Time Brocade Store

Chapter 7 Arriving at... Datang?

"Exactly." He looked at Jin Hua, a little dazed, this was the first time he saw her smile, and he felt inexplicably cute, "Are you agreeing?"

"The suit you're wearing, did you make it yourself?"

"No, it was made by craftsmen in the Weaving and Dyeing Bureau."

"Then can you make this kind of clothes?"

"It's no problem, even the costumes sent to the palace are tailor-made by me, not to mention these."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up, "How long does it take to make a suit like yours?"

"If the materials are ready, one day is enough."

"The Chinese clothing fabrics I can think of are chiffon, cotton, acrylic, polyester, and satin. There are still a lot left from designing clothing before. You can use it." She said and led him into the bedroom. Pointing to a dusty sewing machine in the corner, "You can make clothes out of it."

He stepped forward and carefully looked at the thing in front of him: "Is this thing used for making clothes?"

"Forget that you ancients don't use this."

"Please prepare me needles, threads, scissors, thimbles, tweezers, awls, rulers, etc..."

"Okay, I'll find something right away, and you can start doing it tomorrow!"

"Xiao'er, don't worry about Nian Dae's old bones, as long as you can keep the book, do whatever comes to your mind."

"Shi Qiang, I will protect the real copy and wait for you to come back."

"Gao, just for a book, is it worth it?"

"If there is an afterlife, I will let all the costumes in "Baofu Jian" shine again!"

"Gao Shiqian, have you forgotten, have you forgotten?"

In his sleep, many faces and voices appeared in Gao Shiqian's mind one by one, those of his father, his mother, Jin Yiwei... There was also a voice that seemed to come from the depths of his soul, from the deepest and hottest part of his heart. He asked urgently: Have you forgotten, you forgot the vow of that day so quickly?

"No, no, I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten!" He was startled and woke up from his dream.Looking up, under the faint moonlight, I found that several stacks of fabrics had been placed on the coffee table, with sewing, scissors and other tools pressed on them.How long has it been since I haven't touched these things, these things that were once the most important to him.Once the silent enthusiasm was ignited, he lost all sleepiness in an instant, so he simply sat up and started fighting at night with the lights on...

Early the next morning, Jinhua was taken aback by him, and when he saw the finished clothes, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"You did this one night?"

"A half night, to be exact."

"This is too amazing..." She stepped forward to pick up a light pink cotton linen underwear. The cut line was smooth and the stitches were delicate and flat. It didn't look like it was made by a man at all!It can be said that it is more delicate than the clothes she made with a sewing machine.However, this color...

"Why is it light pink?"

"I didn't find the jade-colored fabric, so let's use this instead." He said helplessly.

"Jade color?"

"If there is more green in this powder, it will be 'jade color'. 'A gentleman is like jade'. The Yanju uniform of my Ming officials is a jade-colored inner shirt."

"Yanju clothes? What do you mean?"

"Swallow house, comparing the freedom of swallows to the leisurely time of home, is the clothes we wear every day."

"Isn't it just casual clothes? You ancients really know how to spell words!" She curled her lips.

He smiled helplessly, already getting used to her daily ridicule.

Next to the jade-colored inner shirt, there is a belt with cyan and green edges, the workmanship is still so smooth and smooth, and what he is sewing is a round-neck coat made of dark cyan satin cloth.

"It's such a hot day, are you still wearing a robe?"

"You can not wear it, but you must be prepared."

"Okay, I got it, let's do it." She said disdainfully, but she knew Gao Shiqian's clothing-making skills in her heart. While thinking about it, she opened the purchase request message and replied one by one.

Two nights later, Jinhua wanted to ask him how his clothes were doing before going to bed, but he was not there.Turning around, there were three stacks of clothes neatly placed on the sofa.Is it possible that everything is already done?

Looking closer, there are two stacks of men's clothes.She checked it against the requirements of the order, and found that the workmanship was fine and the size was suitable, so it was ready to be shipped.The strange thing is that there is also a stack of clothes next to it. Judging from the color and size, it seems to be worn by women.

Just wondering, Gao Shiqian came back: "What do you think, Miss?"

"Very well done, but what's the matter with this women's dress?"

"This is what I did for you."

"For, for me?" She was a little embarrassed to think about how she had been sneering at him all day these days.

He smiled and stepped forward to pick up the clothes: "Come on, I will teach you how to wear them. This apricot yellow dress is worn close to the waist to protect the chest and back... The plain white gauze is worn outside, but this gauze The shirt can only be used as home clothes, and it is cooler to wear. If you go out, you should change into this cross-neck shirt. You can tie the belt when it is cold, and wear it open when it is hot... This silver-gray horse-face skirt ..."

He patiently explained one by one, Jin Hua listened to stay there, the man in front of her completely changed, his serious and focused expression was like a professional fashion designer, when she was talking about these clothes, she felt that his whole body was glowing.

"Try it on and see if it fits." She didn't recover until he handed the clothes to her.

"Okay, I'll go get dressed." After a long time of effort, she finally put on her clothes. To match, she specially put on a pair of flowered cloth shoes.Then he came to the designer feeling uncomfortable: "Am I dressed right?"

Gao Shiqian looked at her and felt his eyes light up.The usual slovenly, stubborn girl who would get angry at every word of disagreement disappeared, and was replaced by a delicate and gentle woman who was looking at him shyly.

The plain white gauze blouse covers the apricot-yellow main waist, faintly outlining her well-proportioned and soft shoulders and arms, and the silver-gray horse-faced skirt hangs down fluffily, making her exude a gentle, intellectual and reserved beauty. It can be said that she has completely changed from before, and she is a different person.

He nodded in satisfaction, but felt that there was something wrong, it turned out to be the hair.Looking at her shoulder-length black and fluffy short hair, he thought to himself, it seems that he needs to make a matching hair accessory for her.

Seeing him nodding and frowning again, she blushed: "Hey, what's your expression? Am I wearing it wrong?"

"No, you are well dressed. You look good in this way..."

Her cheeks were even redder: "Really? Thank you... for your clothes."

The two looked at each other, and for the first time, a different atmosphere lingered around.

Jin Hua felt a little shy when he saw it. It was the first time he wore this kind of clothes, and he didn't even know where to put his hands.She tugged at her clothes unnaturally, and a cloth button on the gauze shirt came loose and fell to her feet.Gao Shiqian stepped forward to pick it up: "Remove it first, and I'll sew it on for you."

He got up to get the needle and thread, Jinhua took off the gauze shirt and put on another pale pink cotton and linen cross-neck shirt.

"Hey, where is the thimble?" Gao Shiqian walked over to her with a needle and thread in his hand and asked, "Did you see the thimble?"

"No, it couldn't have rolled into a corner."

The two searched for a while, but found nothing.

"By the way, use this." She said as she took off the thimble worn on her left middle finger and handed it to him.

He took a look, and his expression suddenly changed: "This thimble, is it yours?"

"It's my grandmother's relic. She used to be a famous local tailor, and this thimble is her family heirloom."


"Yes, I heard from my grandma that someone from her ancestors once made clothes in the palace of the Ming Dynasty. It seems to be the Shangfu bureau you mentioned before."

Gao Shiqian was startled, and carefully examined the thimble in his hand.It is made of copper, and it looks old at first glance. It is carved with a pattern of a pair of purse peonies, shaped like two peach hearts... He remembered that the flower pattern that Magpie Niang liked most was this purse peony. Could it be that...

"It's almost early morning, get some sleep early." Seeing him standing in a daze with a thimble, Jin Hua urged.

"Good." He put on his thimble and sat down by the window.

A new moon shines brightly on his body through the screen window.Jinhua handed him the gauze shirt, pointing to the location where the button fell off.

The two held the gauze shirt together, Gao Shiqian threaded the thread, and was about to sew when the copper thimble on his finger suddenly flashed a blinding white light, covering the entire room in an instant.

Moments later, the white light faded, and the two people who were sitting in front of the window just now were gone.

The clock on the wall "dangdang" rang a few times, and the hour hand pointed to 12 o'clock in the morning.

It was another seemingly endless dark corridor, extending to the end of time and space. Suddenly, a ray of light grew bigger and bigger, and finally covered the whole world.

Gao Shiqian opened his eyes again and looked around. He was lying on the ground with Jinhua beside him.what happened?He sat up, woke up Jinhua beside him, and then looked around.Although it was night, the world in front of him could still be seen under the starlight—there were no tall buildings, no traffic, only the quaint buildings he was familiar with, the gravel road, and the faint smell of burning lamp oil in the air.

Did he go back to Daming again? !

He came home? !

Gao Shichen got up excitedly, and was about to shout out the cry from the bottom of his heart, but he heard the footsteps of two people not far away, and the faint light flickering, and the voices of the two people were getting closer.He was very vigilant, grabbed Jinhua's sleeve and led her to hide behind the big locust tree nearby.

It was two women who heard the voice.

One person said: "It's so late, I don't know what the princess is going to do?"

Another person said: "That's right, the princess is very mysterious these days, I hope there won't be any trouble.

"Hey, our Princess Taiping is really not peaceful..."

Princess Taiping? !He was startled, where did Daming get Lord Taiping from?

He raised his neck and looked suspiciously at the lintel plaque behind the shade of the big locust tree. Under the bright red lantern, there were five big characters——Imperial Construction of Taiping Temple.

what? !

There was a thunder in his head, could it be that this place is not Da Ming, but Datang?

Standing in front of them was the Taiping Temple where Princess Taiping lived during her practice! !

[The author has something to say]

Let me explain to you what the "main waist" that the handsome guy Gao made for the heroine in the article is: the main waist is a kind of corset worn by ancient girls, similar to the chest wrap and vest worn by modern girls~~ Well, no Not to mention that the handsome guy is very careful, and... well, his eyesight is very good, and the size fits so well... Tsk tsk...

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