

"Okay, then I'll go with him first, and we'll talk about the details when we get back." Aunt Zhou walked out with Xiao Cai.

Gu Zhengdong didn't want to mention how beautiful he was, he solved a big problem.

"This bitch must have been a beauty when she was young." Sitting under the tree, Lao Duan said with gritted teeth.

"Be careful what you say in the future. You are all colleagues in your own factory. It's not good to have conflicts." Gu Zhengdong hurriedly turned his head to remind.

These people are used to vulgarity, and they are afraid that their words will offend Aunt Zhou, so it will be bad.

"Cut." Unconvinced, Lao Duan spat, turned and left.

"Look at her as a woman, look at me." Fat sister looked at another aspect, looked at the dirty coat on her body, and couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"Fat sister, I'm getting paid, buy yourself a skirt, dress up well, you're no worse than anyone else!" Gu Zhengdong encouraged.

Hearing what the boss said, Fat Sister seemed to be pumped with blood, her whole body was full of energy, and she was about to fly.

In her eyes, Gu Zhengdong is like a god.When she saw him for the first time, she just thought that this man was good-looking, but now that he walked over step by step, she was already unattainable.

To be praised by Gu Zhengdong now, it simply means that the earth can't hold her.

Fat sister also had good eyesight, knowing that Aunt Zhou was coming to work, she cleaned up the office next to her.

Gu Zhengdong originally wanted to tell her, but he didn't expect her to start work on his own initiative, so he was very moved.

"Fat sister, if you want me to tell you, I'd better find a helper for you. You don't have to be free all day, it's too hard."

"No, I can do it myself!" Fat Sister said immediately.

"Your salary doesn't change, and if you find another helper, they won't share your money. What are you afraid of?" Old Hei couldn't listen anymore, and explained to her beside him.

"I know my salary will not be low, but our factory has just been built, and we use money everywhere, so we can save as much as we can."

Fat sister's words immediately changed the situation, and Gu Zhengdong was in awe.

Such people are regarded as the elders of the company, and he will arrange their interests clearly.

After a while, Xiao Cai sent Aunt Zhou back.Burial Love Boy helped to lift the things up.

During this time, Gu Zhengdong also went downstairs to choose a cabinet, which can be used as a rolling cabinet.He also moved a mahogany table, an armchair, and a pen holder made of pineapple wood. Although it was old, it was very old-fashioned.

All these things were arranged, and Aunt Zhou's eyes lit up when she entered the room.

"Aunt Zhou, what do you think of your office?"

"Oh, it looks like a study, I like it!"

Aunt Zhou raised her hand to cover her mouth and smiled.

At this time, there was a sudden chaos downstairs, Gu Zhengdong looked through the window, screamed that it was not good, and hurried downstairs.

It was the two men in uniform who came last time, checking the fire protection facilities.

He is too busy these days to take care of shopping.

"Oh, comrade! I was wrong, I was wrong! I'm too busy, I haven't bought it yet!" Gu Zhengdong was very good at admitting his mistakes, and immediately apologized.

"I told you the time last time, but you didn't execute it? Then we won't be polite. We will close the factory first, and you can open it after passing the inspection next time."

This comrade's words made Gu Zhengdong dumbfounded.

What do you mean?With the factory closed, how does he operate?Where are these things?What about workers?

"Comrade, no! Really no, I'll go buy it right now!"

"No, we work so much a day, who can wait for you here?"

"That's right, you think too much." The other comrade was even more rude, pulling out the seal from the bag.

This one is quite cooperative, and I have to apply paste when I come up.

"What are you pretending to do! It's only half an hour away, what can I do!" The boy who buried love was young and energetic, and he was not happy when he saw Gu Zhengdong's humility, and they were even more angry.

"Oh, just pretend, what can you do?" Seeing that there were still people who dared to resist, the comrade sneered at that time, and took the seal and was about to stick it on the door.

"If you dare to stick it, I dare to tear it up!" Burial Love Boy didn't care about that, and he was full of energy.

"Don't make noise! ​​You go, don't make trouble!" Gu Zhengdong was so angry that he pushed the funeral boy away. This guy is a bad teammate.

"What's the matter? You still want to be tough? I can make it clear that if you have this attitude, this door will not be opened, and you will be banned for one and a half years. Let's see what you do!"

The two men began to speak threats.

Gu Zhengdong's head is getting bigger, this matter can be big or small, burying the love boy is not helping, it is not easy to handle now, let's put the matter to rest.

"Excuse me for the difficulties of our new factory, and let the two of you take a step to talk." Gu Zhengdong wanted to get them away and go out for a drink.

The best way for the Chinese to solve their problems is to have a drink together. As long as the drink is in place, all problems will be gone.

"I warn you, if you try to bribe us, the crime will be aggravated. You don't want to open this factory!"

"Damn it! I just don't want to open it!" Lao Duan dawdled and didn't go out yet. Seeing this scene, the evil fire rose. He wasn't for Gu Zhengdong and the factory, but he was unhappy, and he didn't care what Gu Zhengdong thought, so he kicked , directly kicked the person who took the seal away.

Gu Zhengdong hurried over to look, but fortunately he just fell to the ground, his hat fell off, and his body was covered in mud and water. He was fine, but something serious happened.

"You still have to do it! Let's go, let's go back."

"Go, report! Bring more people to close the factory!"

Another person went to pull up the fallen one and was about to leave.

Gu Zhengdong knew that this matter would be difficult.If the factory is really closed this time, his career will undoubtedly be cut in half, and it will be difficult to get up again.Coupled with the debt of 41, it would be a dead end.

"Wait a minute." Aunt Zhou's voice came from behind.

"Who are you?" The two people looked at Aunt Zhou and looked at each other suspiciously. This woman was obviously not in the same group as these people. She was dressed like a person of status, and they dared not neglect her.

"I see that you are unfamiliar, don't you come from this district?" Aunt Zhou walked over slowly, as if nothing happened just now.

"We were just transferred here, what's the matter?"

"Let me just say, I know everyone in this district. Da Zhang, Xiao Hou, and Tiger." Aunt Zhou still smiled, and when she said names, she seemed to be referring to her relatives and friends, with affection.

"You know them?"

"Tiger, is it our captain?" the one who fell asked hesitantly.

"Yes, he is a child of my cousin's family. I'm used to his nickname. I'm just kidding." Aunt Zhou said with a smile.

"You are a relative of the captain."

"Yeah, I'm still the accountant of this factory. I've just started working, and everything is in a mess. I'll go buy fire-fighting equipment right away, and I'll buy whatever I need. Everything is not bad. If you miss anything, go find Xiaohu, and he will take care of me. Let's go." Aunt Zhou's smile gradually disappeared from her face.

The two looked at each other, wanted to leave, but felt that they couldn't get down the steps, so they froze for a moment.

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