The butcher stall owner was lying on the ground clutching his stomach and crying, and the lunch he ate was straight out of his mouth.

Du Xiaoshuang was so frightened that he patted his stalwart chest, looking unresolved, Zhang Zian just turned around when he saw the surging waves, and stared straight at it with a pair of eyes.

Du Xiaoshuang was worried about Zhang Zian just now, and wanted to comfort you, but when he saw Zhang Zian's eyes staring at him somewhere, his face turned red, why is this person like this, hmph, I won't comfort you anymore.

Zhang Zian also noticed the change in Du Xiaoshuang's expression, felt embarrassed for a while, and coughed twice to ease the embarrassment.

"Good job, you dare to sell expired pork, you deserve to be beaten, get up and give us our money back."

"Refund your money, get your money back, don't pretend to be dead."

A group of people gathered around and asked the butcher to refund the money. Zhang Zian and the three managed to squeeze out.

"I was scared to death just now. Are all of you like this? It's too violent to use a knife or a gun at the slightest disagreement."

Little Timo was really scared just now, until now it still feels like a dream, the TV would not dare to shoot like this, is a small pork vendor so arrogant?

"How can it be? The people here are very simple and kind, united and friendly. Don't let individual people influence your subjective judgment." Zhang Zian explained, didn't he promise you to broadcast live just to promote us?If this ruins the reputation, how about a hammer?

The live broadcast room all praised Zhang Zian for being awesome, for being a hero to save the beauty, and many fans saw the scene of Zhang Zian staring at the breasts of a beautiful woman through the live broadcast.

Many girl fans consciously lowered their heads to look at the flat face on their chests, shed tears of sadness, and then bought dozens of catties of papaya online, hoping to have another chance.

The three went to another butcher shop again, this time Du Xiaoshuang nodded, and went to pick out some pork in person, and bargained with the proprietress when paying, and finally gave a discount of ten yuan.

Before Zhang Zian settled the bill, Du Xiaoshuang took out his mobile phone to pay, and then handed the meat to Zhang Zian.

In fact, Du Xiaoshuang felt embarrassed that he had been eating and drinking for nothing at Zhang Zian's house all the time, and everyone was so kind to him, so Du Xiaoshuang always wanted to do something for this family, and this opportunity came.

Next, I went to buy chicken, mutton, fish, and at Zhang Zian's suggestion, I also bought two peeled rabbit meat, and I went back to make a peppery rabbit meat, spicy rabbit head, so delicious.

When he was about to get in the car, Zhang Zian saw a shop selling candied haws not far away. He went and bought three bunches, handed one to Du Xiaoshuang, one to Little Timo, and kept the other one for Dudu.

Dudu hinted to himself several times, whether to buy it this time, what if he doesn't like his uncle.

After driving home, when he handed the candied haws to Dudu, Dudu was so happy that he hugged Zhang Zian and kissed him several times, then made a hissing sound.

"Uncle, mom is busy in the house, please keep your voice down, if you know, you won't let me eat." Dudu held the candied haws in his small hand, and took a bite of the front one.

Zhang Zian knew why his cousin didn't let Dudu eat candied haws. Eating too much of this would really cause tooth decay.

"Don't worry, Dudu, I've already told my mother that I can let Dudu eat candied haws this time, but you have to finish the homework for the interest class in the afternoon." Zhang Zian coaxed.

Dudu nodded quickly, promising to finish it after eating the candied haws.

Zhang Zian pampered Dudu's pink face, cleaned up briefly and went to the orchard.

When we arrived at the orchard, the pig farm was almost finished, and the last house needed to be roofed and tiled.

Zhang Zian took out the water pump from the rear compartment and called Baldy Li to study how to do it.

Baldy Li can't do anything else, but he knows a lot of these kinds of things, almost without Zhang Zian's help, he put the water pump into the well by himself, connected the wires, connected the water pipes, and finally made an ok gesture.

Zhang Zian went to the house and pulled an electric wire out. As soon as the power was turned on, within three seconds, muddy water spewed out of the water pipe. It was a normal phenomenon just after the well was dug, just pump it a few more times.

After waiting for the completion of the pig factory, Zhang Zian told all the uncles to go home first, rest and have a meal together in the evening to celebrate the completion of the pig factory.

Zhang Zian went to the orchard to look at the ginseng seedlings, they were all good and thriving.

Zhang Zian took his parents back home ahead of schedule. For the twenty or thirty people, they had to sit for a while while cooking.

Fortunately, I bought a lot of meat today. When I got home, Zhang's mother, cousin, and Du Xiaoshuang all washed their hands and went into the kitchen to get busy. Little Timo really didn't touch Yang Chunshui with his fingers, and he couldn't help him with anything, so he just waited to eat.

An hour later, when it got dark, Zhang Zian rode his bicycle and called from door to door. When he got home, everyone was there.

Because there were not enough tables, Zhang Zian even went to the aunt next door to borrow tables and stools. This is a good thing in the countryside. If there are many relatives, it is easy to talk to neighbors to borrow chairs and stools.

When there are more people, it will be extremely lively, and Dudu is even happier, because so many grandpas praise him for being good-looking and smart.

The tables are lined up, and everyone sits facing each other. There are two large pots of stewed chicken, two large bowls of stewed pork and cabbage, and also made chili fried pork, eggplant stew, pork belly, spicy rabbit head, peppery rabbit meat, and steamed carrots. , potato ribs, and various vegetables.

Zhang Zian went to the house and took out the whole box of Wuliangye that someone had given him before, which immediately made all the uncles very happy. Today, he can have a good meal of wine.

Worried about not having enough wine, Zhang Zian went to the backyard again, brought out the homemade sorghum wine, opened the mud seal, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out.

Zhang Zian first poured a bowl of sorghum wine for each uncle. The wine was yellow in color and thicker than ordinary white wine.

There is no need to ask which uncle does not drink at all, that is superfluous nonsense.

"Hey, this wine smells good for at least ten years. I can't do it anymore. I'll take a sip first." Xu Dashan couldn't help but took a sip, then babbled and gave a thumbs up.

Others don't care about that much anymore, for fear that if they drink slowly and drink less than others, they will suffer a lot.

"This wine is really good, full of fragrance, it must be [-] degrees, okay, patriotism, why don't you ask us to taste this good wine sooner." Ma Dashan praised, and took another sip quickly, his whole throat It's hot and exciting, and I picked up another chopstick dish, which made it even more exciting.

Life is good, but that's all.

Zhang's father, Zhang Aiguo, smiled triumphantly: "Hey, I'm going to buy it for everyone when Zi'an gets married. I didn't expect Zi'an to move out today."

Everyone laughed, and Zhang Zian also poured himself a bowl. The wine was rich in aroma, and after taking a sip, his throat felt hot. He quickly took a bite of tomato and egg, and dared not drink again.

Erdan got rich today, so he also ate a good meal. So many bones were thrown on the ground, Erdan was scurrying around under the table, enjoying himself.

Cousin, Du Xiaoshuang, little Timo, and the fat assistant sat together. They drank tea, ate vegetables, and whispered, and the chat was quite lively.

Little Timo's mobile phone was still on the sidelines, and the big banquet of more than 30 people made the netizens in the live broadcast room see it, and learned a lot about the fun of drinking.

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