When Gin Became a Reincarnator

Chapter 116 Team Rocket Traveling Through the Galaxy

There are not many people in the town, and almost everyone has strange-looking creatures, which surprised Conan.

Since accepting the reality, Conan has been very interested in this weird world, and maybe there is a way to bring him back to normal.

He didn't want to be a primary school student all his life.

Even in the original world, Conan has always wanted to find the organization that poured poison on him, get their information on poison research, find powerful scientists to conduct reverse research, and develop an antidote that will turn him back into a high school student.

Although in the eyes of some people, this kind of poison that turns people into elementary school students is not a poison, but a kind of magic medicine, but for Conan, this is poison!

Changing from a high school student to a primary school student not only made him lose his identity on the surface, but also made him unable to confess his love to Xiaolan...

In short, Conan suffered a lot of grievances, and he wanted to overthrow the organization that turned him into a primary school student from the bottom of his heart.

Now I came to a mission world in the space of the main god. There are all kinds of strange creatures in this world. Even a strange bird has powerful abilities. Maybe there is a monster that can turn him back into a high school student...

Thinking of such a bright future, Conan couldn't help but get excited.

However, the top priority is to complete the task and let him become a Pokemon trainer as soon as possible...

What is the mission?

Conan hasn't figured it out yet, but he feels that he should be able to understand it as long as he asks someone.

Now let's see who to inquire about.

After walking on the street for a while, and seeing many people, Conan had an idea and decided to ask someone to inquire, but at this moment, a hot air balloon floated over from the sky.

The height is not very high, only about [-] meters. Looking up at the sky from the ground, you can see the hot air balloon clearly.

There is an image of a strange creature on the hot air balloon, which Conan does not recognize anyway, and in the hanging frame under the hot air balloon, there are two people, a man and a woman, the man has short blue hair, and the woman has long red hair, and they are dressed uniquely. The uniforms... apparently belonged to the same organization.

"Dididi—alert! Alert! Pokemon kidnapping group invaded, please be careful..."

The alarm sounded.

And the people on the street panicked because of this, running around, either going home or looking for a safe place, and even closed the doors of the shops.

Fortunately, Conan reacted in time and hid at the edge, otherwise he would have to be crushed by the surging crowd.

"How is this going?"

Conan looked at the fleeing crowd in surprise, he really couldn't figure out the situation, and it was a little hard to understand.

Why run away?

It's just a Pokemon kidnapping group, what's there to be afraid of?

If there are kidnappers, let the police deal with them.

Conan has not yet followed the Romans, does not understand the basic rules of the world, and is now in a state of confusion.

In the sky at this moment, Musashi and Kojiro, the official members of Team Rocket, were proud of carrying out this operation.

"Haha... Don't you think it's too late to sound the alarm now?"

Musashi has flaming red lips and long red hair like flames. The Rockets uniform on her body highlights her perfect figure, but the words she speaks are not very friendly.

"That's right, they said that we are some kind of Pokemon kidnapping group, am I mistaken, we are Team Rocket!"

Kojiro was triumphant and proud of his identity as the Rockets.

"Then give them some color and see!"

Musashi said with a smile.

"Yes, that's it, meow!"

Miaomiao raised her little paw and said happily, "Musashi, Kojiro, let's move!"

"It's up to you to say that!"

Regardless of whether it was Musashi or Kojiro, they all spoke in unison at this time, gave Meow Meow a disgusted look, and then dropped their Pokemon balls.

Gas bombs and Arbor snakes, these are the Pokemon of Musashi and Kojiro.

At this time, the gas bomb fell on the ground, spewing out strange smoke continuously, the smell was quite unpleasant, and it also blocked the line of sight.

Conan only felt that he was about to vomit, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to pinch his nose, not breathing for a while.

But he couldn't last long.

So I began to think of other ways to solve the problem of breathing difficulties, or to leave the area shrouded in smoke.

"Damn Team Rocket!"

The street was soon deserted, and amidst the smog, someone rushed in. It was a resolute young man wearing a hat.

He is accompanied by a yellow-haired mouse, which looks very cute.

This young man is Xiaozhi, a young man who dreams of becoming a Pokemon trainer. After he ran away from home, he tamed many Pokemon.

And he has an enemy, the Rockets trio.

No matter where he goes or what kind of friends he meets, there's always the Rockets trio.

"Hmph, to prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect world peace!"

"To carry out love and true evil!"

"Cute and charming villain!"

"I'm Musashi!"

"I'm Kojiro!"

"We are Team Rocket traveling through the galaxy!"

"White hole... a white tomorrow awaits us!"

"Meow, that's it!"

The trio of the Rockets came on the stage together, posing a very chic poss, and the smoke dissipated here, and the field of vision re-opened.

Conan, who was hiding on the side of the street, could see more clearly. Two parties were confronting each other, one was a boy with Pikachu, and the other was a strange combination of two people plus a meow.

Although he didn't know why they confronted each other, Conan felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. For the sake of safety, it was better to run away in time.

However, just when Conan was about to run away, the battle started!

Pikachu made a weird cry, and then released a hundred thousand volts, hitting Musashi and Kojiro's Pokemon.

Gas Bomb and Abo Snake rushed to the street on the spot, and were stunned by Pikachu's [-] volts.

"Damn! This Pikachu is really not simple, look at me..."

Musashi was about to throw another Pokemon ball, but before she could act, Pikachu made another [-] volt move, and then she and Kojiro were stunned.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Miaomiao chose a strategic transfer and escaped with Musashi and Kojiro.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and praised Pikachu: "Well done, Pikachu, you defeated them again."

"Pickup pickup..."

Pikachu also happily came to Xiaozhi's side, and rubbed his head against Xiaozhi's trouser leg.

Conan, who witnessed this scene, felt that he had found the right person, and who else was more reliable than this young man.

There is hope for him to complete the task!

So Conan took the initiative to find Xiaozhi and asked him how to become a Pokemon trainer.

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