Medical and military giants

Chapter 567: All-round Attack

Indeed, if it's just the news from the media, it's impossible for a dozen store counters to have no transactions in a day. This is too evil, unless someone is doing something.

"You think..." Inoue Momoto calmed down and said.

"What if someone is blocking customers?" Kawasaki said.

"Ah? Then how many people have to be mobilized... Who has such a big hatred against us?" Although Inoue Momoto was surprised by Kawasaki's statement, he also thought so in his heart.

"How do I know? The East Metropolis didn't meddle in Xiangjiang's affairs...Mr. Moben, you have to think about how to deal with this matter. After these revelations flow to the island, it is more serious than throwing away a few mines." Kawasaki Ruwen said very worried.

There was concern, but it wasn't as it appeared on the surface. He was in the same mood as Inoue Momoto in the morning, watching Inoue Momoto's joke.What happened in Xiangjiang has nothing to do with Dongdu, and it has nothing to do with Kawasaki Rubun, so he will wait in his heart to see Inoue Momoto's joke.

If public opinion is fermented, it is indeed more serious than losing a few mines, because the impact of losing a few mines is only a temporary material supply. As long as there is money, the supply can be replaced.But if the public opinion continues to ferment, and there is no deal every day like today, and the development of this kind of incident shows that the island is also the same, then it is the foundation of Yumu that will be shaken.

Shaking the foundation is a disaster.

"Liu Wenjun, this matter may really have to be dealt with by the East. As you said, with these so-called breaking news reports, it is impossible for the citizens to trade without people. The psychology of consumers will not be so fragile, but now it just happens. There has been no transaction all day. Therefore, someone must be doing something behind the scenes." Moben Inoue paused and said, "It is almost certain that someone stopped the customers on the spot. Who is it? Find him out, this kind of Things are Liu Wenjun's strong point, so please."

Inoue Momoto should be regarded as a competent president. For Uomemoto, he put aside his prejudices and bowed deeply to Kawasaki Rufumi.

"Well, this may also be an accident. Wait for another day. If tomorrow is still a blank board, I don't need to speak. President Nobuo Inoue will probably give instructions." Kawasaki Ryufumi thought for a while and said, "In Xiangjiang, In addition to the people in this association, I also have some friends, I will call to find out later."

It was a matter of the overall situation, and Kawasaki's literati became serious after receiving Inoue Momoto's admiration.

"Then please." Inoue Momoto asked again.

"Hey, we are on the same boat. Although sometimes we have different opinions, I will do my best for the sake of the overall situation. I hope that Momoto-kun will be the same as me." Kawasaki Rufumi said very worriedly, "To rob overseas mines Market, using public opinion to attack the stock market, using force to prevent transactions and create no-deal panic. Mr. Moben, someone wants us to die, I think we should prepare early.”

"Liu Wen-kun is right, so I think, immediately hold a conference call with President Nobu Inoue." Inoue Momoto also became serious, they all understand that the fierce battle is coming, and the best choice is to let go of prejudices and tide over the difficulties together .

The two people who have been fighting in the dark for many years let go of their prejudices and had a conference call with Nobuo Inoue, and the conversation was naturally about how to deal with sudden problems.Of course, guessing who is attacking them is indispensable. They listed many suspicious enemies, but they just didn't expect it to be Reiko Inoue.

For the Japanese people, women are really vassals, so they don't even consider the possibility of Reiko Inoue attacking them.

The next day, Kawasaki left for Africa, and Inoue Momoto flew to Xiangjiang.The affairs of Africa have always been handled by the Eastern Metropolis. As the vice president, it is appropriate for Kawasaki to go to Africa to deal with it. It is also appropriate for Inoue Momoto to go to Xiangjiang because he specializes in dealing with the market and public opinion.

But when they arrived at their destination a day later, they were heartbroken and hopeless.

Xiangjiang’s Yume main store counter is blank for another day. The diamond mine in Africa is still under seal. There is news from the government that because the mine seriously violates local laws and regulations and has other criminal acts, it will be approved. Confiscated through legal means, and relevant persons are wanted.

As for the gold mine, not to mention understanding the situation, Rufumi Kawasaki can't even enter that area, and the clan that manages that area has completely severed ties with them.

They all wanted to cry, but they couldn't cry.

On the third day, they finally found out something. The enemy, actually in the country, cut off their African financial resources in one go, and it turned out to be the Daocun Society.

They couldn't understand why the Daocun Society suddenly did this, why they had such a powerful influence, they couldn't figure it out.

Of course they couldn't figure it out, because these things really couldn't be achieved by relying on the Daocun Society alone. There were people behind the Daocun Society who supported them, and besides the Daocun Society, there were also people quietly helping.

In fact, it was completely unexpected for the people in the Inamura community to win a gold mine and control the diamond mine through the government so easily.They thought that if they wanted to win these two mines, they would need to go through a hard fight and kill a few people. They didn't expect that it would be done so easily.

On the third day, the public opinion on Wajima also exploded. For two consecutive days, scandals about Yumeben and Dongdu were bombarded. The Japanese people finally took action, and a large number of customers came to Yumeben’s stores and headquarters to request returns and refunds. Explain, what is more radical is that some people destroyed the roadside advertisements and car body advertisements of Yumuben, sprayed light paint, and some people sprayed manure. Japanese people's vandalism is really very distinctive.

On the third day, the Red East Society also took action. Within a day, they smashed all the branches of the Eastern Metropolis, and then targeted the headquarters of the Eastern Metropolis on a large scale.

Public opinion, crowds, the nationwide fighting between the Chidonghui and Dongdu were in chaos, Yumuben was in chaos, and Dongdu was in chaos. Nobuo Inoue was a little bit burnt out, so he almost forgot about overseas affairs.

He was very angry. He didn't understand why Chidong would know so many secrets of Dongdu. Many businesses have been done for many years, but no one has ever destroyed them.

If there is a ghost, there must be a ghost, otherwise, Chidonghui would not be able to find the target so easily and hit it with one blow.

Nobuo Inoue had already smashed all the things in the office, he was no longer able to swear at others, he exhausted all his strength to yell out the last sentence, and retaliated against the Red East Society at all costs and by any means.

Revenge... Drive Chidonghui away and crush him to death. Ten years ago, he could be beaten to the ground, and ten years later, he will be fine. Kill...

Wajima is very "lively"....

On the third night, Momoto Inoue vomited blood again. There was no progress in Xiangjiang's affairs, and the country was in chaos. After that, the stock price had fallen by half... Judging from the momentum, it took only a day or two to fall to the issue price.

All-round attack, there are also people attacking the stock market.

Momoto Inoue received news from China that the only thing he could do was to vomit blood and fall to the ground. He felt that he had no strength left.

However, Nobuo Inoue is still struggling, and Nobuo Inoue decided to seek help from the government|government and the military tomorrow. He needs to know how many enemies he has.

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