Medical and military giants

Chapter 558: It's done

The machine was roaring in the shed outside, and in the office, Boss Huang and King Jade were drinking tea. They were talking about interesting things about stone gambling, but their eyes were communicating about other things.

Boss Huang's bodyguard and Jade King's entourage stood at the door of the office, people brought by Chengguang Tanabe stood around the shed, and people from Chengguang Tanabe were standing guard on the hillside and at the entrance of the valley. .

And the mine owner's people have withdrawn, they are killing sheep at the door of the kitchen next to them, they have made a big business today, they were supposed to go out to eat, but Tanabe Chengguang and the others wanted to cut stones here, so he I had no choice but to buy two fat sheep and come back to kill them, and prepare a famous dish in southern Yunnan called Quanyang Pot.

The sun is gradually setting, the temperature is a little lower, and there is still a little cool wind from the mountains. The stone is too big, and the first cut has not been finished yet.However, it doesn't matter, the mine owner has made enough preparations to cut stones overnight.

"It's all arranged." After drinking two cups of tea, the Emerald King listened to the movement outside, and said suddenly.

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no mistakes, just follow me when the time comes." Boss Huang said very calmly.

"Well, I wanted to go to your country to develop from a long time ago, but there was no way out, and I didn't want to play with rocks. Unexpectedly, I met you when I was about to give up." King Jade sighed.

"That will be a new world, and you will live in this new world as a rich man." Huang Lao said with a suppressed voice.

"I hope it goes well." The Emerald King said.

"Don't worry, it will go smoothly, am I not here too?" Boss Huang said.


When the sun completely sank to the back of the mountain, the mine called everyone to eat in the glow of the sky.

This place is humid and hot during the day. Although the temperature drops a few degrees at night, there are too many mosquitoes.

The place to eat is also a shed, with a large stove in the middle, on which a large iron pot full of mutton is rolling, and the aroma wafts in the air, making people salivate.There are several cases of wine next to it, some beer and some white.

There is not so much attention to eating here, even the table is not needed, each person holds a big bowl, scoops up a bowl of mutton, pours the sauce, and then sits on the big bench to eat.Of course, it is impossible to use glasses for wine, and all of them directly "blow the horn".This is the real big mouthful of meat, big bowl of wine, very proud.

What are the most distinguishing characteristics of a gambler?Certainly many people do not know.

The most notable feature of a gambler is that he likes to squat. Although Chengguang Tanabe is well-dressed and a big boss who can mobilize hundreds of millions of dollars, at this moment, he is holding a bowl and squatting to eat and drink.

But Boss Huang, Jade King and the others also eat similarly.

Some people say that you can see a person's character clearly by playing chess, but in fact, you can see your nature better by eating.

Although this group of people are rich, they are very "personal".

"Boss, do they have arrangements for our driver?" Everyone was eating happily, when Mu Su suddenly asked the mine owner.

"Yes, there is an arrangement, don't worry, I killed two sheep, more than a dozen chickens and ducks, and everyone has a share. They are in the big shed next to me, and my people are eating and drinking in the open air by the river... Dear bosses, It doesn’t matter so much here.” The mine owner said.

"I think, in fact, we should also be in the open air. That's what makes it special... Boss, this whole lamb pot is very good. It's even better than what I ate in southern Yunnan." Boss Huang said with a smile.

"Theirs, no alcohol..." said Tanabe Chengguang who was sweating profusely after eating.

"Ah, that's right, boss, hurry up and get the wine back." Mu Su also exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't worry, bosses, we only have alcohol here, none of them have alcohol, and they have to work later, how can they drink alcohol." The mine owner said with a smile.

"Well, yours, you are very smart... good... good man...." Tanabe Chengguang said holding up the wine bottle, "I respect you... come... come and drink...."

"Okay, let's have a drink, thank you Mr. Tanabe for taking care of our business." The owner of the mine walked over to touch the bottle with Chengguang Tanabe, then raised his head to dry up the leftover wine.He wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth and said, "Boss Mu told me just now that the stone has been rubbed with a knife?"

"Yes, it has been cut. It's very good. It's green..." Chengguang Tanabe was very happy. He was very excited when he saw the green color after cutting a little bit of the leather shell.

Although he is not that good at jadeite, but he has been in Myanmar for a period of time, and he has been betting with Mu Su on stones every day. He is really "informed". In some cases, there is emerald in it.

Just now, the incision is very beautiful, and there is a faint jade quality, and, when the flashlight is lit, there is a thick green inside.He knew that this was a sign of good jadeite.So, he was very happy.

Think about it, hundreds of kilograms of emeralds will be cut out soon, think about it, you can earn one billion, can he be unhappy?

"Ah, that's really congratulations, it's worthy of congratulations, come on, I'll toast you again..." The owner of the mine took two bottles of wine and opened them, handed one to Chengguang Tanabe, then touched it and said, "I did it." ,up to you."

Sometimes a picnic is more interesting than a grand banquet in a big hotel. If it weren't for the person who pretended to be hypocritical, they would usually eat too much at a picnic.Because picnics generally do not have artificial seasonings, the stomach is particularly easy to accept the original food.

It was completely dark, and people inside and outside the shed were still eating and drinking.

Boss Huang gave the owner of the mine a wink. The owner of the mine went to inspect the shed and served another pot of mutton to everyone. Everyone was overjoyed.

The first one to get drunk was Jade King, so the owner of the mine helped him to rest in the office.

Soon, Tanabe Chengguang also felt top-heavy, as if drunk.

"Musang, I...I'm drunk...Let's lie down for a while...Why did I get drunk...No, I only drank such a little, how did I get drunk...Tanaka...Tanaka Kamiei..." Tanabe Chengguang felt Wrong way, bit his own tongue, a little sobered up in a daze, and continued to yell at his most trusted and most capable bodyguard....

"Boss, you're drunk, take a rest first..." Mu Su said while supporting Tanabe Chengguang.

"Musan, do you feel dizzy? I feel something is wrong..." Tanabe Chengguang stammered, his eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open them.


Tanabe Chengguang fell asleep, Mu Su let go of his hand, and let him fall to the ground with a bang.

Bang… bang….

Outside the shed, people kept getting "drunk".

After a quarter of an hour, everyone was "drunk".

The whole mine was quiet, the smell of delicious food was wafting around, and there were people lying everywhere on the ground.Oh no, it's not quiet either. The mosquitoes are crazy, attacking people who are falling asleep.

After a while, the owner of the mine "woke up", as did Boss Huang, King Jade, Mu Su and the two drivers.

Mu Su went to check Tian Bian Chengguang who was sleeping on the ground, nodded to Boss Huang and said, "It's done."

"Okay, let him take this hangover pill." Boss Huang threw a wax pill to Mu Su and said, "Everyone else get in the car, hurry up..."

After a while, the two cars drove away from the mine... The mine finally became really quiet, even the flames disappeared....

After another half an hour, suddenly, there was light on the mountain, dotted with stars, and after a while, a group of men with guns but in rags came down from the mountain...

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