Feng Xue looked at Zhang Zian, her round face was full of question marks, and she said, "Aren't you injured, are you pretending?"

But looking at Kong Jie's pain just now, it's very real, not like pretending.

Have you met an actor at the actor level?

"Officer, don't listen to his nonsense. I'm definitely injured. If you don't believe me, we can go to the hospital for examination now." Kong Jie quibbled.

The newly flirted girl wanted to pat Kong Jie's chest to give him comfort, but accidentally touched the injury, causing Kong Jie to scold him.

The girl looks aggrieved like a panda in a zoo.

same fat.

"Your injury is certainly real." Zhang Zian smiled with narrowed eyes.

This time the big guy was completely confused, sometimes there was a problem, sometimes it was true, and whether it was true or not.

"Ahem, I mean, he did have a broken bone, but."

"The time for the fracture is definitely not today."

Zhang Zian said confidently.

He pressed it just now, and found the problem. The new injury is definitely not the feeling of the hand, that is to say, Kong Jie definitely did not break the bone today.

This time, all eyes were on Kong Jie.

Kong Jie finally couldn't sit still, and could no longer keep calm, pointed at Zhang Zian's nose, and said angrily, "You know what, I got this injury today, the injury certificate must not be fake."

"Of course the injury certificate is true, but does it say when you were injured?"

"With the current technology, it is easy to verify when you were injured. Otherwise, how about we go to the hospital to re-identify?"

Zhang Zian believed in himself, whether it was Kong Jie's performance or his own perception, this injury was definitely not caused by Erzhu.

"You and I..."

Kong Jie was completely panicked, because the injury was indeed as Zhang Zian said, it was not caused today at all, but two days ago, when he accidentally bumped into the wall.

Seeing how good-looking Li Xiaoyun was at the movie theater today, compared to the women around me, I couldn't watch it, even disgusted.

So Kong Jie deliberately kicked the seat behind him in order to attract Li Xiaoyun's attention, and the big fool next to Li Xiaoyun looked like an honest kind of person, based on his experience over the years, he would not be able to steal the girlfriend of this kind of person , is the easiest.

First deliberately provoke the girl, because the male partner around him is honest, he dare not say anything, so that the girl loses confidence in him, and then sugar-coated bombardment himself, and he has never missed it.

This is also the most common method.

"That...well, officer, I suddenly realized that I still have something to do, so I won't sue that stupid big man, and I don't need him to pay for my medical expenses, so that's it."

Kong Jie stood up and said to Feng Xue that now he just wants to get out of the police station.

It's all here, and everyone understands that the injury was not caused by the two pillars inside.

Feng Xue's face was extremely ugly and extremely cold.

"Do you know what crime it is to slander others? Your current behavior can already detain you."

"Making perjury, adding to the crime, Kong Jie, now this matter is not something that you just say you can keep private."

Feng Xue said solemnly, her voice was full of majesty, and a public servant of the people has strength.

Kong Jie shuddered, he was really scared, and said in a low voice, "Officer, I didn't make any perjury, the testimonial is true."

"Really? Do you want us to go to the hospital for another checkup?" Feng Xue's voice raised a few degrees, and Kong Jie shook his head directly, expressing that he didn't need it.
Silently gave a thumbs up and praised Feng Xue.

"Officer, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again."

Kong Jie changed from his previous arrogant and domineering appearance, bent over, and begged for forgiveness with a bitter face.

"I don't care if I let you go, you have to ask others." Feng Xue said with a cold face.

Kong Jie knew that Feng Xue was talking about the big fool.

Feng Xue glanced at Zhang Zian, Zhang Zian naturally had no objection and nodded.

Kong Jie followed Feng Xue to the interrogation room.

As soon as he entered the door, he bowed his head and apologized to Erzhu with a sincere attitude.

Er Zhu and Li Xiaoyun were stunned, what's going on, the plot is wrong.

Er Zhu looked at Zhang Zian, saw Zhang Zian nodded, Er Zhu forgave Kong Jie, and the two sides did not pursue each other.

Li Xiaoyun was so angry that she didn't want Er Zhu to agree to a settlement. This kind of person is too annoying, and he must be allowed to stay in the case for a few days.

It's just that she also saw Zhang Zian nodding, so she didn't say anything else.

It's just that the look in Kong Jie's eyes is very unfriendly.

Now that the reconciliation was made, Feng Xue also released Erzhu.

Er Zhu looked at Zhang Zian gratefully, Zhang Zian patted Er Zhu on the shoulder, they are brothers, why are you so out of touch.

"Officer, do you think I can leave now?" Kong Jie said to Feng Xue with a smile on his face.

"After signing the settlement agreement, we can leave."

He led everyone to the reception room and asked them to sign the settlement agreement. Kong Jie immediately turned his head and left the police station, not wanting to stay for a second, and the girl followed closely behind.

It's just that he didn't know that just now, Zhang Zian snapped his fingers and shot a small amount of spiritual energy into his body.

It has no other effect, but it can delay the speed of his fracture healing.

Er Zhu was honest and willing to reconcile, Zhang Zian didn't want to suffer from this.

People do not deceive me, I am a Buddha.

If people deceive me, I am a devil.

Is it wrong to show your teeth?Although you have been educated to make big things small and small things small, but sometimes, the more you give in to the wicked, the more you will encourage their malice.

"Officer Feng, thank you so much today. When you are free, I will treat you to a meal."

Zhang Zian looked at Feng Xue with a flattering face, Feng Xue really helped a lot today, thank you is a must.

"I'll be free the day after tomorrow."

Feng Xue looked straight at Zhang Zian and said.

Zhang Zian didn't expect Feng Xue to agree. He naturally wanted to invite him, but he guessed that every meeting with Feng Xue was not very pleasant, so she wouldn't agree. It seemed that he was thinking too much.

"Okay, I'll contact you when the time comes." Zhang Zian has Feng Xue's contact information. The last time he posted a video, he added Feng Xuewei's signal.

A fat little fat man.

It was Feng Xuewei's nickname.

Zhang Zian looked at Feng Xue. He was 1.5 meters tall, with a round face and baby fat, very cute. Coupled with a cold face, this extreme contrast made people want to stop.

Although he is not tall, there are real materials on his chest, no worse than Du Xiaoshuang, even worse.

Seeing that Zhang Zian was looking where he shouldn't be, Feng Xue just wanted to make a good face, so she stopped immediately, and sent the three of them out of the police station with a cold face.

She didn't want to have anything to do with Zhang Zian, after all, the few encounters were all because of the circumstances of the case, and she felt that Zhang Zian was a bad star.

But last time Zhang Zian was able to tell her symptoms just from observation, and her symptoms have become more serious recently. Sleep.

That's why she agreed to Zhang Zian's invitation so that she could ask about her illness.

After leaving the police station, Er Zhu and Li Xiaoyun were not in the mood to continue playing, so Zhang Zian drove Li Xiaoyun downstairs.

In an old-fashioned community, an old man is in charge of registration at the gate.

"Goodbye, silly Zhuzi, goodbye, uncle."

After saying goodbye, Zhang Zian drove back to Xiaohu Village with Er Zhu.

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