Happy Fishing Farm

Chapter 374 Contradictory Life Form

, Xiaoyao Yuchang

After listening to Li Xuan and Yang Hua's explanation, Father Li finally understood what's going on under the sea.

"That's it, it's really difficult," Father Li touched his hands, and suddenly raised his head, "Why don't I go down and have a look, if there is really no way, then don't waste time, we don't catch sea cucumbers, You can also catch other seafood."

Li Xuan shook his head, "This is me and Uncle Yang trying to figure out a way. If those sea cucumbers run away quickly, or hide well and can't find them, it's fine. Now they're all aestivating, and we've discovered their hiding place." If you can’t catch it, it’s just unreasonable.”

For Li Xuan, sea cucumbers can not only be sold for money, but they can also be kept for eating, which is also a very beneficial item.

Especially for special populations such as middle-aged and elderly people, sea cucumbers have miraculous effects in nourishing and improving human immunity.

As early as thousands of years ago, sea cucumber was as famous as ginseng, bird's nest and shark's fin, and it was one of the eight treasures in the world.

Sea cucumber is not only a precious food, but also a valuable medicinal material.

According to the records in "Compendium of Materia Medica": Sea cucumbers are sweet and salty, tonify the kidneys, benefit the essence, take urine, aphrodisiac and treat impotence.

Therefore, sea cucumbers have long been regarded as high-grade nutritional products.

Sea cucumbers have many miraculous functions and are the subject of research by many scientists, especially the powerful regeneration and repair functions, which are of great significance to the research of human life and health.

In addition, Li Xuan also knows a lot of very interesting things related to sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers are like a contradictory body of life.

Sea cucumbers live in calm, secluded bays, where reefs are full, the bottom of the sea is potholed, and where seaweed grows.

Sea cucumbers can be seen in waters with a depth of 20 meters to [-] meters.

On June 2012, 6, my country's Jiaolong dived to a depth of 22 meters and found transparent sea cucumber samples.

Speaking of it, sea cucumbers are actually quite pitiful.

Now there is a popular saying on the Internet, which is called poor to eat dirt.

This sentence is just a joke, but sea cucumbers really eat dirt.

After the scientists dissected the sea cucumber, they found that the intestines of the sea cucumber were full of sand.

Sea cucumbers feed on seabed organic matter and microscopic animals and plants.

Because there is very little food on the bottom of the sea, in order to fill their stomachs, sea cucumbers have to swallow a large amount of sediment at the bottom of the sea every day, absorb the organic matter in it, and then discharge clean sediment and indigestible substances.

A sea cucumber handles about [-] liters of sediment per year, so it grows extremely slowly, and therefore contains a large amount of beneficial trace elements such as zinc, selenium, calcium, iron, and magnesium in the body, which is why it has many nourishing functions and is precious. One of the important reasons.

In addition, humans have also discovered that sea cucumbers have very strong vitality and have very strong regeneration capabilities.

When in danger, they will quickly expel all their internal organs, confuse the enemy, and take the opportunity to escape.

It only takes about two months. With the help of its own powerful regeneration function, new internal organs will grow out again. Eviction is a way for sea cucumbers to protect themselves.

Sea cucumbers can not only excrete internal organs, even if half of the whole body is bitten off, or even the waist is broken into several pieces, as long as they are not eaten, sea cucumbers will repair themselves.

In about half a year, after the sea cucumber repairs the wound, each segment will grow into a complete sea cucumber.

Some sea cucumbers also have the ability to self-cut. When the sea cucumber feels that the external environment is not suitable, it can cut itself into several sections, and each section can grow into a new individual later.

In short, the vitality of sea cucumber is really strong, especially it is not afraid of cold, even in the freezing environment, it can be in the freezing without fear, it can still survive in the freezing temperature of minus [-] degrees .However, sea cucumbers are very afraid of heat.

When the water temperature exceeds [-] degrees Celsius, the food intake of sea cucumbers will be greatly reduced.

When the water temperature exceeds [-] degrees in summer, sea cucumbers will enter aestivation. They sink to the deep sea and live under safe reefs.

The length of the aestivation period is mainly related to the change of water temperature, and also related to the size of the sea cucumber. The aestivation time of large individuals is long, and the aestivation time of small individuals is short.

As long as the temperature is slightly higher, sea cucumbers that are afraid of heat and fresh water will be unbearable. When the water temperature exceeds 28 degrees Celsius, the life activities of sea cucumbers will be abnormal.

When the water temperature exceeds [-] degrees, the decomposition and release of toxic substances at the bottom of the water will lead to a sharp deterioration of the water quality, resulting in the lack of oxygen in the water body and the growth of pathogens, making sea cucumbers extremely prone to diseases.

When the water temperature continues to be higher than 48 degrees for more than [-] hours, sea cucumbers cannot maintain basic life activities through aestivation and can only die.

In addition, the low salinity of seawater in the sea cucumber pool will also cause the death of sea cucumbers.

According to some farmers who specialize in raising sea cucumbers, the most feared thing about raising sea cucumbers is heavy rain. Heavy rainfall will cause the salinity of sea cucumber ponds to drop sharply, causing large-scale death of sea cucumbers.

Moreover, for the breeders, the high temperature weather can be solved by putting ice cubes in the breeding ponds. UuReading books on a rainy day is really very confusing, so you can't put salt in the breeding ponds.

In short, fresh and live sea cucumbers are extremely delicate, and the conditions suitable for storage are very limited, and they will disappear if you are not careful.

The disappearance of sea cucumbers is a real disappearance.

When the sea cucumber leaves the seawater, an autolytic enzyme will be automatically produced in the body.

Within a few hours, the sea cucumber will melt itself into a liquid, watery, and dissolve without a trace.

Therefore, fishermen should add salt, boil and other treatments immediately after harvesting, and should not leave them for a long time.

As long as fresh and live sea cucumbers are processed into dried sea cucumbers, they can be stored for a long time and are resistant to mildew and insects.

In addition, there are also data showing that sea cucumbers will automatically dissolve in the sea after ten years of growth.

At the same time, not only leaving seawater, but also autolysis will occur when the sea cucumber growth environment is polluted.

Dried sea cucumbers will also self-dissolve when exposed to oily substances, which is why merchants prohibit the use of oil-stained containers when teaching consumers to foam sea cucumbers.

In short, according to Li Xuan's understanding, sea cucumbers are really a very contradictory creature.

Its vitality is weak, it is fine to cut into several pieces, and it will not freeze to death at minus [-] degrees.

It can be said to be strong, it will dissolve by itself at the slightest sign of trouble, and there will not even be a corpse left behind.

The body of the sea cucumber has hideous and terrifying spikes, but in fact it is soft and does not hurt at all.

In addition, sea cucumbers live on the bottom of the sea, but they can't swim.

Sea cucumbers are on the bottom of the sea and can only move and crawl on the bottom of the sea with tube feet and muscle expansion and contraction.

Moreover, the crawling speed is quite slow, unable to walk three meters in an hour, comparable to sloths.

So many people say that the living space of sea cucumbers is basically within three square meters.

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