When they saw the wolf smoke, they felt that they saw the hope of organization and survival, but they were fed a grass seed inexplicably when they came here.

Everyone was in a fog and didn't know what was going on.

At this moment, some bad guy suddenly threw a dead chicken out.

Everyone was still thinking, could it be that the Eighth Master wants to test them?

Before they could make another move, the dead chicken suddenly moved.

Everyone was taken aback, and then saw an incredible scene.

The chicken trembled, its belly swelled rapidly and then burst, and a green vine grew out of it.

Everyone was stunned, and they asked the people around them, "What...what's the situation?"

"You... did you see it?"

For some reason, they suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in their stomachs.

At this time, Hei Ba silently showed a solemn expression. "This is the grass seed you ate just now."

He held up the dead chicken with vines growing out of its stomach.

I saw that the back of the chicken was still intact, except for a hole in the belly. The vines grew out of the hole in the belly crazily. As the vines became stronger and stronger, the chicken became more and more deflated. It will be consumed internally.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was stunned.

Like Hei Ba, the clever ones also started to pick their throats to induce vomiting.

Hei Ba said to them as if he had come here: "It's useless, the seeds have already attached to your intestines, and they won't be spit out easily."

"..." Everyone.

"Eighth Master, what are you doing to trick us." Everyone was in distress, wishing to turn back time.

"..." Hei Ba also looked helpless.

He didn't want to cheat people, he wished he wouldn't eat this terrible grass seed, okay?

But now, he also has a bomb in his stomach. If he doesn't obey, he will be the first to grow grass.

"Actually, this grass seed is not a big deal. You just treat it as air. As long as you behave well and don't do evil, it will be fine."

"???" Everyone was dumbfounded.

They are all rogues, so what do they say about being a good person?Is this a joke?

"In fact, there is a new road in front of you now, please listen to me carefully."

Hei Ba cleared his throat, and tried to make his voice serious: "I know that you are all forced to die by this world, and you will become rogues.

But now there is a clear path in front of everyone. From today on, you can be like me and be a good person!

Don't you want to stop running around?

Don't you want to live in peace?

Don't you miss the peaceful days in the past?

Don't you want to be bought by people from the government every now and then? "

A series of doubts moved everyone's faces.

Bai Junjun watched Heiba's wonderful brainwashing from behind a certain room.

Seeing this, Bai Junjun knew that it would be no problem to take them down without a single blow.

At that time, Bai Junjun asked Hei Ba to stay in Zhaojiazhuang to brainwash everyone, and the unlucky brothers once again shouldered the task of leading them to the legendary grave.

At that time, the two brothers didn't think too much about it, but seeing the gloomy expressions of the two red-clothed Shuras, they didn't dare to say the words of refusal, so they could only silently serve as their pawns.

Bai Junjun galloped all the way, and finally reached a dense forest in the evening.

Originally, this dense forest was overgrown with weeds and deserted.

But now this dense forest is in a mess, and there are traces of human activities everywhere.

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