Time Brocade Store

Chapter 41 "Meeting Parents" for the First Time

Ever since Meng Jinhua and Gao Shiqian registered the "Shiguang Brocade Shop" that day, Jinhua has really learned the ancient plane cutting techniques every day as she said, and her techniques have become increasingly sophisticated.The clothes they made on orders before were well received by buyers, and orders gradually increased.

They plan to make Xue Shao's Hufu jade belt seen in the Tang Dynasty, and Fusu's crowned dress seen in the Qin Dynasty, in order to popularize ancient clothing culture.

"It's a pity that we still haven't been able to see what Fusu's dress looks like with our own eyes." One day, when the two of them had finished making the clothes and had dinner at the dining table, Jinhua regretted, "What exactly did the Qin Dynasty's dress system look like? At that time, in Mrs. Chu's palace, I had no chance to see the drawings drawn by Fusu."

"I didn't expect you to be really interested in this matter." Gao Shiqian laughed.

"Of course, I'm a good student now! So, did the blueprints drawn by Fusu eventually become the dresses of the Qin Dynasty?"

"It's not complete. The establishment of Qin Chao's costumes was a complicated process. There is no record in history of who's suggestions were finally adopted." Gao Shiqian came to the computer and showed Jinhua the information on Qin Chao's costumes.He can now operate the computer proficiently. "The clothing of the Qin Dynasty not only inherited the characteristics of the clothing of the Zhou Dynasty, but also made a unique style. It chose one of the six kinds of mianfu in the Zhou ceremony, called Xuanyi (xun) Shang."

"Xuanyi (xun) clothes?"

"Exactly, this is a dress with black upper and lower garments, which is worn during sacrifices. Qin Shihuang believed that the Qin Dynasty was blessed by the 'Water Virtue', and finally won the world, and the water in the five elements is black, so the Qin Dynasty Black is the noblest color in the dynasty. Officials of the third rank and above wear green robes, while ordinary people wear white robes. Prisoners wear red."

"Aside from the dress, what does the emperor usually wear?"

"The emperor wears ordinary clothes and wears a heavenly crown."

"Is Tongtianguan the kind of hat with bead curtains on the front and back?" Jin Hua asked.

"Although I haven't watched the TV series, I don't think it's the kind you mentioned. It's called the 'Pingtian Crown', which is worn on solemn occasions such as sacrifices. It belongs to the system of crown clothes. Even the emperor, no one I will live with such a heavy hat every day. The Tongtian Crown is..." He thought about how to make her understand quickly, "It is a kind of crown that is somewhat similar to the hat worn by Zhuge Liang in the picture book, called Liang crown, or mountain crown. The Tongtian crown worn by the Son of Heaven usually has twelve or twenty-four beams."

"Oh, that's it! What about the costumes of officials and common people?"

"Officials wear crowns, wide robes with large sleeves, narrow cuffs, book knives on their waists, wat boards in their hands, and a white pen in their ears. Most of the clothes worn by ordinary people are narrow-sleeved and cross-collared. gown."

"So the Qin people really completely abandoned the costumes of the previous dynasty? For example, does the Chu costume that Mrs. Chu is so fond of no longer exist?"

"No. It can be said that the historical evolution of Chinese costumes has always been inherited and developed. The common clothes of the previous dynasty usually become the dresses of the next dynasty, and many styles of clothes have been continuously developed through inheritance. Qin The court inherited the typical style of Warring States costumes, with both long and short sleeves, both curvy (the skirt at the back of the clothes is extended, and then wrapped around the front knees, also known as "continued skirts") and skirts. Straight train (clothes with a vertical hem), the so-called clothing system, the most important ones are dresses and court clothes. The establishment of the clothing system in the Qin Dynasty also laid the foundation for the clothing of the Han Dynasty. It is a major event in the establishment of the Chinese clothing system. .”

"Great, I think Mrs. Chu will feel relieved!"

"The ancients paid great attention to the inheritance of clothes and crowns. Even if there is no form, some patterns or symbols may be left behind, and many clothes gradually evolved into other styles during the development. Xiapei."

Jinhua listened carefully and felt that he had learned a lot.At this moment, the mobile phone rang, and she scratched her head and said, "It's over, it's my mother's call, and I want to video with you."

"Ah? I, I'm not ready yet..." He was momentarily at a loss.

"No need to prepare, let's act in your true colors! No matter how you look at her, she won't be pleasing to the eye. Remember to call her 'Auntie', don't call her any weird ancient names." She clicked on the video invitation, " Hey, mom, okay, he's by my side..." He said and handed the phone to the flustered Gao Shiqian, "This is my mom, please say hello."

"You, hello, auntie..." Gao Shiqian smiled awkwardly, with a stiff expression.

"Are you Xiao Gao that Jinhua said?" Jinhua's mother Xue Qin looked him up and down from the video.

"Yes, Auntie."

"Why are you dressed like this at home?" Xue Qin looked at Gao Shiqian dressed in Ming Dynasty clothes, her brows almost twisted into twists, "I thought you only wore ancient costumes when you were shooting videos, it's better not to wear fancy clothes in normal times! "

Gao Shiqian couldn't accept calling his most cherished Ming costumes strange clothes, but he couldn't argue with it, so he could only explain: "Auntie, these are Ming Dynasty clothes, our traditional Chinese clothes, not fancy clothes..." Jin Hua stepped on his foot hard from below, telling him not to talk too much, the more he described, the darker it became.

"If you don't wear good clothes, you have to wear an ancient costume. What if it's not a fancy dress?" Xue Qin asked mercilessly.

"This..." He blushed, not knowing what to say.

"Well, Mom, these are clothes sold in our online store, he is just trying them on." Jinhua snatched the phone, "You saw the person, we still have work to do, let's not talk about it !” She was about to hang up the call.

"Wait, I still have a lot of things I haven't asked clearly!" Xue Qin insisted, "Hey, Xiao Gao, where are you from, what do your parents do, and how old are you this year?"

Jinhua rolled his eyes helplessly, and handed the phone to Gao Shiqian again.

"I'm from Jiangnan, my mother died early, my father is Zhiran...uh, that..."

"The owner of the clothing company..." Jin Hua reminded him in a low voice.

"My father is the owner of a clothing company, and I am 25 years old."

"Yo, boss!" Xue Qin's eyes lit up, "Then you should help our Jinhua's business more, but your age is much younger than our Jinhua..."

"Mom, haven't you heard of it, female junior, holding a golden brick," Jinhua interjected, "Okay, okay, we're really busy, I'll talk to you later!" She didn't wait for Xue Qin to finish speaking After answering, he quickly hung up the call, "Phew, I've finally dealt with it!"

But he looked at her, and said with a chuckle: "Female junior, holding a gold brick, is there really such a saying?"

"Uh... It's just a folk saying. Don't you Ming people have this kind of saying?" Jin Hua blushed.

"Our Daming still likes young wives. When a girl is fifteen or six years old, a matchmaker will come to her door to propose marriage. If she is not engaged by the age of 20, she is an old girl!"

"That's because your average life expectancy is short," she snorted, "We modern people don't pay much attention to these things! And I don't believe that all of you Daming marry young..."

"There are also older ones," he said with a smirk at her. "However, they are all child brides, and they have been married since childhood. To the husband, this woman is both a sister and a wife, and he has taken care of her since he was sensible. He eats and lives like a half-servant again... the female junior you mentioned, holding gold bricks, isn't it like this?"

"You hate it!" She was ashamed and angry, "Our modern society has long since lost that feudal remnant!"

"Tong Bride, Child Bride~" he teased her.

"I hate it!" She pushed him, "Don't be poor, go make clothes!"

"Where is this child bride-in-law? Huang Shiren is alive and well!"

"My mother just said that I want you to help me with my business, Boss Gao~"

"There's a lot of lies, I'll see how you make it up in the future."

"After a while, it's a moment!"

The two were joking and laughing, but they didn't know that someone outside the door was secretly watching their every move.

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