Qian Xiaocheng didn't know how to answer after hearing this. He might not tell Shen Xiaoxiao that he is not from this era, but from the future. No one would believe such words, but he knew that if he didn't say Shen Xiaoxiao will definitely ask, even if he doesn't ask, he will definitely be wary of himself, so after thinking about it, he said: "Since I was driven out by you that day, I have been drenched in the rain for a long time, and finally I figured out gone."

"Have you figured out what?" Shen Xiaoxiao really asked.

"As the saying goes, you are a scholar who is useless. I used to be powerless, but now if this dynasty wants to survive, it must rely on itself and change itself. Only when you become stronger, no matter what you do, there will be trouble." It's changed." Qian Xiaocheng thinks about his time travel experience in the past few years, and he has died so many times, which is unimaginable in modern times. It can be seen that ancient times are much more dangerous than modern times.

Shen Xiaoxiao replied: "Are you thinking too much? Now that the court has just opened Enke, it is the best time for scholars like you to serve the court. How could you think of setting up a gang?"

Qian Xiaocheng didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only make up a lie: "Even if you want to study, you have to live first. At that time, I couldn't live anymore. Fortunately, I met two people who were willing to help me."

Shen Xiaoxiao heard what he said so casually, so she didn't ask any more questions, and the two of them just waited silently in the firelight to welcome the dawn.

Finally, it was dawn the next day, and both of them woke up after taking a nap. Qian Xiaocheng looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and said, "Let's find something to eat first, and maybe find a way to go fishing. If we can't find it If we do, we're going to start the farming game here."

Shen Xiaoxiao glared at him, and said, "Don't worry, someone will definitely come to rescue us. I believe they will find us soon."

Qian Xiaocheng said with a smile: "So confident, why don't we make a bet."

"What bet?" Shen Xiaoxiao asked.

"Just bet today, whether they can find us, if they find us, you win, if they don't, I win, how about it?" Qian Xiaocheng said.

"Yes." Shen Xiaoxiao said confidently, "Then what are you betting on?"

"I haven't thought of this yet. Why don't you agree to do one thing for me if I win, and I will promise you to do one thing for me if you win, how about that?" Qian Xiaocheng said with a smile. A little secret.

It's a pity that Shen Xiaoxiao didn't hide it from Shen Xiaoxiao, she also heard the trick, she said: "What a mess, if I win, you have to promise me three things."

Qian Xiaocheng was taken aback and said, "You think you are Zhao Min?"

"What Zhao Min?" Shen Xiaoxiao didn't know what he was talking about, and said slightly angrily, "If you don't agree, you won't bet, and you don't dare."

After hearing this, Qian Xiaocheng knew that he was provocative, but he still replied: "I know you are provocative, but this is what I will do. Well, I agree." He seemed very confident, because according to modern experience, It is impossible to find a person in a day in the vast sea, and even according to the experience of the novel, it will take a long time to find the protagonist who died.

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "Okay, remember, you owe me three things, I haven't thought of it yet, so don't play tricks."

Qian Xiaocheng agreed: "Okay. But how do you know that you will definitely win? Maybe you will lose."

Shen Xiaoxiao chuckled and said: "Because I saw the boat that came to rescue us, so I must have won." She pointed to the distant sea, where the sea appeared faintly. Ship silhouette.

Qian Xiaocheng regretted it a lot when he saw it, and suffered from empiricism, and as a modern person, his eyesight was not as good as that of ancient people, so it was not until Shen Xiaoxiao pointed it out that he gradually saw those sea ships clearly.

The sea boat couldn't get close to this small island, but the people on board obviously saw Shen Xiaoxiao and the others, because a boat was put down on the sea boat, and three guards and a maid came down along with it.

Before the boat landed, the maid on the boat shouted in surprise: "Miss, miss, are you all right, are you all right?"

After hearing this, Qian Xiaocheng knew that they must have been rescued, so he relaxed, and heard Shen Xiaoxiao reply in surprise: "It's okay, it's okay." He couldn't help but answer: "If you have nothing to do, eat yomei. "It was greeted with another stare from Shen Xiaoxiao.

After the boat landed, the two women couldn't wait to hug each other, rejoicing their surviving life, which made Qian Xiaocheng jealous. Just when he also walked up, the three guards who came together suddenly made trouble. At the same time, they swung their knives and attacked Qian Xiaocheng.

Although Qian Xiaocheng didn't expect it, he took three steps back in an instinctive reaction, barely avoiding the long knife, but the three of them cooperated tacitly and chased after him. Since Qian Xiaocheng didn't bring a weapon, he was reduced to He didn't rest much, and he was restrained after a few moves. He also realized that these guards must have thought that he pushed Shen Xiaoxiao down, so they wanted to restrain himself, but the actual situation was the opposite, so Shen Xiaoxiao would definitely help Explained, thinking of this, he really didn't have the energy to fight any longer, so he obediently surrendered, and looked at Shen Xiaoxiao affectionately.

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but she teased herself many times that night, intending to make him suffer, so she didn't stop those guards, but seeing Qian Xiaocheng's pitiful eyes, she was afraid that he would say some nonsense again, in vain Something happened, so he said: "Let him go, I accidentally fell into the sea, Mr. Ge jumped down to save me."

When the three guards heard this, they folded their fists respectfully and retreated. Their eyes were very grateful to Mr. Ge who had saved their young lady, and they moved quickly, and they obeyed the master's words very much. You Su are not those ordinary guards.

After returning to the ship, the two lived in peace for several days. Because of this incident, they were delayed for many days compared to the original plan, so they accelerated the speed of the ship and tried to reach Goryeo on time.

On this day, Shen Xiaoxiao still found Ge Wushu who Qian Xiaocheng traveled through, and said: "Remember the three things you promised me, and now you have to help me with the first thing."

Qian Xiaocheng smiled, and said in a joking tone: "I can't help it, I'm on a pirate ship, what's the matter, tell me."

Shen Xiaoxiao knew that he liked to joke and didn't care, but he didn't say anything, and said: "Come with me." After saying that, she walked to the deck first, and when she reached the stairs, she went to the cabin below.

Seeing this, Qian Xiaocheng said half worriedly and half jokingly: "It won't hurt me last time, but this time it will hurt me if you lie to me down here."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked back and smiled and said, "Guess?"

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