Medical and military giants

Chapter 524: I am not demanding

Girls are not necessarily outgoing, but those who are in love will have lower IQ than usual, this is for sure.In fact, being like Fei Shiqi is not bad, after all, she didn't lose her mind because of love.

Fei Shiqi went back to stop the upcoming "Old Bean Fighting Boys" at home, but Zhang Wenwu fell on the bed and slept with his limbs spread out, as if he was not worried about the purpose of this trip at all. He really had such a plan in his mind?

Needless to say, after getting Fei Xiaoren's pulse, he was confident, because there was definitely something wrong with Fei Xiaoren's body.

Finding that there was something wrong with his health, Fei Shiqi forced him to go for a checkup. In fact, this was equivalent to saving Fei Xiaoren's life.Therefore, he believed that Fei Xiaoren would take the initiative to find him.

Fei Xiaoren himself has a grudge against Ri Benzai, and with the favor he has no choice but to accept, Zhang Wenwu believes that Fei Xiaoren will follow the trend.

Ding dong, ding dong!

Zhang Wenwu was looking at the ceiling thinking about something, when the doorbell rang.

"No way, this girl is back again? Don't you worry about the six major seals at home?" Zhang Wenwu said naturally to himself and opened the door.

"Huh? Who are you? Who are you looking for?" The door opened, and there was a man in his 30s standing outside.

"You are Zhang Baoan? Well, that's right, I'm looking for you." The guy smiled and entered the room without waiting for the invitation.

Uh, this guy is too familiar, so he "forcibly" entered the house?Are all people in the Shanghai Stock Exchange like this?Isn't it said that the people in the Shanghai stock market are very polite?The rumors are unbelievable.

"I don't like strangers coming into my room casually, tell me who you are and why you are here, otherwise..." Zhang Wenwu raised a small fist and said, "Although a fist is not as good as a clay pot, I promise it can Beat up until Eminem couldn't recognize him."

The guy sat on the sofa in a very comfortable position, stroked his face lightly and said, "Damn it, people nowadays are really unbelievable. Everyone says that Qiqi and I look very similar. In the end, People who don't know me never recognize who I am."

Only then did Zhang Wenwu take a closer look at his face, uh, damn it, it really looks like Fei Shiqi, so this guy is an uncle?

Oh, no, no, bah, Fei Shiqi didn't confirm the relationship, so why should he recognize his brother-in-law.

"You are are Qiqi's brother?" Zhang Wenwu's mouth was really fast, thinking of Uncle in his heart, he opened his mouth and called Uncle.

"Fuck, shameless, who is your uncle? I am Fei Qiming, Fei Shiqi's second brother. You are Zhang Baoan? The name is quite interesting." With a very strong Shanghai accent, soft, Zhang Wenwu thought it sounded good.

"Ah, hello brother Ming, hello..." Zhang Wenwu smiled and reached out to him.

But Fei Qiming didn't shake hands with him, he shook his head and said, "Sit down, you haven't washed your hands, so don't shake hands, besides, we don't know each other well."

"Well, you're right. But we'll get to know each other soon." Zhang Wenwu said confidently, "You're definitely not here to see what I look like, are you? I don't like it. Detour, tell me something."

If Fei Qiming came with bad intentions, he would definitely not meet like this, so he guessed that this guy should be here for a deal or cooperation.

Fei Qiming sat up straight, scanned Zhang Wenwu from head to toe seriously, and said: "Well, I didn't expect that you, a country bumpkin with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, would have some good eyesight. Not bad, not bad. Let's be honest, I came to take care of you. "

Zhang Wenwu is not happy, your uncle, I will put up with you when you say that I am a country bumpkin, but I am so handsome and you use the word sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, are you fucking too much?Believe it or not I'll beat you up.

Alas, I can't beat him, he is Fei Xiaoren's grandson, if he beats this grandson up, things will be difficult.

"Young Master Fei, do you have such handsome monkey cheeks here?" Zhang Wenwu stroked his chin and said.

"Haha, don't worry about the little details, you don't rely on your appearance for a living." Fei Qiming said with a smile.

That's right, damn it, I don't rely on my face to make a living, so what does it matter if I'm handsome or ugly?But you can't let him say that, hmph, this kind of old dude, even if it's a verbal dispute, he has to fight back.

"Although I said that, if I had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, wouldn't others be laughing at Qiqi for being blind?" Zhang Wenwu said with a smile.

"Hmph, she's just blind. Let me tell you, my mother's business is absolutely impossible for the two of you... Come on, fuck, what are you talking about, I'm here to make a deal with you." Fei Qiming found out that his sister was in his hands, so it was useless to say anything, and he couldn't take advantage of it.

"Tell me about your chips." Zhang Wenwu regained his energy.

"I can help you achieve your wish." Fei Qiming looked very dick.

"You mean, the grievances between the Fei and Zheng families? To be honest, it doesn't matter to me whether you reach a settlement or not." Zhang Wenwu was overjoyed, but he still seemed indifferent .

Hmph, this is not my biggest appeal. If you want to trade, just get some dry goods.

Indeed, his biggest appeal now is the cooperation between the Fei and Zheng families.

"Hehe, what you want most now is the cooperation between Fei and Zheng, right? But if they don't reconcile, how can they cooperate? Although I'm called a dude, I'm not stupid. My IQ is higher than many people. I just I just disdain to play with them. Let's be blunt, I will help you reach a settlement between the two, and you will help me bet one stone." Fei Qiming suddenly became less of a playboy, with the face of a shrewd businessman.

"Gambling with stones? The risk is huge." Zhang Wenwu said with a smile, "The reconciliation between the two companies is a good thing for the Fei and Zheng families. I have lost too much in such a deal."

"What a waste of money. Only when the two parties reconcile can they cooperate. Only when the two cooperate can you shut Yumuben out of the country. Fulu Jewelry, Longfengpei, Jingyun, and Zui Furong are the four largest in the industry. As long as Fulu Jewelry and Longfeng cooperate, then Jingyun will basically cooperate, because Jingyun has long wanted to cooperate with us. As long as the three cooperate, Drunk Furong will not be so stupid as not to be together Play. As long as these four companies form an alliance, let alone Yumuben, even Benmuyu will never come in." Fei Qiming said very seriously.

This guy has completely changed his face now, and now this guy is like a shrewd warrior in the mall.

"Young Master Fei, you are so smart, you should know that it is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade, and there is never a sure win in betting on stones." Zhang Wenwu also became serious. He said this, which was regarded as his approval of Fei Qiming's transaction proposal.

"I'm not stupid, of course I know, but I believe you will try your best and find time. The two of us will join forces for [-] million yuan to gamble. I don't ask much, as long as I can win [-] billion and come back." Fei Qiming said with a smile.

Damn, this request is actually not high...

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