Fake daughter, she refuses to admit defeat

Chapter 325 Is This Your Lover?

Wang Yuyan was not idle at all during her time in Moyuan.

She is well versed in people's hearts, and she clearly knows that if she wants to stay in Moyuan and win Mo Sipei's favor, she must first get along well with the servants.

Only when they open their hearts will they tell her what Mo Sipei likes.

Wang Yuyan baked some biscuits and distributed them to the servants.

"Freshly baked biscuits, everyone, put down your work and try if they are delicious."

The servants did not show much enthusiasm for Wang Yuyan's overtures.

What happened with the cook this morning taught them a lesson.

Seeing the coldness in front of her, Wang Yuyan was not discouraged, she said: "The biscuits are here, come and get them when you are hungry."

She found a little basket and went to the garden to gather herbs.

When Hai Qianli arrived, she saw Wang Yuyan running around in the garden like a bee, and when she found the herbs, there was still a bright smile on her pretty face.

Gong Ping looked at Wang Yuyan's unfamiliar face and frowned, "Who is that?"

"Here to treat Mo Sipei's legs."

Gong Ping is not stupid, Mo Sipei doesn't like women, his doctors are all men, and this is the first time a pretty and weak girl appears.

Gong Ping looked at his younger sister, "Is she Mo Sipei's suitor?"

Hai Qianli didn't speak, and falling to Gong Ping's place was tantamount to acquiescing.

"Qianli, seeing Mo Sipei's suitor, don't you have any ideas?"

Hai Qianli said in a low voice, "What can I think?"

"Don't tell me, you won't feel uncomfortable seeing that he has suitors."

What Gong Ping has always been wondering about has finally been answered.

Hai Qianli's haggardness, absent-mindedness and heaviness all come from Wang Yuyan.

Gong Ping looked at the 'innocent' girl, and wanted to laugh. Did Mo Sipei bring a woman back to embarrass his sister, or force her to admit that she likes her?

Hai Qianli looked into Gong Ping's eyes and admitted, "Yes."

"Since you feel uncomfortable, you have to speak out, and don't let people you don't like block yourself."

Hai Qianli looked at Gong Ping, "Didn't elder brother object to my dating?"

"Big brother objected because he was afraid that what you would encounter would be inhumane, but Mo Sipei, I believe his love for you will last forever."

Gong Ping really doesn't want to admit that Mo Sipei is a very attractive man, even though he is now in a wheelchair.

As long as he hooks his fingers, hundreds of women will flock to him.

Hai Qianli has always acted decisively, but hesitated in love, something must have happened.

But Gong Ping doesn't want his sister to miss out on happiness.

Gong Ping touched the top of Hai Qianli's hair, and said dotingly: "Brother doesn't know why you are so slow to accept Mo Sipei, but what I want to tell you is that no matter what happens, I am your strongest backing."

Hai Qianli looked at Gong Ping with twinkling eyes, and called him from the bottom of her heart, "Brother."

He also recognized Gong Ping as a big brother from the bottom of his heart.

The siblings looked at each other and smiled, full of warmth.

Wang Yuyan had noticed them since Hai Qianli entered the yard.

She looked at the two people who behaved intimately, and stepped forward in surprise, "Sister Qianli, this is..."

Hai Qianli was about to introduce.

An idea flashed in Wang Yuyan's mind, "I see, this should be your lover, right?"

Hai Qianli almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

How did she see that she and Gong Ping were lovers?

Their facial features are not exactly the same as twins, but there are more or less similarities, obviously brother and sister.

Hai Qianli asked speechlessly: "How did you find out?"

"You two are so good as a couple."

Wang Yuyan forced Hai Qianli and Gong Ping to get closer together, "You two are really a good match standing together."

If Gong Ping is really Hai Qianli's lover, then she will lose a rival in love.

And also a very strong rival.

So they must be lovers.

The small thoughts in Wang Yuyan's eyes were clearly not concealed.


Gong Ping stretched out his long arms to take Hai Qianli into his arms, and walked into the house.

Hai Qianli didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"I just fulfilled her imagination."

If Hai Qianli explained, it would definitely become a cover-up if it fell to Wang Yuyan.

Since she is unwilling to explore the truth of the matter, let her be kept in the dark.

Wang Yuyan asked, "Sister Qianli, what are you doing?"

"It's none of your business."

After Hai Qianli said a few words, she left with Gong Ping.

Wang Yuyan always felt that the two of them were hiding something from her, so she put down the small basket and quickly followed.

Hai Qianli saw the housekeeper.

"Boss Mo asked me to help him pack his luggage."

"The young master told me, Miss Qianli, go up and tidy up."

The butler smiled until his eyes narrowed into slits.

In the past, when Mo Sipei was on a business trip, he was the one who helped pack his luggage. Now that he has someone he likes, it's not his turn, but he is sincerely happy.

The two are finally in a relationship.

The conversation between Hai Qianli and the housekeeper fell into Wang Yuyan's ears, and she volunteered, "Sister Qianli, let me help Brother Sipei pack his luggage."

Before Hai Qianli could refuse, the housekeeper refused for her first.

"Miss Wang, the young master doesn't like others touching his personal belongings."

Wang Yuyan was puzzled, "Why can sister Qianli?"

"Miss Qianli is not someone else."

The word 'others' separated Wang Yuyan and Mo Sipei like a thick wall.

The housekeeper was telling Wang Yuyan that no matter how attentive she was, she couldn't get into Mo Sipei's heart.

The reason why Mo Sipei kept her was to stimulate Hai Qianli, not to treat her differently.

Wang Yuyan also understood the deep meaning, she was very hurt, her eyes were red.

But the housekeeper opposite her is just like Mo Sipei, he has a heart of stone and doesn't like her at all.


Hai Qianli opened the cloakroom lightly and familiarly, took out a black suitcase from the bottom of the cabinet on the left, opened it and spread it on the floor, and she went to pick up her suit.

A set of movements flowed smoothly, as if they had been done many times.

After Hai Qianli noticed it, her figure became slightly stiff.

She looked at the tie hanging on her arm, a dull look flashed in her eyes.

This wasn't the first time she helped Mo Sipei pack her luggage, but it was the first time she felt different emotions.

It's like a couple who have lived for a long time, and the wife is packing the husband's luggage for a business trip, revealing a different kind of ambiguity.

Hai Qianli laughed at herself.

She does not accept Mo Sipei, but in her heart she already likes him and favors him.

For the first time, she despised her indecision.

The clothes computer was put away in the suitcase, leaving only the underwear. Hai Qianli searched for a long time but couldn't find it, so she called Mo Sipei.

The man's phone was dialed quickly.


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