The village head of the mountain village of rebirth

Chapter 838 Re-entering the Central Plains

The atmosphere in the venue immediately relaxed a lot when there was such a person who jumped out to ask for a wife.

"Xu Banjin! Are you crazy about your wife, how about you look at me? Let's make do with it!"

"You? I didn't like it! You can drink better than me. What do I want you to do at home?"


Obviously, this is two people who can make trouble.

Meetings are most afraid of a dull atmosphere. If the atmosphere is dull, no one will speak, and the purpose of some meetings will not be achieved.

If it is a meeting to convey documents, this kind of atmosphere is suitable, as long as someone reads the documents.

But Jiang Yu and the others are holding a meeting now, everyone is getting to know each other and making suggestions, so it is beneficial to have an active atmosphere.

"Brother Jiang Yu! Let me ask, since you are the general manager of Fengwobao Group, what is the relationship between Fengwobao Group and the brewery?"

Finally someone is asking practical questions.

"Brother! Let me correct you. There is no Fengwobao Group in Donghe, only Fengwobao Village, and there is only one Weilai Group in Fengwobao."

"Then you are the general manager of Weilai Group?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "The Weilai Group has nothing to do with the brewery. I am a friend of the new director of your brewery. If there is any relationship, Weilai may take a share in the future."

Jiang Yu believes that the news that Weilai will participate in the shares will stabilize the morale of the army and have a positive effect.

This is painting a pie.

The news did get the brewery staff a little excited.

Weilai Group is the pillar of Donghe County, with strong strength.

If the brewery can have Weilai Group as a shareholder, the sales volume will definitely not be missed.

"May I ask the new director, can the brewery guarantee our basic salary in the future?" This question was asked by Zheng Yanli.

"What was your original basic salary?"

"More than 300 yuan?"

Zheng Yanli was a little puzzled: "It's only 300 yuan?"

"Counting all kinds of subsidies in a mess, you can get 60 yuan."

"That's not much. The company with the lowest wages in Fengwobao Village now pays more than 600 yuan, and the most wages are more than 700 yuan."

"Who can compare with your Fengwobao Village!"

"That's true. Let's see. When our brewery reopens, you just need to abide by the factory's rules and regulations and work hard. I guarantee that your monthly salary will not be less than four hundred."

Zheng Yanli didn't dare to make the cake too big, and only drew a line of [-].

She was afraid that the painting would be too big, and she would not be able to slap herself in the face.

This question actually got applause, which gave Zheng Yanli a bit of confidence.

Next, the active employees of the brewery asked some strange questions.

Zheng Yanli also answered one by one, and Jiang Yu rescued some of the answers she couldn't answer.

The warm atmosphere lasted until noon.

After the meeting, Jiang Yu introduced Liu Xia and Shi Wenying to Zheng Yanli.

Jiang Yu didn't have lunch at a small restaurant outside the gate of the brewery, but they took them to the street to find a place to eat.

Of course, this is for the sake of Liu Xia and Shi Wenying's future situation in the brewery.

After all, the things and characters they reflect are both good and bad.

In order not to be known by the people in the brewery and be retaliated against.

It's also about protecting privacy.

At the dinner table, Zheng Yanli asked Liu Xia many questions.

Who in the brewery has strong business ability, who has good technology, who has management ability and so on.

Both Liu Xia and Shi Wenying gave detailed answers.

Although the content of this answer sheet may be somewhat biased, it can basically reflect the real situation of the brewery's current personnel.


According to the situation provided by Liu Xia, Li will talk to a few more people according to the list they provided, and then she will appoint a new leadership team for the brewery.

Zheng Dabao drove Jiang Yu's car and dragged his sister around. Zheng Yanli spent three days visiting more than a dozen old employees of the brewery, and finally built the backbone support.

Although for these people (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 830 Re-entering the Central Plains

It's hard to understand, but that's the only way the current situation can be.

On July 28th, the brewery held another staff meeting, at which Zheng Yanli solemnly announced the new leadership team of the brewery.

She herself is naturally the general manager of Donghe Huanghai Beer Co., Ltd.

He Junsheng is in charge of the business, and Liu Xia is in charge of the production department.

Liu Xia will arrange the directors of the workshops, and the workshop directors will arrange the team leaders.

When everything is arranged, the handover will begin.

The handover is more troublesome and will take several days.

He Junsheng lived in the factory himself, and Zheng Dabao was temporarily sent here by Jiang Yu to help.

After handing over the things, they belong to their own home. Of course, they have to watch them, so as not to be stolen.

Jiang Yu's 500 million start-up capital is also in place.

Zheng Yanli took out 100 million yuan to make up one month's wages owed to the employees.

The rest of the money will be used to purchase raw materials for processing and production.

It also issued its own version of the rules and regulations.

These rules and regulations are very different from the original corporate rules and regulations.

In particular, the punishment for employees drinking alcohol is very serious.

As the saying goes, rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water.

What does the brewery rely on?Naturally, it was for nothing.

There is no employee who has worked in a brewery for a long time without alcoholism.

It's not a big problem for employees to drink a little, but if you get drunk and something happens, what should you do?

The previous rules and regulations also had such a clause, but it was basically useless.

If the leaders follow suit, it is strange that the employees will abide by it.

But now, this day will be strictly enforced.

If found drinking once, the fine is five yuan.

Fifty fine for two drinks found.

If you are caught drinking on the job for the third time, then you can only be asked to leave.

The original design capacity of Huanghai Brewery is 15 tons per year.

This scale is considered a small and medium scale among breweries across the country, /Barely close to the medium side.

But the current output is only [-] tons.

As the manager of the production department, Liu Xia began to focus on quality as soon as she took office, especially the two workshops of fermentation and saccharification are the top priority of beer taste.

Only by improving the quality can the brewery reopen.

It will probably take a while, and Jiang Yu will take advantage of this time to go to the Central Plains again.

After receiving the notice of the other party's intention to sell, Jiang Yu sent a team of technicians headed by Yang Jianyong to judge the equipment of Zhengqing Factory in advance.

Then negotiate.

Now that Yang Jianyong has sent a letter, the judgment is over, and we can send people over to negotiate.

So, taking advantage of the gap prepared by the brewery, he traveled.

The scale of his trip this time was a bit large, and he brought a group of lawyers with him.

The technicians mainly evaluate the equipment of Zheng Qing Factory, and the lawyers mainly negotiate with Zheng Qing Factory.

Chapter 830 Re-entering the Central Plains

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