Wu Qingfeng nodded when he heard the words, the price is not expensive, after all, it is cooked, and this is authentic rural bacon.

All kinds of bacon on Taobao are actually not worthy of the name of bacon. At most, it is smoked meat or dried meat. The color is perfect, but the taste is really not worth mentioning.

"Do you want to try other flavors?" Wu Qingying looked at her brother.

Just as Wu Qingfeng wanted to open his mouth to taste other flavors, Li Ling said, "It's better to eat less, nitrite is not good."

Wu Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Yo, I'm starting to care about my brother!" Wu Qingying joked.

Li Ling immediately glared at her best friend.

"Speaking of nitrite, it's not a small problem whether it's qualified or not." Wu Qingfeng immediately looked at his sister seriously.

While nitrate and nitrite exist widely and are widely used, their harm to humans has also been closely watched.

Nitrite reacts with lactic acid in muscle to generate free nitrous acid, which can inhibit the growth of many spoilage bacteria, so as to achieve the purpose of antisepsis.

Therefore, bacon can not spoil for a long time, and it does not grow mold, because the content of nitrite is very high.

Nitrite itself is not carcinogenic, but nitrate or nitrite and amines can synthesize nitrosamines in vivo and in vitro, especially in gastric juice, and infected bladder, intestinal tract, and oral cavity can also form nitrosamines .Nitrosamines are currently the strongest chemical carcinogens, and they also have varying degrees of teratogenic and mutagenic effects.

Therefore, when eating bacon, it should be paired with vegetables rich in sulfhydryl compounds. Garlic, chives, green onions, onions, scallions, etc. are rich in sulfhydryl compounds, which are natural substances that remove nitrite in food and block the synthesis of nitrosamines.

In addition, it is not difficult to find that garlic, green onions, and onions are a good match for bacon.

Also, pairing it with vegetables or fruits rich in vitamin C can also achieve the purpose of dissolving nitrite.

But nitrites are always a problem.

Because as long as you eat bacon, it will definitely be involved, unless you don’t eat bacon.

The national nitrite standard for bacon, as long as the nitrite content in 1kg of bacon does not exceed 8.1mg, it meets the use standards of food additives in my country.

Therefore, after the general bacon is soaked in warm water and boiled for a while, the content will not exceed 8.1 mg. If it exceeds, it means that nitrite is used when the bacon is cured.

These are some unscrupulous traders who did not follow the production procedures of bacon, causing the bacon food to be unqualified and the acid price to exceed the standard.

The acid value is an indicator of the degree of fat hydrolysis, which reflects the rancidity of bacon.

Generally speaking, the lower the acid value, the better the quality and freshness of the bacon fat.

Nitrite is generally added to cured meat food, mainly to make the cured meat bright red and bright, but some companies add too much, which will increase the risk of cancer.

Therefore, when buying bacon, you must buy products from regular enterprises or rural areas, and secondly, you must cook more.

"Don't worry. Regarding food safety, I have specifically explained to Hu Chunyang and Wang Teng that each batch of goods will be randomly inspected multiple times."

"In the bag you ate just now, the nitrite content will not exceed 0.2 mg, which is absolutely in compliance with the food safety law." Wu Qingying looked at her brother and said.

Since food is made, food safety is the top priority, of course she understands.

"Okay, in short, we must pay attention to it, and we must not relax. If you want to open the situation with food, then there will be no problems. Even if you don't make money, you can't have food safety problems." Wu Qingfeng nodded, and continued to talk for a while. sentence.

Seriously, not to be long-winded, but food safety is really very important.

If something goes wrong, at least Lingying Culture Company will be hit hard, and at worst, his farm may be affected.

After all, he farms and orchards, and what comes out is food.

Wu Qingying and Li Ling nodded heavily when they heard the words.

"Except for bacon and sausages, isn't the food factory producing other food at present?" Seeing that there were still a few slices of bacon, Wu Qingfeng stuffed another piece into his mouth and asked his sister while chewing.

"Yes, I have!"

"There are five-spice dried tofu!"

"Steamed noodles, Roujiamo!"

"Next, there are fairy tofu, flower buns, noodle fish, walnut crisps, pulp cakes, and sour water jelly."

Wu Qingfeng was taken aback when he heard this.

"Can you process this?"

"And, where did you find these delicacies?"

The steamed noodles and Roujiamo were okay, he had heard this girl said before that she would do it.

But the four items of fairy tofu, noodle fish, steamed buns, and rice cakes really surprised him.

Because these are childhood snacks that are hard to come by now.

His mother cooks and eats occasionally, and used to eat it when she came back sometimes.

But when he was a child, he often ate it. In addition to Shenxian tofu and Huamo, he vomited and hurt from eating pancakes and noodle fish.

The so-called fairy tofu is actually tofu made by cleaning and mashing the collected high-quality short-branch hexaconia leaves.

This is a kind of food that is soaked in water, tastes slippery, and tastes cold and bitter in the mouth.

It is a green food with light and elegant color, strong fragrance, comfortable taste, annealing, cooling and detoxifying effects.

In Yunxi, there is a legend about "fairy tofu": in ancient times, there was a natural disaster in one year, and the grains were not harvested. A man named Wang Sheng was enlightened by the gods and led the villagers to go up the mountain to collect the leaves of "two-winged six-way tree". , and then mash the leaves to make "tofu" to eat, and finally rely on this "tofu" to survive the spring famine.

So it is also called fairy tofu.

When he was a child, his grandmother and mother often made it, and he also liked to eat it, but it hadn't been for many years. If his sister hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten it.

As for the steamed buns, in fact, various natural and edible dyes are added to make steamed buns of various shapes.

When I was young, they were usually tributes, which were basically used for funerals, but after the old people were buried, they would share the food, praying for the spirit of the old man in the sky, and bless the grandchildren behind them.

But now Huamo is an intangible cultural heritage delicacy, a traditional folk art, beautiful and delicious.

Even this was sold by his sister, a ghost, he really didn't expect it.

Noodle fish is a kind of pasta in the shape of small fish. It tastes spicy and refreshing, smooth and chewy, which makes people have endless aftertastes.

In fact, the flour is stirred into a thin paste, then steamed for half an hour, and then drained into clear water with a drain pan, and it becomes like little tadpoles, which can be eaten cold or stewed.

Of course, cornmeal would work too.

What he ate most when he was a child was made of cornmeal. The old man and the old lady liked to eat it, but he hated it the most when he was a child.

It's almost uncommon now.

The last pulp cake can be said to be an extinct delicacy.

Because there are fewer corn growers in rural areas.

Although old corn can also be made, it is far less delicious than tender popped corn.

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