Fake daughter, she refuses to admit defeat

Chapter 263 Gong Zheng's Clarification

"You can!"

Hai Zhenhua's decisive tone made Hai Fan feel rebellious.

He planned to continue to refute Hai Zhenhua, and heard him say in the next second: "You like rebirth, right?"

He used affirmative sentences instead of negative sentences.

Hai Zhenhua is usually busy with work, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about Hai Fan.

He has been sending people to watch Hai Fan, watching his every move.

He knew that Hai Fan was a cold-hearted person, but he always paid too much attention to rebirth, and would even help her.

Haifan's feelings for rebirth are by no means the friendship of a partner.

Hai Fan narrowed his eyes dangerously, and took a defensive posture, "What do you want to do?"

"You don't have to guard against me, I won't expose you."

Hai Zhenhua sighed, and played the emotional card, "I failed to protect your mother and child because of my incompetence, and it was the pain in my heart all my life."

When Hai Zhenhua mentioned his mother who died of depression, a cold aura rose from Hai Fan's body, and even looked at Hai Zhenhua with hostility and hatred.

Hai Zhenhua felt it, but he didn't care. He whispered: "I don't want my tragedy to happen to you again. Dad wants you to be happy more than anyone else."

Hai Zhenhua said: "I have been observing Rebirth. She is a child with excellent talent, but geniuses often attract people's envy. Her recent turmoil is enough to prove this. If you want to protect her well, you need to be strong. background status and money.”

"If you don't have these things, either she will fall from the night sky, or she will become someone else's wife."

Hearing that rebirth will become someone else's wife, Hai Fan's heart suffocated, and his hands hanging by his sides clenched into fists.

Hai Fan looked at him dubiously, "You said that on purpose because you want me to take over Hai's Group, right?"

Hai Zhenhua was not guilty of being exposed, he admitted, "Yes, but think about it carefully, with your current fame and status, can you work hard for another ten years to protect your rebirth?"

Having said all that, Hai Zhenhua didn't say anything else.

Hai Fan couldn't listen to what he said.

But when it comes to people he likes, he will definitely consider it.

Sure enough, Hai Fan fell into his own thoughts.

Hai Zhenhua's goal has been achieved, he left enough space for Hai Fan to think, and he believes that he will definitely go in the direction he expected.

Hai Zhenhua is not complacent enough.

Gong Zheng posted on Weibo.

[Gong Zheng v: I don't allow anyone to slander and hurt my family members. They are the best family members in the world. If there are, I will definitely use legal weapons to defend them to the end! 】

Gong Zheng's oath to defend his family is very domineering.

Many fans expressed their support below.

[My father-in-law and mother-in-law can educate such an excellent person as my husband, they must not be far behind. 】

[I hate the Hai family more and more. It's annoying. I always like to pour dirty water on others. If I can't poop myself, I still blame the latrine. It's disgusting enough. 】

【Brother, I will help you defend your family together. 】

Hai Zhenhua saw Gong Zheng's Weibo, but he didn't pay attention to his statement.

It's just a singer, what kind of influence can he have?

Even if he is excellent, is his family also excellent?

And he investigated the palace family.

The eldest is away from home all the year round, the second is idle, and the third is a bookworm.

Such a family can't make waves.

His navy soon came in handy.

【Hehe, he's just an actor, and he deserves your protection. Who knows what's behind his hypocritical handsome face? 】

[That is, just because Gong Zheng is excellent alone does not mean that his whole family is excellent. 】

Before the wind of public opinion turned to Hai Zhenhua, Gong Zheng quickly reposted his Weibo, and attached Gong Kai's achievements and honors over the years.

[Gong Zheng v: Can these prove it? 】

No one expected that Gong Zheng would respond. When he attached these things, there was quite a splash.

[Am I reading that right, that turned out to be a trophy for an international physics competition? 】

[You read that right, there are not only physics competitions, but also trophies for Mathematical Olympiad competitions, chemistry and biology competitions, etc. 】

[Did he win every trophy? 】

Gong Kai took home the trophy that they couldn't get even after all their shit, it was too insulting to people's IQ.

Where there are voices of support, there are voices of doubt.

[Will there be such a powerful person in the world?Are those trophies fake? 】

[Two of 50 yuan on Taobao...[View Picture]]

【As a public figure, Gong Zheng can't fool us with fake news, right? 】

[We didn't participate in those competitions, who knows if it's true or not? 】

[Also ha. 】

Among these skeptical voices, someone soon came out to prove it for Gong Kai.

[I am Gong Kai's classmate, and I can prove to him that he is the student with the most powerful brain in our school. Before, a first-class college came to our school to select him into the junior class, but Gong Kai's parents wanted him to enjoy the benefits of his peers. Happy declined. 】

[He enjoyed the happiness of his peers, but we were abused by him. 】

[If he doesn't abuse you in front, can you chase him with all your strength and improve the school's average score? [dislike]】

[The average score has improved, but we are still far away from the palace [crying]]

Not only Gong Kai clarified, but even the principal of the school went into the water to prove it for Gong Kai.

[Principal Zhu v: I have been teaching for decades, and this is the first time I met Gong Kai with such a smart student and enlightened parents. I believe that Gong Kai's active thinking must be inseparable from his parents' education...]

No one has read Principal Zhu's long speech, but they all know it.

Gong Zheng's younger brother is really awesome.

His parents were not as miserable as they thought.

If it is really unbearable, it is impossible to have two such excellent sons.

Hai Yunrou also saw Gong Zheng's clarification.

Gong Kai would bring home a few trophies every year, but every time he would throw them away casually, not caring about them at all.

If Yao Lisu hadn't helped him put it away, he would have thrown it into the sea long ago to be with the fish.

Over time, she thought that those trophies were just taken casually and were not important at all.

Now that I read the comments, I realize how powerful the owner of the trophy is.

She never told herself.

Hai Yunrou's eyes turned red with anger, he called Gong Kai directly.

It took a long time for someone to answer the phone call that I made immediately before.


Gong Kai's tone was limp and weak.

Hai Yunrou took a deep breath, suppressing the concealed anger, "I saw what my second brother clarified."


"So you are so powerful."


Others think that he is very powerful, but to him, it is just a trivial matter that he is accustomed to, and he doesn't feel that he is very powerful.

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