"What do you mean, your sexual orientation is normal, and Lao Yang and I have an abnormal sexual orientation?" Wu Jiashan looked at Hong Tao and said angrily.

"Then I don't know!" Hong Tao said with a half-smile.

"Okay, you two!" Yang Zhijun scolded with a dark face.

Then he looked at Wu Jiashan and said, "Old Wu, this kid Hong Tao is uneducated, and he can't leave any dirty jokes, why are you competing with him!"

"Who is uneducated, I graduated from high school!" Hong Tao said unconvinced.

"Yo Yo Yo, educated!" Yang Zhijun glanced at Hong Tao, chuckled and said, "Look at everyone present, except you, who is not a college student!"

"That's right, an uneducated person should be let go!" Wu Jiashan echoed.

"College students are awesome, aren't they?" Hong Tao felt that he had been hit violently, and asked quickly.

"That's right, it's awesome!" Yang Zhijun and Wu Jiashan nodded tacitly.

"..." Hong Tao was startled, then sighed: "Oh, I was wrong!"

Wu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing watching the three of them teasing.

No friends in the workplace!

Politics has no brothers.

The combined age of these three people is more than 130 years old, but they can make immature jokes like teenagers.

"Brother, I made you laugh! Don't talk to them, come on, smoke!" Seeing Wu Qingfeng laughing, Yang Zhijun also blushed. He quickly took out a cigarette and handed Wu Qingfeng one.

Wu Jiashan and Hong Tao were also aware of it, and made fun of themselves, leaving Wu Qingfeng aside.

The two smiled awkwardly. Hong Tao took out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the coffee table and lit it, then looked at Brother Wu: "I heard that your hydropower station has been installed?"

Wu Qingfeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at Hong Tao with some surprise.

"How did Brother Hong know?" Wu Qingfeng asked in surprise.

Wu Jiashan and Yang Zhijun on the side were even more stunned, and quickly looked at Wu Qingfeng and asked, "Brother, is it really installed?"

"Well, I arrived at noon today, and it was installed after five o'clock!" Wu Qingfeng nodded.

"Really!" Yang Zhijun confirmed hearing the words again, and kept staring at Wu Qingfeng.

Wu Qingfeng smiled and nodded heavily.

"It seems that this kid Hong Tao is playing tricks on me and the two of us. This should be the happy event that he is talking about?" Hearing Wu Qingfeng's reaffirmation, Yang Zhijun immediately smiled, glanced at Hong Tao, and then looked at Wu Jiashan and said with a smile.

"On this matter, do you still need to sell it?"

"Pretentious!" Wu Jiashan looked at Hong Tao beside him and said.

"Why can't you be a fool? I'm happy to see you guys who have never seen the world just now. What's the matter!" Hong Tao said stiffly.

"You pierce a persimmon, you don't pierce what should be pricked, we are surprised about this, aren't you surprised!" Yang Zhijun said angrily.

I saw that Hong Tao's face straightened, and he looked at Wu Qingfeng and asked, "To be honest, brother, I learned about it from my electrician this afternoon!"

As the director of Hengcheng Power Supply Institute, he often has electricians who will repair the circuits within Hengcheng.

It happened that an electrician was in Wujiashan Village. When he came back, he saw the installation of the power station and told him.

It just so happened that Yang Zhijun invited him to dinner, so he came to hang out with Yang Zhijun and Wu Jiashan.

But in fact, when he got the news, he was also surprised for a long time.

"But I'm really surprised, isn't this hydropower station repaired too quickly?" Hong Tao asked the question that surprised him the most.

Yang Zhijun and Wu Jiashan also looked at Wu Qingfeng.

Because the two of them were as surprised as Hong Tao. After all, construction only started in mid-April, and now it's May [-]th, and it's only been about [-] days since it was fully loaded.

Installed now, the speed is too amazing.

Seeing the surprise of the three of them, Wu Qingfeng wanted to laugh.

Then he said: "China is known as an infrastructure madman. I am not surprised that the money is in place and the project is completed in three days."

"But isn't this too fast?" Yang Zhijun still couldn't believe it.

But I have to say, indeed, how fast the infrastructure madman can go depends on money.

"Three old brothers, the project volume of my power station is actually not as complicated as you imagined!" Wu Qingfeng shook his head and said.

Hearing this, the three of them finally accepted it slowly.

"So, the power station can generate electricity now?" Yang Zhijun asked excitedly.

Wu Jiashan and Hong Tao were also very concerned about this issue, and their eyes were fixed on Wu Qingfeng.

"Theoretically so!"

"But not now, because the reservoir is currently building a fishing platform and cannot store water, so there is no way to start power generation for the time being. The installation is completed today, and even the test has not been carried out." Wu Qingfeng laughed.

"Oh, I'm so happy!" Yang Zhijun sighed.

"Then how long will it take for your fishing platform to be completed?" Wu Jiashan was also a little disappointed, but since the power stations were built so fast, it shouldn't take long for the fishing platform.

"Probably the end of June!" Wu Qingfeng said after thinking about it.

"That's not too long!" Hong Tao laughed.

Yang Zhijun and Wu Jiashan also nodded, it's only been more than a month.

"Isn't it possible to generate electricity in July?" Yang Zhijun asked with a smile.

"If there are no problems, it should be fine!" Wu Qingfeng nodded.


"In this way, starting from August, our city's electric power will usher in an era of prosperity." Yang Zhijun said happily.

For modern cities, electricity is the source of development, and a city that lacks electricity will never be able to develop.

After Wu Qingfeng's hydroelectric power station starts to supply power to Hengcheng, the development of Hengcheng will surely reach a higher level.

Wu Jiashan and Hong Tao were also very happy.

For Wu Jiashan, like Yang Zhijun, the future of Hengcheng is also his future, especially since Hengcheng has officially announced the establishment of the experimental area.

He is about the same age as Yang Zhijun, almost fifty. If Hengcheng can't set up an experimental area, then they will most likely retreat to the second line after the completion of this year and formally prepare for retirement.

However, the news of Hengcheng's establishment of the experimental area has been officially issued this time. If Hengcheng's development reaches the standard during the experimental period, then it will officially become a district, and he may have the opportunity to become a director-level cadre before retiring.

As an official, who doesn't want to rise to the top.

You must know that retirement at the official level and retirement at the executive level are completely two concepts.

As for Hong Tao, needless to say, as Hengcheng's "Electric Hades", the more power he can deploy, the more confident he will be.

He didn't want to live the days when he didn't dare to go to the power station every day.

"Brother, now that the machine has been installed, you can submit an application for grid connection to the provincial electric power company!" Hong Tao said after thinking for a while.

"Submit the application now? Isn't it generating electricity yet?" Wu Qingfeng was a little surprised.

If a private power station wants to sell electricity, it must be connected to the national grid. Otherwise, it can be used for private use, but if it is not connected to the grid, it cannot be sold to Hengcheng.

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