"Other people have to find a warlock to help them pick up bones. You come here directly with your servants. Since you are so new, why are you thinking about strange powers?" Bai Junjun bluntly comforted.

"Uh..." Minister of Rites smiled sheepishly.

"This old man is not talented, he is the most powerful warlock in the imperial capital..."

"???" Bai Junjun.

The Minister of the Ministry of Rites is well versed in metaphysical physiognomy, and most of the sacrificial ceremonies in the imperial capital are organized by him. Other people's weddings and funerals need to be looked after by a warlock, but the Minister of the Ministry of Rites does not.

It is precisely because of this that I picked a good day and auspicious day to open the grave and pick up the bones.

Unexpectedly, he encountered such a thrilling scene, which almost scared him back to his hometown.

You must know that you will encounter this today, even if you kill him, you will not come here easily.

At this time, the Minister of Rites hesitated whether to open the door of the tomb, after all, a snake appeared when the door was opened, what if something more terrifying appeared when the door of the main tomb was opened!

It's outrageous to say that when he was choosing the private house, he looked at it specially. There is a hopeful place in the back of this place, which is commonly known as the place where immortals lie on their backs.

If the elders of the family are buried here, it will be a blessing for future generations.

I don't know what went wrong, but this kind of thing came up!

If it's normal, forget it, at worst, come back after a while.

But today is a good day for the old man to move in. If you miss the day and pick up the bones later, it will be bad for future generations.

Minister of the Ministry of Rites deliberated over and over again, and finally decided to open the tomb, but he shyly hoped that Li Wenli and Bai Junjun would stay and take care of him for a while.

Originally, the two of them were a little curious about the green snake that appeared out of thin air, and the meaning of the Minister of Rites was right in their arms, so the two of them stood here to watch the opening of the tomb.

But to their disappointment, everything in the tomb was normal.

The way things were placed at the beginning is still the same now, and I have not been touched at all.

This also shows from the side that the tomb has never been opened.

So the appearance of the green snake seemed even more confusing.

After confirming that there was no danger, Bai Junjun and Li Wenli retreated.

No clues could be found in the tomb, so the two went to search around, but unfortunately there was nothing abnormal around.

The snake seemed to appear out of nowhere.

The sea of ​​clouds can be seen from where the immortal lies on his back, but below it is a hillside, which slopes down and is covered with bushes with thorns.

From time to time, small insects fly out here, buzzing and vibrating their wings, and shuttle back and forth among the flowers and thorns.

Take a closer look, how can this be a bug?It's a little bee!

Bai Junjun came to Mingshi Yamamoto to find a hive.

Just now, he was delayed for a while by the green snake that suddenly appeared, and almost forgot the business.

Seeing the little bee again now, Bai Junjun decided to temporarily put down the green snake that came from nowhere.

Speaking of which, this bee looks different from the one in Fubo City, and I don't know what kind it is, but it can grow near flowers, so it must also produce honey.

The two loosened their wrists and prepared to work.

At that time, the Minister of Rites was busy picking up bones and doing the ceremony and didn't pay attention to this side. Due to the slope, Songfeng Pavilion couldn't see the movement here.

Li Wenli and Bai Junjun took advantage of this time and went down into the thornbush silently.

In the eyes of others, it was the two of them who were not afraid of death and walked towards the thorny bushes. In fact, the thorny bushes would automatically open a way when they saw them coming.

The bees rely on the thorn bushes to hide and build a lot of land in this place. Who knows that one day the reliable thorn bushes will betray them and directly expose their old nests.

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