Great Ye Empress Teacher

Chapter 392: Unexpectedly

27 In the early court, Xie Yunchu explained clearly the cause and effect of Guo Zidu's corruption case in court.

"The former prefect of Chuzhou, Wang Kuanren, reported to the Ministry of Works and asked to repair the river embankment. The coefficient of silver and money was divided among the officials of Chuzhou, and the local officials forced the people to serve and repaired things hastily! More than a dozen people lost their lives in the river, and they asked to repair the river several times, but they were not approved. There are two reasons..."

"One, Guo Zi is unwilling to form a party, can't stand in Chuzhou officialdom, can't be held in high regard by his superiors, and can't reach Bianjing! Two, the former prefect Wang Kuanren's party is powerful, and Chuzhou officials do not want to offend the former prefect Wang Kuanren! Therefore... Guo Zidu established his life for the common people, taking risks and greed for money and money, it was really helpless."

"Guo Zidu knows that... the rules and regulations of the state cannot be desecrated, even if it is a last resort, it is still guilty. "

"If the laws of the state are unclear, the state and government will be unclear. Guo Zidu sacrifices himself to the law, and honors the sanctity of the state law in Da Ye, as his successor... Those who want to get rid of sins with love, and those who cover up evil with goodness, must not be lenient and set an example!"

Guo Zi did not seek a good name after his death, but only from then on... The political situation and the law should not be mixed.

Seek some clarity in the government.

The emperor was so angry that he smashed the cup on the table, and bluntly said that the relationship between the court and the people... actually forced the parents and officials who served the country and the people to use corrupt means to repair the river embankment for the people and the court.

One for the country and the people is the name behind Guo Zidu.

"Check it out for me! Take Guo Zidu as an example, don't use good to redeem evil, don't mix love and law, so that the laws of the country are unclear! Let me check every penny! As long as anyone who is greedy... will be dealt with strictly, and no one should be left out. !"

After the emperor finished speaking, he walked away.

This incident not only caused an uproar in the court, but also spread in the streets and alleys of Bian capital.

Han Chuang studied hard and entered the official office with a heart of serving the country, but he had to be corrupt in order to survive for the common people. How can this not be shocking and moving?

Some people can admire Guo Zidu's choice of scholar-bureaucrat, and understand the scholar's insistence on innocence and faith.

But there are also people who feel that Guo Zidu gave up his splendid future and died generously, just for a little breeze, which is ignorance.

However, Xie Yunchu did not let Guo Zidu's death become insignificant. Taking advantage of the turmoil caused by Guo Zidu's death, Xie Yunzhi, who is now in the official department, became the bridge between Xie Jinyuan and Xie Yunchu, and started a new reform of the official department.

Xie Yunchu made the outline, and Xie Jinyuan, the minister of personnel, refined it, and then repeatedly considered and discussed it.

On the sixth day of the third lunar month, Xie Jinyuan, Minister of Officials, formally presented a document on the reform of official positions. He made a generous speech in the court, hoping that in the future there would not be people like Guo Zidu, who used corruption as a means to exchange death for the people. The life of the people happened.

The emperor approves.

Taking this as an introduction, the Minister of the Ministry was also implicated...

The emperor ordered the Censor Terrace and Dali Temple to investigate, and the Dali Temple was sent to Bianjing, while the Censor Terrace started from the Ministry of Housing.

The third prince damaged the minister of the household who had been trained with great difficulty, and even hated Xie Yunchu to the core.

Because King Yan and King Huai were successively sworn in, the seventh prince was still young, and the third prince seemed to have a strong momentum. Now he is like a prince. He went to the emperor's study to help the emperor sort out government affairs and review memorials.

But the more the third prince was cooking oil on the bright side, the power behind his back was gradually removed.

It's not that the staff of the Third Prince's Mansion didn't see the tricks, but every time it was not the emperor and Xie Yunchu out of nothing.

After the three princes often communicated with the emperor, they were more willing to believe that the emperor was using Xie Yunchu to clean up a clean court for him.

However, the third prince did not dare to tell the emperor that those who were targeted by Xie Yunchu were all his followers. He was afraid that the emperor would think that he had formed a party, and that the emperor would know that his followers were corrupt, and that he would be dissatisfied with him. After all... he Now is not the time to seize the throne, it is already like a prince.

Since ancient times, the most taboo of emperors is that the princes form a party...

The third prince and the staff under the third prince all treat the third prince as the prince, and naturally they want to avoid the emperor's taboo.

Originally, the third prince planned to wait until he succeeded to the throne in the future, learn from his father's behavior when he first ascended the throne, and use Xie Yunchu to clean up other people who he disliked, and then clean up Xie Yunchu.

Now that Xie Yunchu's arms have been broken one after another, the third prince's desire to kill Xie Yunchu is unbearable.

"Xie Yunchu can't stay! If it goes on like this, His Highness has not yet inherited the throne, so let Xie Yunchu pull out his left and right hands first!" The third prince looked gloomy, "Chen Jun Xie can't be offended, he has to think of a seamless way, my highness. After raising you all for so long, if you can't do it again this time, be careful with your head!"

After the third prince finished speaking, he got up and left. He walked to the door and couldn't control his emotions. He kicked the tall table with the vase down, and the sound of the shattering ceramic pieces shocked the staff. They didn't know what to do. It can be considered to understand how deeply the third prince hated Xie Yunchu.

If Xie Yunchu can't be cured this time, I'm afraid they will fall out of favor in front of the third prince.

Seeing that the third prince is about to become the heir, if they disappoint the third prince at this time, their future will be lost.

"This Xie Yunchu is not in good health. I heard that the genius doctor Gu, who has been treating Xie Yunchu, has a deep hatred with Chen Jun's Xie family. He hates it so much that he swears not to diagnose the pulse of people surnamed Xie! For the sake of the gentleman, he made an exception to treat Xie Yunchu, can we start with Gu Shenyi?"

A staff member spoke up.

"It's not like I didn't think about this method before, in case this genius doctor Gu told Mr. Ji about this, this is to offend Chen Jun Xie and Mr. Ji together. I'm afraid His Highness will not agree, and maybe he will startle the snake. "

"Then it can only be done elsewhere..."

After thinking about it for a while, one of the staff said, "Xie Yunchu and King Huai have always had a deep relationship, and King Huai has no scheming. If we make efforts to King Huai, Xie Yunchu may not be indifferent. Lifan, this is what Xie Yunchu said at the morning court today, as long as she helps the king, we will be able to get hold of it."


On the ninth day of March in the 19th year of Yuanfeng, the envoys of the Northern Wei Dynasty entered Bianjing and brought news of the death of the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty died on February [-]th, and the second prince born to the imperial concubine of the Northern Wei Dynasty became the emperor. The Northern Wei Dynasty invited Princess Anyang to return to the Northern Wei Dynasty for the funeral.

The second prince of the Northern Wei Dynasty ascended the throne, as Xie Yunchu expected...

Yun Zhao and the Marquis of Anping made a lot of money in order to recruit Taishi Xie.

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