Zhang Zian was alone, drinking the soup in an orderly manner, and made some delicious noises from time to time.

Especially Zhang Zian made a sucking sound, which made little Timo so hungry that he couldn't eat anymore.

Based on the principle of out of sight and deaf, little Timo went to the stone wall with his mobile phone to broadcast live.

Er Dan lay on the ground, looking at Zhang Zian from time to time.

The host, after eating delicious food and having a massage from a beautiful woman, it's so comfortable.

This should be the dog's winner.

After Zhang Zian drank the last sip of the mushroom soup, he got up to clean up the mess, put out the fire first, and buried it with soil to ensure nothing would go wrong.

Seeing Zhang Zian busy all the time, Er Dan kept chattering.

Master, it's so comfortable, are you envious?

Wow, so soft.

Huang Yuxi felt that the big dog was always looking at Zhang Zian, as if communicating.

It's just that Huang Yuxi was quickly amused by her own thought. How can people communicate with animals? I'm so stupid.

"Your big dog seems to be watching you all the time."

After coming down several times, Huang Yuxi couldn't help but said.

"Well, it said you are ugly and fat." Zhang Zian said without looking back.

"Dare to say I'm ugly and fat, go to hell, Pikachu."

Huang Yuxi slapped Erdan's dog's head with a slap. This time, he used his spiritual power. Erdan couldn't help the pain, screamed twice and ran away. Standing in the distance, he looked at Huang Yuxi and felt the pain on Huang Yuxi's body. Angry, he ran to little Timo in desperation.

In front of the live broadcast room, he began to play tricks and show off his cuteness.

After Zhang Zian cleaned up, he led the way to the mountain and walked for a while. Originally, the sunlight could still shine through the gaps in the trees, but suddenly a cloud passed by and blocked it.

Zhang Zian looked up and frowned, because he felt that the surrounding air had become extremely humid, and the humidity continued to deepen.

"Not good, there will be hailstorm soon, hurry back the same way."

Zhang Zian's voice was sudden, and what he said was unbelievable.

"Ah? Hail? Before I went up the mountain, I checked the weather forecast. It was sunny, and it has been sunny for the past few days." Little Timo doubted, took out another mobile phone from his pocket, and turned on the weather. , or the same as before.

Little Timo immediately felt that Zhang Zian didn't want to lead him inside. Could it be that the money was short?If you think it's too little, just say it, and just add money to you.

Huang Yuxi also looked at Zhang Zian in disbelief. The sunshine is so good, how could there be hailstorms? Even though it is the end of September, it is unlikely that there will be hailstorms.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe him, Zhang Zian didn't get angry, but said more seriously: "Believe it or not, it's just that you can't stay on the mountain in heavy rain and hail. If there is a landslide, the consequences will be disastrous."

Seeing Zhang Zian's serious look, everyone was a little moved. After all, Zhang Zian's performance was too amazing before, so he probably wouldn't lie to us.

Just looking up, there is only this white cloud above the head.

Watching the liveliness in the live broadcast room, those who didn't think it was a big deal immediately booed.

"Little Timo, don't listen to Mr. Taoxia to scare you. The current weather forecasting system is very advanced. It can definitely be predicted ten hours before and after. There will be no rain at all, let alone hail, what a fool."

"It's over, it's over, now I'm starting to doubt Mr. Taoxia's professionalism, little Timo, deduct all his guide fees, does it look like it's raining this day? Let alone hail, Xia If you ask me to be your guide every time, I can take you to climb Mount Everest."

"Although it's a bit ridiculous to say that it's raining hail, but I'm firmly on the side of Mr. Taoxia. I want to give birth to a monkey for him."

In the live broadcast room, the male fans and the female fans form antagonisms, one side is guessing, and the other side is unconditional belief.

Zhang Zian didn't have time to watch the lively scene in the live broadcast room. Seeing that everyone didn't understand, he said, "Since you don't believe me, then I'll go down the mountain first, bum, lead the way."

Erdan wagged his tail and returned the same way, Zhang Zian followed behind with a big bag on his back.

Huang Yuxi hesitated for a second, then turned around and followed.

Zhang Zian's performance today has brought too much shock to him, and now he is extremely curious about him, and even more curious about the mysterious person behind Zhang Zian.

Only little Timo and the fat assistant were left standing there, looking at each other speechlessly.

"Hey, don't go so fast, wait for me."

"How about I transfer you another [-] guide fees, okay, oh, don't go, okay, I believe you, but can you go slower?"

Little Timo and the fat assistant quickly caught up. Without Zhang Zian by their side, they wouldn't dare to stay on the mountain if they were killed.

I always feel that there are wild boars and plum blossom bears everywhere. If they encounter each other, neither of them will be enough to fit between the teeth.

Zhang Zian and Erdan walked in the front and said without looking back: "You don't have any raincoats, right? Half an hour, speed up."

Seeing that Zhang Zian was so sure that there would be hailstorms, everyone didn't dare to write ink, and accelerated down the mountain, especially little Timo and the fat assistant, one was holding his stomach and the other was pinching his waist. It was obviously very difficult, but they followed closely.

Because the terrain is relatively flat, there is no saying that going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult. In less than half an hour, everyone arrived at the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, little Timo and the fat assistant couldn't bear it any longer, and their faces turned pale. The amount of exercise was as much as a year.

"Xiao Langjun, didn't you say there was hail? Look at the weather, it's too..."

It's just that before the words were finished, a bolt of lightning flashed across the originally clear sky without warning.


There was lightning and thunder, and then a strong wind, and the sky became dark all of a sudden.

Now even a fool knows that it will rain heavily soon, and countless dragonflies are flying in the sky, applauding the weather.

Everyone was dumbfounded, did Zhang Zian really hit the mark?

There is still a group of hard-talking fans in the live broadcast room, not only tough, but also very stubborn. These people are commonly known as keyboard warriors, also known as gangsters.

"Don't say anything, I'm convinced, but I don't believe it if you say it's a hailstone."

"I also believe it. I can only say that Taoxia Langjun has been fooled this time. Now it is the end of September. How can there be hailstorms? Can a little common sense work?"

"I work at the Meteorological Observatory. Although it is still sunny, it may be due to localized rainfall. There will definitely be no hail. Even if it rains, it will last no more than 10 minutes."

Zhang Zian didn't care what they said, he turned his head to little Timo and said, "Hurry up and drive to the town or the county to find a hotel, stay for one night before leaving, the rain will continue until tomorrow morning."

Little Timo is now obeying Zhang Zian's words, he has no choice but to act awesome, a great prophet.

"Yeah, I'm sorry to bother you today. When we find the hotel, I'll transfer today's guide fee to you." Little Timo said something, got in the car with his assistant and left.

"Drive slowly on the road, I think it will start to rain when you leave the village." Zhang Zian shouted at the leaving car.

Zhang Zian turned his head to look at Huang Yuxi, because he came to the foot of the mountain in his own car, so he definitely couldn't drive away immediately, so he could only take a piece and go home.

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