Medical and military giants

Chapter 517: It's a pity that he's a man

As the saying goes, soldiers and horses go first before food and grass are used. Even if two gangs fight on the street, they must first prepare head money, otherwise the ghost will fight for you.Since you want to fight against others and kill a company like Yumuben, you have to prepare a lot of money.

Zheng Zhirong and Zhang Wenwu had a quarrel, and the two did not get along, and the high-level people knew it.Therefore, when Zheng Zheng said this, Zheng Zhenlong quickly stated that there is no need to worry about money. Even if the new company does not have enough money, he can immediately inject capital or ask Xiangjiang Company to borrow it.200 billion he can toss about as he pleases, there is no need to worry.

Well, it really is rich and powerful, it really is a billionaire, 200 billion can be tossed around casually, Zhang Wenwu loves to hear this.

However, before he was overjoyed, he suddenly felt that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.Sometimes he is a very responsible and emotional person. Others trust him so much, and if he doesn't make some achievements, how can he be worthy of Zheng Zhenlong?

Chen Lin also made a promise that as long as Zhang Wenwu needs it, she can find any talent for him.

Well, it's all guaranteed, so you, the president, have to talk about how to do it.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't need to worry about any aspect. Even if the company here is not enough, Xiangjiang Company will fully support it. Now tell me how you plan to kill Yumuben. You must have a plan, don't you?" ?” Zheng Zhenlong said.

"The first step is to break his 'Milu'." Zhang Wenwu said with a smile, "The so-called Milu is the supply chain. The biggest advantage of Yumuben and Longfengpei's cooperation and attack is the cheap diamond and gold sources. Yumu Ben is in the top five in the industry because he is in Wajima. The idiots in our country send him so much money every year, mainly because his diamonds are cheap. Why does he have such cheap diamonds? It is because he has diamonds in Africa. And gold mines, and there are more than one. This is his biggest advantage, and another advantage is his capital. Do you know what kind of company Yumu Ben is? Although Dudu is not a big gang on Wa Island, but because of his relationship with the political circles, he really has a lot of money."

"After breaking his 'Milu', his reputation will be ruined. The brand Yumuben has many fans in Ribenzai, including in our country. To ruin his brand is actually to ruin his reputation. 'Milu'. Without cheap sources, without fans, there is no capital to enter the mainland, and no capital to cooperate with Longfengpei."

"Breaking off the rice road is a good way, but I'm afraid it's not easy to do it." Zheng Zhenlong thought for a while and said.

"Of course it's not easy. If it was easy, would you still ask me to be this ceo? Don't worry, I don't need you to do these jobs. I can do it myself. What you need to do is the third step. You have to learn Who, unite Xiangjiang and other big brands in the mainland. How about forming an alliance? Now more and more foreign capital and brands are coming in, tell them that we have to keep out the enemy, and I believe they don't want competition either It's getting bigger and bigger." Zhang Wenwu said with a smile.

How to "break the rice road", although Zhang Wenwu proposed, but there is only a vague idea on how to do it, and it is still a bit far from the actual operation, and many problems need to be solved first.

But the move of combining vertical and horizontal must be acted immediately.

He was not in this industry at all, and he didn't know any people in this circle except Zheng Zhenlong and Fei Bozhang, so he couldn't get involved in this step, so he could only let Zheng Zhenlong take the lead.

In fact, the third step is the most urgent, and it must be acted on immediately, otherwise, it will be difficult to let the people of Yumuben win over a group of people first.

"The colleagues in Xiangjiang usually give me a little bit of sympathy for everything. If it is just to resist the enemy in Xiangjiang, I believe that I can get together with them with a loud shout. However, they are also running to the mainland, can you It's hard to say if we become an alliance with them." Zheng Zhenlong was very worried, and his colleagues were like enemies.

"I don't think it's difficult to unite people in the country. For Xiangjiang, it depends on Mr. Zheng." Zhang Wenwu feels that domestic bosses are more enlightened than Xiangjiang.

"Why?" Zheng Zhenlong was a little confused.

"After all, the war has only been decades past, and many people who experienced that human tragedy are still there. It is taboo and impossible for sheep and wolves to cooperate." Zhang Wenwu is very confident. What makes history become history and makes people forget hatred, but the pain is still there, the memory is still there, how can it be forgotten?

Zhang Wenwu hates those public intellectuals very much. If he encounters them, he will beat them to death. Such a miserable thing.

But the situation in Xiangjiang is different. Xiangjiang has been ruled by capitalism for so long, and they have been brainwashed for so long. Will the people in Xiangjiang still remember the evil of those Japanese ghosts?I'm afraid I really forgot, so I have to unite them, unless they can get more benefits.

"Oh, it's true. Many Xiangjiang people have forgotten the war and the grief. Therefore, their feelings towards the Japanese people are indeed different from those in the mainland." Zheng Zhenlong is a native of Xiangjiang, and he knows the people of Xiangjiang best. thought out.

"Although it is difficult, there is still an opportunity. Benefits are available. If a reason can be given in terms of benefits, they should not refuse to cooperate unless they are traitors." Zhang Wenwu thought for a while and said, "It seems , the second step has to be moved first."

"Well, I understand, I will act when I return to Xiangjiang." Zheng Zhenlong suddenly had a solution.

"Okay, then let's split up, sister Linlin, help me arrange for someone to dig up some black materials about Yumu and their executives, is there any difficulty?" Zhang Wenwu looked at Chen Lin and said.

"Mr. Zhang, you should let me do this. Mr. Chen should help you find a secretary first, so that next time such trivial matters can be handled by the secretary." Le Fei said with a smile.

"Okay, but you still have a task to study the branches in the second-tier cities. Now Xiangjiang's major foreign brands are coming to the mainland to cut cakes. Their eyes are all on the first-tier cities. We want to surround them with rural areas. The urban strategy is to occupy the important second-tier cities first. The store does not have to be big, but those important second-tier cities must have our stores, such as Goose City, Chancheng, Hong Kong City, Shancheng and other cities in the province. Oh, Xiangshi is very important. Open the store first. There are also many important second-tier cities outside the province. I predict that they will soon become first-tier cities. Therefore, it must be fast, but who will come first? You have to come up with a plan within a week." Zhang Wenwu's face became serious, and he even had the awe of a CEO.

"Haha, I can't think of it. I can't think that Mr. Zhang and I have the same idea. It doesn't take a week. I will give it to you tomorrow. I should have researched it a long time ago, but I haven't sorted it out yet. The countryside surrounds the city, I understand, that one I have read his books for the pioneering work of a great man." Le Fei laughed.

Uh, this Xiangjiang boy actually read Mao's works?It's really rare, bosom friend, it's a pity that it's a man...

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