A different point guard path

Chapter 303 The Final Strike! !

The Knicks' defense still made mistakes.

At the most critical moment, they missed Ray Allen.

But you can't blame the Knicks for making mistakes. The Knicks team is a little exhausted.

They just wanted to stop Pierce from shooting.

Lin Rui himself did not expect that this game could be tied.

Ray Allen, who scored a three-pointer, was surrounded by Celtic players! !

Crazy celebration.

This three-pointer dragged the game between the two teams into overtime, and the game between the two teams started from scratch! !

The Knicks made all their free throws, but the Celtics just tied the score.

The fans at Madison Gardens fell silent, and everyone felt a sense of danger.


"The Knicks are in big trouble. With a 5-point lead, they were directly tied by the Celtics with three consecutive three-pointers. The two sides entered overtime. Overtime, everything is hard to say Already." Zhang Weiping said.

"Yeah, the Knicks hardly made too many mistakes, but the Celtics caught up with the score with their strong tenacity, and the two teams returned to the same starting line." Xu Jicheng said.


"The Celtics are so strong."

"Yeah, the Knicks didn't win like that."

"It's unbelievable that he scored three three-pointers in a row at the last moment."

"My God, the game will continue."

"Lin Rui is too bitter, and he will break the record again tonight."

Fans are enthusiastically discussing the game.


Both sides jump the ball.

Both teams play with starters.

Randolph jumped the ball to beat Garnett.

Lin Rui got the ball.

Lin Rui dribbled the ball to the front court and gave the ball to Richardson who came out to meet him.

Instead of sticking the ball, Richardson gave it to David Lee.

David Lee made a handoff to Crawford, taking advantage of the screen.

Ray Allen, who was chasing Crawford, was blocked by David Lee, and Perkins and Crawford formed a dislocation.

Crawford hit Perkins, he hesitated to attack, and soon Garnett came to flank him.

After hesitating, Crawford decided to attack on his own, but he needed to face a two-man defense.

After Crawford barely took a step, he stopped and shot a jumper without getting rid of Garnett's interference.

Garnett's long arm interfered a lot with this ball.

Crawford's shot hit the rim hard.


The Knicks' first attack in overtime was ironed out.

Lin Rui was followed just now and did not get an opportunity to attack.

Celtics attack.

Garnett and Rondo's pick-and-roll, after the pick-and-roll, Garnett went down, Rondo hit the ground pass, Garnett hit David Lee with the ball.

David Lee did not start, Garnett's layup scored the ball.

Garnett's shooting percentage is not high, mainly because he has a lot of mid-range and long-range jumpers. Garnett's offensive shooting percentage at the basket is at the normal level of a big man and is very stable.


The Celtics overtook the score.

The fans at Madison Gardens dropped another section.

Knicks attack.

Lin Rui dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, Lin Rui encountered a frenzied attack, and the Celtics team desperately defended Lin Rui.

Lin Rui did not choose to attack by himself, but diverted the ball away.

This time to Richardson, Richardson has an open mid-range opportunity.

Richardson scored! !


The momentum at Madison Gardens is back up.

The fans at the scene knew that the Knicks were in a difficult situation. If they were not careful, the Knicks would fall into a great passive situation.

Celtics attack.

Rondo and Garnett launched a pick-and-roll again. This time, Lin Rui and David Lee switched defenses very decisively. Rondo did not find a chance to pass the ball to Garnett. Pierce.

Pierce has a good touch. He dribbled the ball, stopped in the middle distance and threw the ball in the face of Richardson's defense.


Knicks attack.

Lin Rui continued to be flanked. Pierce and Ray Allen defended well into overtime. They blocked Lin Rui's offensive point, which made Lin Rui very uncomfortable.

Lin Rui sent the ball to David Lee who was inside. David Lee had an open chance at close range, and he chose to hook.

However, the ball was too powerful, and it bounced out of the frame! !

Garnett grabs the rebound.

Garnett gave the ball to Rondo, and Rondo dribbled to the frontcourt and made a pass to Ray Allen.

With the help of off-ball running, Ray Allen found a gap at the 45-degree position on the right, and made an emergency stop for a mid-range shot.


Come on!


After entering overtime, the Celtics seemed to have seized the rhythm on both ends of the offense and defense, and the Knicks were suppressed at home.

The Celtics clearly knew that by suppressing Lin Rui, they suppressed the Knicks.

They have been firmly implementing such tactics.

Time is constantly passing, although Lin Rui is constantly sending assists to his teammates, the Knicks players can also throw the ball in.

But such a goal is a drop in the bucket compared to the goals of the Celtics' Big Three.

The offensive state of the Celtics players is obviously better than regular time. They play every ball very patiently, and they will look for the Knicks' defensive loopholes to target.

The Knicks have the luxury of guarding one of their offenses.

The time quickly came to 28 seconds.

At this time the score came to 130 to 125.

The Knicks trailed by 5 points in overtime.

This is almost the same drama as the regular season, but the situation of the two teams is reversed.

Coach Thomas stopped the game.

The mood throughout Madison Gardens was low, as fans watched as the Knicks went from an advantage to an underdog.

"Are we going to lose?"

"Where's Lin Rui?"

"Lin Rui shoots a three-pointer."

"They are so strong."

"Lin Rui was flanked, and he kept hitting the ball."

"The Celtics' defense is really targeted."

"Such a team is a championship team!"

"Their offense is very reasonable and smooth, and our offense seems to be unreliable."

Many pessimistic Knicks fans feel that the game is over, and many fans who support the Knicks and Lin Rui have burst into tears.

The Knicks have fought to this point, the game is no longer a question of whether they work hard or not.

If this game is lost, the Knicks will fall behind 1 to 3, and g5 will start in Boston. This game is very likely to be the last game of the Knicks in New York.

Thinking of this, many fans can't bear to watch the next game.

The Knicks' bench was very depressed, while the Celtics were preparing to celebrate the victory.


Barkley said: "No one would have imagined that the two sides had the same scenes in the regular season in overtime, but the main roles were reversed. The Knicks are now very dangerous."

Smith said: "The Celtics' restrictions on Lin Rui in overtime are full marks. In overtime, Lin Rui only made a foul and stood on the free throw line and scored 2 points. The firepower of the rest of the Knicks is incredible. Unable to deal with the tough defense of the Celtics' Big Three."

Barkley said: "Let's see if there will be a miracle in the future. After all, Lin Rui has always been good at creating miracles."


Lin Rui kept panting and resting on the sidelines, and Lin Rui drank water from time to time.

Lin Rui could feel that the surrounding atmosphere was about to freeze.

Lin Rui actively motioned for everyone to come over.

Thomas handed Lin Rui the tactical board, and Lin Rui shook his head, indicating that he didn't need it.

At this time, it is futile to talk about all tactics.

"The game is not over yet, don't give up easily."

"Next, as long as we can make three-pointers quickly, there is still hope for the game."

"I need you to cover me, and then leave it to me."

"We have to win tonight's game, we have no way out."

Lin Rui's voice was so loud that all Knicks players heard it, and even the cameras recorded it.


"no problem!!"

"come on!!!"

Knicks players gathered to cheer.

It's come to the Eastern Conference finals, let alone the last game, even at the last moment of the last game, it is impossible for them to give up.

Lin Rui had been accumulating physical energy on the field before, and when he didn't make a strong attack, it was often because his physical energy could not support him.

Knowing that in the last minute or so, his physical strength has only felt a little bit relieved, and Lin Rui also knows that it is time for him to come out.

Lin Rui still maintains his confidence in the game.


"Woo, are the Knicks really going to lose? I hope not."

"Come on, Lin Rui."

"do not give up!!"

"Lin Rui shoots three-pointers, don't give up."

"Lin Rui is awesome!"

"That's charisma."

Many fans watching the screen heard Lin Rui's encouragement to everyone.

Lin Rui's speech at this time was very inspiring.

The morale of the Knicks team was obviously boosted by him.

Pause back.

"Keep an eye on him, don't let him shoot a three-pointer." Garnett shouted at Rondo.

Even without calling names, Celtics players know whose defense they're talking about.

Beep! !

The game on the court started again.

The reunified cheers of fans at Madison Gardens are still shouting loudly.

The fans here have experienced a whole season of tempering, and they no longer have the mentality of watching jokes and watching dramas.

They love this team!



"come on!"

"come on!"

The sound of cheering and cheering in the Madison Garden Arena gradually became unified.

Randolph in midfield sent the ball to Lin Rui.

Immediately after Lin Rui received the ball, he was confronted by Rondo and Ray Allen.

But Lin Rui didn't play the ball this time, but used his superb dribbling skills to take a step back to open up the space between the two.

Then he dribbled the ball directly between the two with a very fast explosive sprint low hand.

Lin Rui completely broke the double team! !

At this time, Randolph also came up and made a cover action, helping Lin Rui block Garnett who was assisting in the defense.

Garnett couldn't get close to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui made a quick three-pointer after a lateral move!

Lin Rui's shot was resolute and fast. This was the best opportunity he could create.

As long as the goal is made, there is still hope for this game, but if the goal is not made, it is basically gone.

Straight jump, standard shooting posture, super airborne ability.

Lin Rui's shot made the perfect combination of his technique and physical talent.

Basketball draws a wonderful arc! ! !


Basketball into the net! !

Lin Rui scored this crucial three-pointer.

130 to 128,

In 20 seconds, Lin Rui's attack just now took a total of 8 seconds.

"Good shot, keep playing!"

"Just do it and don't give up!"

"come on!!"

Lin Rui's key three-pointer gave the Madison Gardens a sudden boost.

The fans have seen the tenacity of the Knicks, they still don't give up, they are still working hard.

Neither Lin Rui nor the Knicks players celebrated, and immediately went to defend the Celtics' serve.

Lin Rui consciously asked Perkins and Rondo to catch the ball, and both Ray Allen and Pierce were stared at by them.

Seeing that it will be 5 seconds.

Rivers stopped the game.

The timeout saved the Celtics.

Rivers re-adjusted personnel.

The atmosphere in the arena was almost frozen, and Lin Rui's three-pointer made everything possible.

Commentators, fans are watching the game with wide eyes.

He was also admiring how critical Lin Rui's three-pointer was.

After returning from the timeout, the game continued.

The Celtics' free throw was very stable this time, and it was given to Ray Allen.

The Knicks team tried to steal, but Ray Allen protected the ball very steadily.

Richardson bumped Ray Allen, and Ray Allen fell to the ground.

The referee whistled for a foul on Richardson.

Ray Allen is going to the free throw line.

After Ray Allen stood up, after a simple adjustment, he made two free throws against the boos of the scene!


Ray Allen shows his big heart! !

The score between the two sides was once again opened.

Time is running out, and the Knicks have no timeout.

David Lee gave the ball to Lin Rui.

After Lin Rui took the ball, he rushed forward quickly.

Randolph and David Lee had already built a wall on Lin Rui's way forward, and they were all doing off-ball screens for Lin Rui.



This time the Celtics failed to flank Lin Rui.

Under the cover of his teammates and Lin Rui's own dribble change direction and accelerated sprint, Lin Rui came to the right three-point line.

Without any hesitation, Lin Rui made a three-pointer against Perkins' defense.

Lin Rui's three-point shot was very resolute.

Basketball drew a gorgeous rainbow! !



The basketball bounced off the rim and fell into it.

132 to 131! !

There is only 1 minute left and 7 seconds left.

"Lin,,, Rui!" The dj screamed frantically, and the atmosphere of Madison Garden Arena exploded again! ! !

"Go in again!"


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"


"Lin Rui cast it."

"I love you, Lin, and I want to give birth to you."

The fans at the scene were all yelling.

Zhang Weiping also screamed: "The familiar scene, Lin Rui is responding to Pierce, responding to his goal in regular time, exactly the same!!"

Coach Thomas also screamed from the sidelines.


Lin Rui shouted!

The Knicks team once again wanted to break the serve.

The Celtics team has not suspended!

This time, both Pierce and Ray Allen were targeted, and it was James Posey who received Garnett's serve.

James Posey's free throw shooting rate is around 80% this season, and his shooting rate is very stable.

But Posey rarely makes such free throws at critical moments.

First penalty!

penalty! !

Second penalty!

The pressure was too great, and Posey's free throw went out of the frame! !


The opportunity is here.

Knicks fans, bench members, and commentators all watched the situation on the field intently.

Lin Rui jumped back and caught the rebound.

At this time, the time is only 6 seconds.

Lin Rui turned around and sprinted! !


"Don't let him shoot threes!!"

"Slow him down!"

The Celtics coaches are shouting!

Lin Rui changed direction at high speed and passed Lei Allen.

Pierce wanted to slow down Lin Rui's speed, but Lin Rui turned around and wiped it away.

The Celtics didn't dare to foul, as long as they fouled, it would just send Lin Rui to tie the score.

Lin Rui rushed to the frontcourt.

The Knicks players completely opened up the space, giving Lin Rui a chance to make moves!

When there was more than 1 meter away from the three-point line and 2 seconds left, Lin Rui decisively collected the ball and jumped up.

Lin Rui completed the rhythm adjustment! !

Lin Rui threw the ball against House's defense.

House was just replaced by Rivers to receive free throws. There is no way, Rondo's free throws are unreliable.

This ball flew past the fingertips of House's block!

The basketball is flying towards the hoop! ! !

Lin Rui landed and raised his hand to look at the ball.

The fans at the scene also held their breath.

The backboard lights came on while the basketball was still in the air, and the referee raised three fingers.


Deadly three points!

Buzzer lore!


Lin Rui made a strong lore against the Celtics and evened the two teams! !

this moment! !

The cheers from the Madison Garden arena were loud! ! ! !

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