The leisurely pastoral life of Xiao Shannong

Chapter 506 Banquet Assassination

After wolfing down the meal, he finally filled his stomach, took the tea that Zhan Hongling handed over, took a sip, and burped without caring about his image, causing Zhan Hongling to roll his eyes.

You are my male partner now, so pay attention to your image.

Zhang Zian smiled awkwardly.

"Zian, you and the Liu family..." Bao Shaojing asked tentatively.

If Zhang Zian really had an unusual relationship with the Liu family, then he would have to change his attitude towards the Liu family in the future.

Jiang Huimin thought the same.

"Today I came here with Hong Ling." Zhang Zian turned his head and glanced at Zhan Hong Ling, and Zhan Hong Ling's heart beat inexplicably accelerated.

Bao Shaojing and Jiang Huimin knew it well.

"Brother Xiong, I think we should stop messing with that guy, it's not easy to mess with, it's a bit tricky."

The man with the back is not stupid. The two members of the three major families seem to be very familiar with Zhang Zian. If you say that Zhang Zian is just an ordinary person, who would believe it.

In the next second, a handsome man approached Zhang Zian and the others with a smile on his face, as if he had met a friend.

Dai family, Dai Junsheng.

The Dai family annexed the Jiang family. Everyone present knew that many people waited for the Jiang family to fail, and then got a piece of the pie, but they didn't expect the situation to change so quickly.

The Dai family suddenly broke the contract and lost a large sum of money to the Jiang family. As the old saying goes, the bamboo basket was empty, and the wife was lost and the army was lost.

People from the three major families actually knew Zhang Zian, and they seemed to be very close to each other.

People around him wondered if they were stupid, they had never heard of such a character.

"Haoqian, we have been friends for many years, and you still haven't told us the truth, who is that young man?" A man who had been friends with Liu Haoqian for more than ten years turned to look at Liu Haoqian and asked.

Liu Haoqian shook his head helplessly, not because he didn't want to say it, but because he really didn't know each other.

At this time, Liu Wantao ran to his father in small steps, said a few words, Liu Haoqian apologized to his friend, and was dragged away by Liu Wantao.

As soon as the lights in the banquet hall changed, the spotlight shone on the father and daughter of the Liu family.

"Everyone, thank you again for coming to the little girl's birthday party, the time is almost up, let's all experience the atmosphere of a young birthday..."

Liu Haogan watched her daughter finish speaking dotingly, Liu Wantao suddenly let go of her father's arm, ran all the way to Zhan Hongling's side, and whispered a few words in Zhan Hongling's ear, Zhan Hongling was reluctant, but still followed Liu Wantao to the spotlight.

Under the spotlight, the two most beautiful flowers in the audience were extremely gorgeous, which caused a round of applause from the hall.

If children can get one, at least it can save men from struggling for a lifetime.

At this time, the banquet hall played a birthday song, and a middle-aged waitress came in pushing a huge cake. The cake had six layers, like a tower.

Everyone in the banquet hall sang happy birthday to the music.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

The waitress is graceful, but now everyone's attention is on the heroine, not the waitress.

Zhang Zian stared at the waitress who was slowly walking towards Liu Wantao and Zhan Hongling, and felt a strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Because the waitress has a steady pace and breath is too steady, which is very wrong.

In such an occasion, no matter who pushes the cart in, he will at least feel a little excited inside.

Zhang Zian felt it carefully. The waitress had a lingering aura. Although it was deliberately concealed, Zhang Zian was a warrior of the fourth rank of Jade Rank after all, so he still noticed the clue.

With such strong qi and blood, he must be at least a martial artist who has cultivated eight ranks of qi.

A martial artist who can become an eight-level qi practitioner will be a guest no matter which rich man's house he goes to, so why would he be willing to be a small waiter in a hotel?

"not good."

Zhang Zian thought to himself, and in the next second, Liu Wantao, who hadn't had time to make a wish, saw an astonishing scene.

The waitress suddenly dodged, took out a gleaming dagger from her arms, stabbed Zhan Hongling's neck, and sealed her throat with a knife.


Liu Wantao yelled, although he didn't stab her, but he was already scared out of his wits at this moment.

Zhan Hongling's eyes widened, and she felt locked in by a gust of breath, feeling like she was sinking into a quagmire, her legs stood in place uncontrollably, she wanted to make a sound, but she couldn't make any sound.

At this moment, Zhan Hongling felt the breath of death, never been so close to her.

Facing death, the fear on Zhan Hongling's face gradually dissipated, his eyes looked at a certain place, and a smile appeared on his face for the first time.

"I don't know if this guy will be sad, if he will forget me..."

Zhang Zian wanted to burst into tears, and roared angrily. Jiang Huimin and the three beside him felt a terrifying aura, which made the three of them tremble uncontrollably.


Looking at the smile on Zhan Hongling's face, Zhang Zian felt as if his heart had been hit hard.

Although the two of them didn't meet much during college, but in the past few months, after getting in touch with Zhan Hongling a lot, they realized that their previous views on the rich second generation were all wrong.

I always thought that Zhan Hongling was the kind of rich second generation who was unattainable and full of princess sickness, but it wasn't like that.

Sometimes she is domineering and loves to bully herself, but sometimes she is also very cute. Seeing her smile can make people feel like a spring breeze.

Sometimes she is very stubborn and can't listen to anyone's opinion, but sometimes she is very warm, she doesn't want to see the people around her get hurt, and she always shows the greatest kindness to those around her.

Although she was doomed to her own identity when she was born, she didn't look down on others because of her superior status.

She is just an ordinary girl who laughs when she is happy and cries when she is sad. She is also afraid of losing and her grandma leaving her...

Zhang Zian's figure was approaching the limit, and he rushed towards Zhan Hongling.

The bodyguards around reacted quickly and rushed forward one after another, but they were too far away, and it was too late to save people.

The waitress had a triumphant smile on her face, full of joy after revenge, "You hypocritical businessmen, dare to hurt my mother, I want you to die."

The dagger in the waitress' hand drew a cold light and pierced the main artery in Zhan Hongling's neck.

Zhang Zian's body suddenly burst into an extremely powerful aura in the air, and his speed increased here.

Although Liu Haoqian was also frightened, he would never allow Zhan Hongling to have an accident at his daughter's birthday party, otherwise the Zhan family would definitely retaliate wildly.

The knife in his hand that was supposed to be used to cut the cake was thrown at the waitress.

The waitress snorted coldly, and slapped the knife away with her other hand, with a ferocious smile on her face, and stabbed Zhan Hongling's neck straight.

"go to hell!"

Zhan Hongling watched Zhang Zian rush towards her nervously, and closed her eyes happily.

Maybe, it's okay to die like this, so that you can remember me for the rest of your life.


A spray of blood spurted out, the waitress was shocked, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, her face was full of hatred, almost, almost.

But knowing that he was not the opponent of the man in front of him, he wanted to retreat quickly, but it was obviously too late. Zhang Zian slapped him, and the whole hall resounded with shocking noise.

The waitress was like a kite with a broken string. It flew upside down for more than ten meters before landing. She passed out without even groaning in pain, and the bodyguards immediately surrounded her.

This moment happened so quickly that some people didn't even realize what happened.

Zhan Hongling felt a few drops of warmth on her face, and she didn't feel any pain after waiting for a few seconds. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a smiling face.

"It's okay." Zhang Zian said with a smile looking at Zhan Hongling's pale but beautiful face.

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